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Seeing With Our Brains

Remote viewing is a fascinating subject and even though the government has stated it has ended its remote viewing program, the topic keeps popping up. We know the government had some success with the remote viewing program, so why would it want to end a successful program and one that had so much potential for spying? If there is one thing we know for sure it is the fact the US government loves to spy on people. If one was to ask what is the favorite pastime of our government it would have to be spying, because they have made an effort to spy on everyone in the entire world by listening in on phone calls, reading emails and making all sorts of efforts to know our every action. Getting back to remote viewing let me tell you again what it is, because there may be some who have never heard of it. It is the ability to picture in your mind what is going on somewhere in the world and do it accurately. It sounds like a lot of baloney, but our government and the Soviet government found it worked.

When classified information was released about the project, only the information which was vague and not very helpful seems to have been the data we were allow to see. As with anything important we NEVER get all the information. Not only is this true, but when information is released it is sometimes so redacted there is nothing more than black redactions across entire pages of data. It makes the entire concept of freedom of information seem to be nothing more than a saying. Are our brains capable of more than we have suspected, because remote viewing would require them to perform well beyond the norm? Science has suspected we are capable of far more, but when it is talked about it sounds like we are talking about science fiction. Could there be some sort of tie in with being able to change an atom instantly no matter how far away it is by changing an atom here? To instantly see into an area even a few feet from a room where the viewer is sitting is fantastic, but being able to see into a part of the world and perhaps other worlds is so incredible it will cause some people to doubt the sanity of those who talk about this.

There is an entire realm of almost supernatural abilities we may have and not know about. Not all of us may possess these abilities and those who do possess them may not have these powers equally. There has been talk over the years of aliens creating hybrid humans. Could it be these hybrids are the ones with these powers or if we believe science we are evolving faster than ever before and maybe this is the reason these powers are appearing. There may even be more to these powers than we have seen. If one can look into an area from far away using nothing more than his or her brain, might it be possible to also look into that area in a different time? This would mean remote viewing could be used as a sort of time machine to see how things were in the past and even in the future. The big question is if we could see into the future man would be tempted to develop devices from the future and this would change our development. Maybe that is the way things are meant to be, who can say for sure?

When the CIA and the scientists talked about remote viewing they called it successful. The remote viewers were said to have identified the contents of envelopes hundreds of miles away and then concentrated on trying to use remote viewing on the planet Jupiter. It was said the remote viewers discovered a new ring around Jupiter which was later confirmed by Pioneer 10 when it flew by the planet. Does this mean there is no range limitation to remote viewing? Now I would like to tell you something which never seems to be mentioned and it is the fact the remote viewers used their powers to examine the surface of the moon and found alien bases there. They may have also looked into UFOs and such, after all there was nothing to stop them from doing this. It is said research by the Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research Department confirmed the fact remote viewing worked.

This brings up all sorts of questions about remote viewing and one which has been mentioned is whether it is an out of body experience even if we don’t realize it. It seems the famous scientist Nikola Tesla was very interested in this type of thing and he felt if we could make progress in non-physical phenomena we would advance more in a couple of years than we did in the entire time the human race has existed. Our brains may be so powerful we are capable of even far more than what I have already spoken about. Scientists have talked about warp engines and time travel. They want to build devices to accomplish these things and more, but what if we already have this ability without building them, what if the ability exists in our brains. Now that we know remote viewing can be accomplished from hundreds of millions of miles away, perhaps distance is no barrier and we can use it to explore the most distant galaxies. Maybe we are doing it already.

Could it be possible we also have the ability to contact someone or something using this power? One has to wonder if we have tried this. I have yet to see anything about this mentioned, which by itself means nothing. It may be one of those things the government doesn’t want us to know about. I would love to know if remote viewers could peer into other dimensions if they exist. We might have the answers to a lot of these questions, but they may be locked up in black projects. It reminds me of Ben Rich the former head of Lockheed Skunk Works, where a lot of secret planes were developed. When he was dying and on his deathbed he said, “We already have the means to travel among the stars, but these technologies are locked up in black projects, and it would take an act of God to ever get them out to benefit humanity. Anything you can imagine, we already know how to do.” He also said, “We now have the technology to take ET home. No, it won’t take someone’s lifetime to do it. ” Was he referring to brain power or technological development or both. Perhaps the power of our brains can be used directly to influence machines.

No matter how one looks at things, it seems if they study what has gone on in the secret world of remote viewing they will have to conclude it is still going on and is more powerful than ever.


