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Secret Bases

There is probably one thing which there is no shortage of and that is the secret base. Many countries have them and they exist in places you would least suspect. Sometimes they take up huge areas of land, so much land in fact it could be bigger than our smallest states. I want to make one thing clear, when we hear the term secret it may not mean we don’t know where they are, because while we don’t know where many are located, it sometimes means we do know where they are, but what we don’t know is what is going on there or the equipment they have.

The United States government has many secret bases with many different functions. Some have new secret aircraft which they are testing, some are storing nuclear weapons, some are developing top-secret weapons and aircraft and still some unknown ones are COG command centers. This stands for Continuance of Government command centers. There are also other secret bases which deal with contingency preparation. One of the things the United States has prepared for is saving the government so that it can continue even during nuclear attacks. Too bad they haven’t spent any of this money to protect us, but don’t worry those senators and representatives and their families will be well protected.

One secret base just about everybody knows about is the Cheyenne Mountain Complex. It is the home of NORAD. It is inside a mountain in Colorado Springs and it keeps track of every plane flying in North American airspace and I suspect even further out. It also tracks the whereabouts of the president and vice president at all times. Many people are not aware of this fact. Supposedly it is capable of being sealed off and allowing people to live inside without any help from the outside for at least 30 days.

Raven Rock, Site R is a secret complex which would be used by the government as an alternate command center if World War III is being fought. Supposedly it is connected by a 6 mile long tunnel to Camp David. It is said wireless devices do not work when they are near this complex. It is believed the complex uses electronic blocking devices perhaps prevent anyone from spying into it.

The most famous US secret base which is not really secret is Area 51. It has achieved incredible status as a symbol of all secret bases around the world. It is run by the US Air Force and has extremely long runways. Overhead is restricted airspace which measures 23 miles x 25 miles. It is said the land which composes Area 51 is 575 square miles. The base seems to be primarily a place where secret aircraft are developed and tested, but there is a lot more to it than what we see from the air. It has been said it extends several stories deep and there has been plenty of talk about areas on the base being used to back engineer captured UFOs.

Another secret base is the Dugway grounds in Tooele, Utah. It is amazing when we look at the size of this place, because the base is larger than the entire state of Rhode Island. It is said to be a place where military hardware is tested and on this proving ground there is a 48,000 square foot chemical testing facility known as the Reginald Kendall Combined Chemical Test Facility. In this area chemical warfare devices are tested along with protective clothing, but that is about all we know about this site.

I would be remiss if I didn’t mention the Wright-Patterson Air Force base. Project Blue Book was initiated supposedly to investigate UFO sightings and was based at Wright-Patterson. The base is located in Dayton, Ohio and many strange things that have happened have been credited to this base. Many of the newest planes are tested here and there are a lot of people working on this base which is home to an estimated 28,000 people, more people than a lot of towns. Supposedly this base has the facilities to examine and store alien craft and bodies and supposedly the remains of the Roswell crash were brought to this base.

Cheyenne Mountain is not the only base built into a mountain. Another one is Mount Weather. It is located in Berryville, Virginia. The purpose of this base is to protect the top brass of the military in case of nuclear attack. This is where the vice president of the United States was sent during the 9/11 attacks. The base has its own television and radio station and a facility to get rid of bodies. There is a conspiracy attached to this base and that is this base was built for the shadow government.

As I said before, the United States is not the only one with secret bases and although I have listed a few above there are probably plenty more in this country. Now I would like to talk about some of the secret Russian bases. The first one is the Balaklava Submarine base. It lies on the coast of the Black Sea and is not located in Russia, but in the Ukraine. It is probably one of the reasons the Russians were so upset when they were cut off from their huge naval base in the Ukraine. This base contains a shelter against nuclear attack which will hold over 3000 people. It is a submarine repair center and has an armory. It is said it is only being used as a museum today, but seems ready to revive its old role.

A huge Russian secret military base is said to exist on Yamantau Mountain near the city of Mezhgorye. The base is located in the Ural Mountains. Except for the fact it is snow-covered it does remind one of Area 51 and is said to be at least 400 square miles in size. The belief is the site is a repository, a nuclear bunker for government officials and military officials, and an area for the storage of food in case of attack.

There is an amazing underground base very near to Moscow. Is only 6 miles away and was built beneath the town of Ramenki. It has been said this is also a bunker for Russian military leaders and their families in case of nuclear war and what makes it so remarkable is its 500 acres is stocked with enough food and water to house 15,000 people for 30 years. Notice while we house people for 30 days the time period this shelter houses people for is a maximum of 30 years. Since there doesn’t seem to be shelters for the everyday Russian person, Russian citizens are no better off than US citizens if they were to be a nuclear holocaust.

One Russian base everybody compares to Area 51 is Zhitkur. We are not absolutely sure where this base is located, but I can tell you where we think it is. It is believed the base is Kapustin Yar in Astrakhan Oblast. This means it would be located beneath a Russian rocket research laboratory and launch site. The site is mentioned quite often in conspiracy theories and it is said reverse engineering of alien craft also takes place there. One of the problems is while the base has been talked about many times there really has been no proof released to the general public that its existence is certain.

Remember these are only two countries which I have talked about and other countries also have their secret military bases.


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