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Extraterrestrial Life

When we talk about proof of UFO sightings there is no way to be sure photos are evidence anymore. Recently a photo of a UFO near a helicopter was released onto the internet. The person who put it up claimed he had taken the photo about 30 years ago near China Lake. China Lake is a US Navy Weapons Station. He went on to say he held the photos so long, because he was scared to release them since he took them in a restricted area. When I looked at the photos it seemed to me to indicate the UFO was pasted into the photo, but I couldn’t be sure. First of all, I have never seen the original photos, only what was posted. The photos had been sent to five different photo analysis. Two of them claimed they couldn’t be sure if the photos were real, one said the photo was genuine and two others claimed it was a hoax. As you can see even the experts couldn’t agree. It seems we have reached a plateau where we can no longer rely on photographic evidence in most instances. This is too bad since proof is now harder to get if we eliminate photos from the mix.

Every once in a while, we hear about an old UFO sighting we never heard about before. At least I do. I was reading about one which occurred in 1937 in Fontana, California. Three brothers were outside when a bright light appeared overhead. The object was a glowing cylinder. The brothers were young children and when they ran the object followed them from above. When the event was over some of the brothers suffered from dreams about a tall being coming out from behind a door. Had the children saw more than they remembered? There have been quite a few cases where hypnotism has brought back memories. Perhaps they had been taken aboard and then had their memories wiped.

There is a new movement known as The Message From God or TNMFG. The only reason I am mentioning this is the fact its leader Marshall Vian Summers claims to be a prophet and has stated alien civilizations are monitoring earth and they are about to rob us of our valuable resources. He went on to say almost all of the UFO sightings are alien and they are abducting people and performing experiments on them. When have we heard this before? Perhaps it was the thousands of times this has been published all over the internet. He further stated a group of aliens wants very much to visit us and it may spell disaster for us. He claims the reason he is revealing this information is because God asked him to. It just so happens he is publishing a new book.

We are starting to get stories about how people were able to contact extraterrestrials. Years ago, Timothy Good, the famous author of over 30 plus books told me he managed to contact an alien by sending out thoughts while sitting in a chair in the lobby of a hotel and was able to do it in about 30 minutes. He said the alien looked like a human, but spoke to him telepathically and asked him what he wanted, but he said he was too nervous to answer and the alien left. Recently a man filed a report with MUFON, the Mutual UFO Network stating he had been able to contact an extraterrestrial using a technique known as contact 5 protocol which was a technique used by Dr. Steven Greer the famous UFO investigator and head of the Discovery Project. He said he was walking and a light appeared over his head and it changed from purple to red when he requested it to. He claimed he had called the aliens there.

A 92-year-old man said he heard US Airforce Personnel discussing the Rendlesham UFO incident, but they were saying there were not only lights, but “little people” who were seen. The Rendlesham incident has been called by many the British Roswell. This might not be too accurate since they were different types of incidents. Roswell was said to be a crash while the Rendlesham incident was a small ship which landed and then left. It was believed by many to be a sort of drone and when it was touched it poured all sorts of info into the brain of the man who touched it.

We are finding out that some types of microbes can survive on the chemicals in our atmosphere and need no other supply of nutrients. What does this mean for alien life? Will we find alien life which doesn’t need to eat or drink? Alien life could be so foreign to us we would really have no idea what it would take to sustain it. Even the fact it would be biological may not be true in all cases. This is why I have often said the search for extraterrestrial worlds which might contain life should not be limited to those in a certain golden zones, because we believe they are the only zones where life can exist. The truth is we really don’t know.

A UFO investigator is accusing NASA of hiding something found out by the Voyager probe. Scott Waring thinks NASA has a reason for not giving the data from the Voyager 1 probe to the people. He has made a request for the data, but so far nothing has been released. He claims there is 40 years of data collected by the probe and yet none of it have been released. He stated NASA told him they often beamed back data the probe collected yet we haven’t seen any of it. Waring thinks the probe may have come across intelligent life on its trip, but we will never know this if the data isn’t released. Voyager 1 several has scientific instruments onboard. They are a high-gain antenna, low energy charged particle detector, cosmic ray detector, Ultraviolet Spectrometer, Plasma detector, Photopolarimeter, optical calibration target and Planetary radio astronomy and plasma wave antenna. There could be more we were never told about. Even though these instruments might seem crude by today’s standards they could have picked up something of great interest to us, even the presence of alien life.