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The Dark Pyramid In Alaska

As many of you know I have talked before about the various pyramids which have been turning up all over the world. Many of them are far larger than the Great Pyramid in Egypt and far older. We cannot be exactly sure when these huge structures began to be built, because we keep finding older ones. The last one I mentioned was the Bosnian Pyramid which has been dated at somewhere around 20,000 years old which in this case is very accurate, because organic material was found between the stones in the structure which made it easier to date. Now we have found another large pyramid and it is not in Africa, South America or in Europe, but in Alaska in the good ole USA. In 2012 Doug Mutschler sent an email to Linda Moulton Howe and it read as follows: “My father was ‘re-recruited’ by the military to join a group of other experts to study and work at an underground structure in Alaska that in his words they called the ”Dark Pyramid.""

The story started with China. In 1992 that country set off it largest underground nuclear explosion. It seems this gave geologists and other scientists a chance to use the event to study the Earth’s crust. As they were conducting their study they must have been shocked at what they found. They discovered a pyramid-shaped structure sitting underground in western Alaska. It is said the story of the blast and discovery was broadcast on Anchorage news, but was ordered erased. Each side of the pyramid is 1510 feet. This makes each side twice as wide as the Great Pyramid at Giza which has sides of 755 feet each. It had been said the pyramid in Alaska was much larger than the Great Pyramid so this is consistent with that statement. Here is something which spices up the find, it is located in an area known as the Alaskan Bermuda Triangle. This means something to me. I say that, because if a pyramid might account for strange happenings in an area than we might just find one or more pyramids in the real Bermuda Triangle and this is not the first time this has been suggested.

Linda Moulton Howe says the pyramid is real and says this is the location, altitude/longitude 63Β°17’51.40β€³N 152Β°31’24.49β€³W about fifty miles southwest of Mount McKinley. The elevation there is 1,150 feet. Apparently the US military has known about this pyramid for many decades since the 1970s. The father of a man named Bruce Pearson was taken on a flight to the pyramid where supplies were dropped off, the plane refueled and returned. He had been taken along because the pilot was a friend and both were former military pilots and both had served on PT boats. Mr. Pearson said his father had told him about the parts delivery mission and his father admitted he thought the flight was going to go to a radar installation, he had no idea he was headed to an underground pyramid. When he got into the plane he was told he was not going to a radar station, but to a generating plant. The father asked if it was a nuclear plant, and was told no it was non-nuclear, thousands of years old and shaped like a pyramid. He was also told it was 150 feet below ground.

The pilot went on to tell the father the pyramid puts out enough juice to power the entire country of Canada and no one has a clue where it came from. As the men flew out on their helicopter they noticed a small fixed wing plane followed them out. The cargo was 3 aluminum cases. The father was told not to worry, because all the alarms on the helicopter will go off at about 5 miles away and they did for a while. The entire electrical system on the helicopter went haywire including the compass which was spinning extremely fast. When the chopper arrived at the site he saw a couple of buildings, a motor pool and a couple of mine shaft elevators. The elevators had electrified fencing around them and guard houses on top. The heavily armed men at the small base wore black uniforms with no insignia and trained their weapons on the helicopter. It took six men to unload the three cases and there was no paper work.

In discussing how this pyramid was found with a retired naval captain, Ms. Howe was told it could have been detected when thousands of scientists were sent to Alaska to build the DEW Line, the early warning system for objects beings sent against the US from over the North Pole. He went on to say as we were planning it we had to make sure the antennas were in the best place to avoid electromagnetic interference and this interference could have led to the discovery of the pyramid. Interference would have been encountered, but without anything being seen. This could have led to digging in the area which uncovered the pyramid.

As strange as all this sounds a team of 8 explorers have claimed they have found three pyramids in Antarctica sticking through the ice. I think it is becoming quite obvious that a system of pyramids existed in ancient times and they were used to generate power and may have had other uses we don’t know about yet. This raises the question were humans far more advanced in ancient times than we are today or did alien beings come down to our planet and construct these pyramids? It certainly is a fascinating question. If humans were far more advanced then something must have happened to send them back to the Stone Age, perhaps a war. This would fit into the scenario of ruins on the moon and possibly other planets from a war which decimated the human race which had advanced into space.

On the other hand there is a theory we were sent here as colonists in the distant past and the pyramids were put here by an advanced race and over the years we somehow have forgotten our roots. There are also other theories, but the real theme here is the fact there are pyramids all over and I am sure we will find a lot more because there is no reason to suspect we have found them all. It would be nice to know what the government knows about these things.

