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Advanced Weapons And Devices

A famous person once said there is nothing as fleeting as a military secret. We see proof of this all the time. Have you ever wondered how come several countries are working on the same advanced weapons technology and yet they are enemies? How is it they have all been able to develop the same weapon? The answer is they usually steal info from each other. How many times have you read an article which is talking about secrets which were stolen from the United States? The thing is, we do the same thing to others if we are able. There are spies everywhere and hackers who are constantly trying to get into secret parts of systems. We have learned the hard way if something is connected to the internet it can be breached. In one way computers have made our lives a lot better, but in other ways they have allowed our national secrets to be tapped by others. It is bad enough when our precious data is stolen, but worse when it goes undetected.

Russia, China and the United States are probably very busy trying to steal information from each other on a project all three are working on and that is a ramjet powered missile which can travel at about 6 times the speed of sound and more importantly do course corrections while in flight to avoid being shot down. China has successfully tested its missile several times and it seems to work and is capable of carrying at least one nuclear warhead If not more. I had read a while back one of the main reasons for developing this missile was to use it to destroy United States aircraft carriers. The truth is this is a very deadly weapon and we have more to lose since we have many modern aircraft carriers while others don’t. Between the torpedoes which can now travel hundreds of miles per hour and retargetable missiles traveling at about 3,500 miles per hour, it looks like our carrier force is becoming more of a target every day.

I have to laugh when I think about the fact our enemies know more about our secret weapons than we do. Maybe laugh is the wrong word, but you know what I mean. There is no doubt we are working on some incredible weapons and I only wish some of these funds were people used to help us instead, but be that as it may, we can guess at some of the things being worked on, because of the way technology is going. The United States desperately wants to maintain a lead in space. That has been demonstrated many times, and what do you need to do this? One of the first things which comes to mind are space weapons. The U.S. has been working on kinetic weapons for some time, this is something we know for sure. We claim we have no nukes in space in respect for space treaties, but a kinetic weapon can hit with the force of a tactical nuke. It contains no explosive and causes destruction by its impact. The ones I heard about were about the size of a telephone pole, made of some hard metal and had fins to steer by. I can’t be sure we have placed them in space, but we could have.

Another thing you need if you want to control space is speed. One can’t be puttering along at the same speeds as earth vehicles, because you would never be able to reach anything. We need to be able to travel to the moon in an hour or less and get to Mars in a few days or sooner. I am sure as I write this experiments are taking place which eventually will make this happen. We know we can build a motor which will allow us to reach Mars in about 30 days, but we also need to be protected from radiation. We have heard of chemical rockets, nuclear rockets, Ion engines, solar sails and a couple of other devices for traveling in space, but what haven’t we heard about? I ask this question, because what we don’t know about what could be far more advanced than what we have heard about.

There are those who claim we actually have an engine which allows us to travel far faster than the speed of light. We would sound incredibly stupid if we told this to people, because they would laugh us off the planet, so why would I even mention this, am I delirious from watching too much Star Trek? I hope not. I mention this, because the former head of the Lockheed Skunk Works was on his deathbed when he decided to make this announcement. I’ve talked about Ben Rich before. He was responsible for running one of the most secret operations there is. He actually said Extraterrestrial visitors are coming to earth and the U.S. military is also traveling to the stars and can reach any star system and take E.T. home if necessary. This statement came from one of the most respected people in the aerospace industry, so perhaps we are already sufficiently advanced to control space.

What about weapons to control ground attacks? Currently we are working on tiny robotic insects which would swarm. I don’t know how they would kill, but there could be a million different ways. One of them might be with a sting, similar to a real insect. Imagine if a swarm of thousands of robotic insects came at an army unit with orders to sting everyone with their poison stingers? Sounds terrible, doesn’t it? They could also carry tiny bombs powerful enough to kill one person or have the ability to fire one bullet and be steered individually. We are also working on tiny robots which can crawl and swim. You might think you were looking at a fish or snake, but what you are really seeing is a robotic animal which is spying on you.

One project I read about sounds gruesome and I don’t know if it really exists, but it wouldn’t surprise me if it did. It is a medical project which is trying to devise a way to stop a soldier from feeling pain so he or she can fight longer, perhaps to the death. Years ago troops were referred to as cannon fodder, because they would have to march into fire. We don’t perform that tactic when fighting anymore, but if we take the pain away from a soldier, it seems it could be a death sentence in some cases.
I have a hunch if we really knew what was being developed for the military we wouldn’t be able to believe our eyes.