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Future Weapons

For those people who think the weapons we have today are horrendous I have to say there are even more secret weapons which are more horrible and are about to hit the battlefield. We saw some of these weapons being tested in Iraq. One of them was mounted on a tank and when it was fired it put out something akin to a lightning bolt. When this bolt struck an object such as a school bus it hit, it turned a good part of the bus into molten metal. When it struck a human being it shrunk their corpse down to the size of a newborn baby. This is only one of the weapons we have been hiding which we decided to give a small test to. No doubt the Russians and maybe the Chinese also have some horrific new weapons. One mysterious object which may be a weapon is the X- 37B. This is the robotic vehicle which looks like a small space shuttle. We launched this object into space and it spent 500 days orbiting the earth and yet nobody knows much about it. Is it a weapon, is it a space vehicle or is it something else?

One of the things I find interesting about the weapon which was used in Iraq is the fact it seems to be some sort of very high voltage weapon and yet apparently the power source fits completely into a tank and may even fit into something smaller. One has to wonder if the announcement by Lockheed Martin a few years ago about having developed a scalable fusion generator has anything to do with this weapon. I say this, because if one could build a small enough fusion generator they could put out enormous amounts of power. One would hope that a device like this would be used to power homes and office buildings so they wouldn’t have to rely on the electrical grid, but that’ll probably never happen, because it is too valuable as a source for powering weapons.

Since so many weapons are secret it is hard to know what weapons the United States possesses, but there are those who have either been able to piece together some of the things we have or have heard rumors about the status of our weapons. This doesn’t mean that every weapon cited here actually exists it only means there is a good chance it does. I am not talking about far out science fiction stuff such as time machines and inter-dimensional weapons. One of the things we are doing is taking fleets of F 16’s and turning them into unmanned drones. I think it is important to know the United States possesses the biggest Air Force in the world and far out numbers any other country’s Air Force. We can afford to turn these planes into drones, because we still have far more planes than anyone else. The Air Force has been concentrating on recruiting drone operators for its burgeoning drone fleet which not only includes the F-16s, but many other types of drones such as the Reaper which is the largest drone we have. It has a wingspan of 84 feet and weighs 7000 pounds and can hold 3000 pounds and also can fly for 36 hours. It is equipped with an incredible device which allows it to read a license plate from 2 miles away.

Is claimed we will soon have an incredible fleet of missiles that will be able to fly at Mach 20, which is 20 times the speed of sound and each one will be able to make a pinpoint strike at anyone of the Russian’s military bases and radar stations. As we build these things is it any wonder the Russians are getting very anxious? It is said we have a secret program called the U.S. Prompt Global Strike program. These missiles are able to travel so fast there is no way to shoot them down. Being rational people we must realize nothing is impervious and given enough time someone will probably develop a defense against these missiles, but if they come out in the near future they may prove to be impossible to defend against for at least a while. The idea is to launch thousands of them at once and knock out the retaliatory capability of a country. No one seems to mention the fact many missiles in other countries are mounted on trucks and are able to move around making them hard to find.

Along with missiles the Air Force has a program called Long Range Strike Bomber or LRS-B. The idea is to develop a new bomber which is so stealthy it can drop its payload before anyone knows it’s there. The bomber is said to be designed in such a way it can fly without human personnel or with them piloting it. Not all futuristic weapons are new, some of them are upgrades to existing weapons. The past example of this is the B-52, a bomber which has been around so long there are pilots in the Air Force who had grandfathers flying them. The Air Force decided the B-52 made a great platform for cruise missiles and equipped some of them with the capability to standoff away from a target and launch their huge cruise missile cargo. This effectively changed some of the B-52s from bombers into a launching platform.

The F-X is a fighter plane scheduled to replace the F-22, which is said to be our most advanced fighter plane. There is not much information about this plane yet. One can only hope it is a better plane than the F-35 which has been plagued with defects. The military is trying to figure out what dangers it can expect after 2030 and design a war plane to combat these dangers. It is said the U.S. Navy will also be inputting information into this program. They have their own next generation fighter program they are working on to replace the F/A-18E/F Super Hornet. They are also looking at post 2030. There has been a lot of talk about creating tiny unmanned vehicles and sending in many thousands of them at targets with the idea of overwhelming defenses.
What this world really needs are enforceable treaties to end this mad arms race. Just think about the amounts of money we are wasting. If we applied this money to our country we would be living in a paradise.