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Putin’s Threats

I wonder who read about or saw the announcement by Vladimir Putin the President of Russia. In case you missed it, I will put it in a nutshell. He said the Russians have a cruise missile which is nuclear powered and cannot be shot down by anything we have. He also said the Russians had an undersea drone with a nuclear warhead which cannot be intercepted. I have to think if he really believed what he was saying, he wouldn’t have told us, but he would have launched his weapons. I do not believe Putin wants to start a nuclear war with us, but he wants to not only look strong, but impress his citizens. There has been some unrest in Russia and in case you haven’t noticed when someone like Putin has his leadership threatened they usually resort to trying to show how powerful they are.

First, I would like to tell you what Putin may be referring to. Let’s talk about the nuclear-powered cruise missile first. There has been talk about a scram jet powered cruise missile for a few years now. A scram jet is extremely fast and theoretically can reach about Mach 15, which means the limit of its speed could be about 15 times the speed of sound if you had materials which wouldn’t melt and could stand the stress of that speed. Currently it is believed they will be able to reach about Mach 7 or 7 times the speed of sound. Nuclear power for one of these would negate the need to carry a lot of fuel and increase the range. It has also been said these cruse missiles can change their trajectory while in flight, something an ICBM can’t do. This is believed to make them extremely hard to shoot down. Before you get too excited, both the US and China have also been working on them. We might already have one, but if we do it would be a secret. He also announced a new missile called Avangard and claimed a speed of 20 times the speed of sound for it.

Next, I am going to talk about the underwater drone. It is being said it could be launched from Russia and sent toward the US. Supposedly it will have a 100-megaton dirty nuclear warhead and could be used to create a tsunami full of radioactive material which would wash over the coastal states of the US. It is said to be able to reach a speed of about 100 miles per hour under water, but if current Russian torpedo technology is examined we find the Russians now have the capability of launching a torpedo which will travel at 300 miles per hour with a theoretical limit of 600 miles per hour. The reason for this speed underwater is it was discovered if the torpedo or any other underwater device travels inside a bubble it can travel much faster. The torpedo would take quite a long time to reach us.

It would be very foolish for the Russians to underestimate us. We are not a country which brags about our weapons and many of them are secret. Here is a news article which just came out today and I have to think it was released to show we are not as helpless as Putin says we are. The US Army still uses the Abrams tank as its main battle wagon and lately many have been saying it is getting long in the tooth. A sort of shield is going to be created around our tanks to protect them. The system consists of antennas all around the vehicle. When an incoming missile or shell is detected a load of metal is shot at it setting it off. The Israelis have been doing this for a few years and we are going to use the same type of shield.

There has been a lot of talk about what types of weapons we may have and some educated guesses have been made, so while many of our weapons are secret I can talk about these. First, I would like to say we have one of the best weapon’s idea agency in the world and it is called DARPA which stands for the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. When the military is stuck and can’t figure something out or needs ideas for a new weapon DARPA is where they go. There is a lot of work going on in mind control. Yeah, I know this sounds like science fiction, but it isn’t. Tied in with this is subliminal messaging and it is felt it could be very useful on the battlefield.

It is being said DARPA has decided to get into developing flying aircraft carriers and submarine aircraft carriers. The Japanese had limited success with the submarine carriers and were able to hold up to five seaplanes in a special hanger constructed on the deck of specific type of submarine developed for this purpose. Here is the thing about DARPA, they usually don’t announce anything except when it has leaked out, then they usually might say it is in some sort of planning stage when in reality it has already been completed.

Project Thor has been said to have been already created. It is a system which fires a 6-meter-long tungsten rods which hit with so much force it equals a small nuclear weapon and yet has no warhead. It is fired at the earth from orbit. We also have something which many know about, but its purpose is said to be only for communications. It is named HARP and consists of large arrays of antennas. Many are saying it can create earthquakes and claim it was tested on Haiti in 2010 and created an earthquake there. I would hope not.

It is almost a certainty we have developed a cloaking device which will make all our battlefield weapons disappear, because they will become invisible to the naked eye. We also have a new type of Taser which will shock an entire crowd of soldiers or anyone else rendering them harmless. We have light tanks which are drones. An active denial system is mounted on a truck which releases microwaves which the skin absorbs and this causes intense pain which allows us to overpower an enemy. The laser weapons we possess no longer seem to be secret.

The US Navy has decided Lasers are better than railguns and are killing the railgun project in favor of them. The US Air Force has decided to buy a new type of satellite which is jam-resistant. They are not resistant to be blow out of the sky however. The US has entered a program of modernizing it nuclear weapons and this includes their delivery devices. Let no one think we are sitting ducks, because we certainly are not. Regardless of what Russia says, a nuclear war would destroy both countries and they know this.