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Are There Underground Bases?

I don’t know about you, but I’ve been hearing an awful lot about underground bases lately. I hear about them on the earth, on the moon, Mars and the moons of Mars and in other places. It makes me wonder why the subject is so hot right now. Could there be any truth to this stuff? We hear about underground bases under places like the Denver Airport where conspiracy theorists swear there is a hidden base. It is true the Denver Airport has a location which doesn’t make any sense, since it is so far away from Denver itself. It is also true it is a weird place which had strange pictures all over the walls which were finally removed. The construction process seemed to have removed far too much earth for the size of the airport itself, but this doesn’t necessarily mean there is an underground base there, but it certainly does fan the flames of suspicion. There have been a few television stories about Denver Airport and how some people think there is something underneath it. They have pointed out none of the doors lead to anything below it. I really don’t think this proves anything since if there was something under the airport I’m sure it wouldn’t be right out in the open for all to find.

We’ve heard many people say Mars has at least one hollow moon and it has a base inside. Supposedly aliens are using this as a base of operations for their UFOs. Where did this idea come from? I think some tests must have shown there is at least a hollow space in the moon, but as far as UFOs being stationed in there, that is just supposition. I don’t recall ever hearing anyone say they saw a UFO coming out of one of the Mar’s moons. I also have to wonder why if aliens do exist they would ever bother using the inside of one of these moons as a base. After all what is the point when they could just land anywhere and there is nothing we could do about it unless it is true we have a secret space program and in that case I guess we could be the ones using the inside of the moon as a base. We would probably have the best reason to want to hide our ships inside of a hollow moon, since we wouldn’t want other nations finding out about them. I don’t think true UFOs would ever care about this.

VP Cheney was living at the US Naval Observatory when all kinds of construction was going on underground. It was said tunnels were being constructed for trains which run to some of the most important areas of the capital. This train allows legislators and other important dignitaries to be able to escape on it if there is an emergency. This is one rumor which is probably true, because when it comes to protecting themselves its politicians first and everyone else second. So at least this part of going underground is true. We also know buildings around that area were subject to shaking for months while the construction was going on. Many people in the area were aware something was happening and they all realized it had to be under the ground. I don’t know exactly how far these trains go but there have been some stories which claim not only does the train go to several important points in Washington to pick up politicians in an emergency, but it also will take them to an underground shelter which has taken years to build.

What about the stories that pertain to astronauts who claim they saw lights coming out of craters on the moon? There are a lot of UFO investigators who say there are underground facilities on the moon. Is there any chance this could be true? We know one thing and that is when Apollo 11 landed on the moon a secret broadcast was made from the astronauts back to NASA and it was picked up by many ham operators even though it was not on a public channel. The message indicated the astronauts saw UFOs parked on the rim of a crater and they were watching them. Were they really aliens and not part of a secret space program and could there be secret bases underground on the moon, even though it seems digging underground would be a waste of time since the alien ships could park anywhere without being in danger from us? On the other side of the coin it is stated there were many alien ships parked on the dark side of the moon and if this is so, wouldn’t that eliminate the need for underground bases?

There were also stories about the United States and Russia constantly digging underground for reasons which are supposedly unknown. One article I have read states the US has more digging machines than any other country in the world and has even purchased the machines which were built for the Chunnel, which is the tunnel between Great Britain and France. It is also said we have nuclear powered digging machines. I have no way to verify this, but many stories have come out which state we have all sorts of tunnels connecting many different military bases underground and we have even dug a tunnel under the ocean to connect our bases on other continents. It has also been said we have dug underground from the ocean to a land bound lake which is several hundred miles from the ocean, so our submarines can get to the lake for purposes unknown. As far as the Russians are concerned, there are quite a few stories saying they have been digging under mountains. One can’t help but think most countries are getting ready for some sort of nuclear war, if the stories are true. If anyone has seen one of these boring machines they would be amazed, they are the size of a train.

There are also some stories circulating which claim there could be underground bases hidden on some asteroids. Personally I don’t see the purpose this would serve since there are plenty of more stable objects in our solar system. A lot of people don’t realize it, but there are 181 known moons which come in all sizes. Humans have a long tradition of seeking shelter underground and World War II was a good example. In World War II the British subway system saved many lives, but wouldn’t be much use today in a nuclear attack. If we want protection we would have to go a lot deeper and also be prepared to stay down a lot longer. There are no assurances of survival anymore, because radiation can last for quite some time and even if we came out of an underground shelter one year later, we might not be able to sustain ourselves on the surface. I am sure this will not stop us from digging however, since digging is in our nature as witnessed by some very ancient underground cities.