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Antarctica Anomalies and Strange Events

There are all sorts of anomalies both on the earth and in space. They are considered anomalies because they don’t fit into any of the accepted explanations for what they could be, which leaves us with educated guesses in some cases and some not so educated ones in other cases. One of the greatest puzzles is in the South Pole or Antarctica. Actually there are a few anomalies there for which we have no explanations for. The first major one is known as the Wilksland Antarctica Anomaly. We didn’t notice this one until we sent up a very sophisticated satellite which picked up on the fact there was an isolated area in Antarctica which had very powerful gravity, so powerful it reached up over 300 miles and exerted the strongest pull on satellites, of any area on earth. Gravity varies all over our planet, depending on the size of the land mass. It turns out there is no reason why there should be more gravity in this area since the area has the thinnest mantle in the area, but there is something which seems to be there. It could be a very large meteor which hit a long time ago and is still sitting in that area. Whatever it is, it is surrounded by a ring like shape. Some UFO buffs believe it could be a giant spaceship.

There is a very strange opening at Antarctica, it is strange because not only is it big, but it has an odd shape which seems to fit the profile of a flying saucer. It is carved into a mountain and is high up, so it would only be accessible from the air. The United States became aware of this sometime during World War II or a little before and when the war ended an expedition was sent to the Antarctic led by Admiral Byrd. It was known as Operation Highjump and consisted of over 4,700 men, 13 ships and 33 planes. When the military was asked what was the objective of operation Highjump they said there were several reasons for it. One was they wanted to test personnel and equipment in frigid conditions and the government was thinking about the feasibility of establishing a base. They also said they wanted to study the properties of Antarctica, among other things. Admiral Byrd had warned the United States should adopt measures to protect itself from invasions from the poles. The UFO community has stressed there was a secret diary in existence compiled by Admiral Byrd which states Operation Highjump was attacked by UFOs which were saucer shaped and the expedition had to leave Antarctica before they were all destroyed. Many speculate the real reason for Highjump was to explore and entrance which was found that led underground and was enormous.

Speaking about Antarctic a strange thing was found in the ocean at a depth of 13,500 feet. The section of the ocean I am talking about is near Antarctica. The discovery was made in 1964 by a ship which lowered a device all the way down. To the surprise of everyone on the ship the device had taken a photo of a pole which had twelve spokes radiating from it and each spoke ended in a sphere. The spokes are at a 15° angle to each other. It seemed to be anchored to the ocean bed and yet there was no submarine in 1964 which could have gone this deep. Some believe this is an antenna, but the question is how did it get where it is located and who put it there?

When Lake Vostok was discovered in Antarctica it was considered an anomaly. Why would one consider a lake an anomaly? Perhaps it was the fact the lake was under 2 miles of solid ice and it was four times the volume of Lake Ontario. Finding any large body of water under the ice was unexpected, especially something this big. One of the reasons for that is one would suspect liquid water couldn’t exist under all that ice and yet there it was. This may be one of the reasons why we believe some of the ice covering moons in our solar system are covering oceans. It is said in some places the lake is more than 3,000 feet deep. It is believed this lake has been cut off from the rest of the world for at least 14 million years and there could be life in it which no longer exists anywhere else.

Here is something I have spoken about before. It is the great Antarctic pyramid which is being covered up, not in the sense this is physically being done, but in the sense it is being kept secret from us. An investigative reporter found out about this pyramid from a whistleblower who had seen it firsthand. Here is the address for the original article about the pyramid TruthFacts\Since082514\Ancient6.html, you can click on it. The gist of the story is there is not only an ancient pyramid in Antarctica, but it is under US government control and is putting out electrical energy. It has been suspected by many the purpose of the pyramids was to generate power, power that would have been used for alien craft flying around the planet. Evidence has been found in a Mexican pyramid which seems to indicate this is probably true.

When we think about Antarctica and wonder why anyone would have built pyramids there, we have to realize that Antarctica was once a rainforest. Scientists now say about 52 million years ago the area was near tropical. Could this mean a pyramid found in Antarctica could be that old? If it is, that date precedes the starting date for humans, according to science, by 51 million 700,000 years considering the newest discoveries. This would mean there were earlier races on this planet, humans might have been around a heck of a lot longer than suspected, or aliens built the pyramids. Some believe there was an earlier race and it is still here living underground.

In 2015 a retired US Navy petty officer decided to blow the whistle on what he saw in Antarctica. He claimed he was flying cargo and rescue there between the years of 1983 and 1997. He claims to have seen humans and aliens working together and says Antarctica is a major research area for these collaborations. He also claimed during the time he undertook these flights he saw UFOs several times and also saw a hole in the ice which was about 5 to 10 miles in diameter and there was a no fly zone over the hole. He said the hole was an entrance to a research base which had been created under the ice. He went on to say one time near Marie Byrd Land a dozen scientists had disappeared for about two weeks and when they reappeared he and his flight crew were assigned to pick them up and he said they look terrified.

Are there strange things going on in Antarctica and other strange anomalies there? It certainly looks that way.