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UFOs and Modern Wars

Some people investigating UFOs have the idea the sightings began during World War II when Foo Fighters were spotted by both the allies and the enemy. A Foo Fighter was a small bright ball of light which seemed to follow the planes. Each side thought there were a secret weapon from the other side, until they realized they were something else, something they didn’t understand. With all that advanced technology coming from Germany at the time, it is easy to see why we thought they were German, but I have to wonder exactly what the Germans thought we had.

There was a strange event which took place during the American Civil War. A man named Finley Hunt had an idea which he was very excited about. He was a dentist by trade, but believed he could build and fly a steam powered aircraft. He went to the Confederate Army with his idea and they became excited and thought they might be able to build an aircraft and use it to bomb enemy lines. They sent him to the Chief of the Engineer Bureau and his idea was researched immediately. Unfortunately Hunt had no engineering experience and after a while the bureau decided the idea was impractical and they never built it. From the years after the war to the invention of the airplane by the Wright Brothers, reports of UFOs kept flowing in. Some believe at least several of these contraptions may have been built over the years by others and this is what led to so many UFO reports during that time period.

It seems World War I had its share of UFO sightings. A large object was seen over London during the war and planes were scrambled to intercept it. They were not equipped to do much, but one pilot shot at a UFO with a pistol. You have to wonder if the occupants seeing this were doubled over with laughter. The pilots described what they saw looking like a railway carriage with the blinds down. In one case an investigation was made into the sighting of floating lights over the city of Plymouth. It was never explained and neither were so many sightings of UFOs over the Lake District. The UFO sightings caused the British government to send troops to Scotland, because they thought there might be an enemy base there.

A Captain in the Air Force was charged with giving briefings during the Vietnam War to the pilots in that country. He stated, “Some of the time, there would be unidentified craft over the DMZ.” The DMZ refers to the demilitarized zone. He talked about a typical report he received. He said you might be flying at 500 knots when a UFO would come along next to you and do barrel rolls around your plane and then fly away at three times the speed of the fastest plane. He was told not to put this stuff in writing and never to put his name to it. It seems if you got too interested in UFOs you could kiss your career goodbye. There was a report which spoke about two US Army gunboats going down a river in Vietnam. A UFO appeared over the first one sending down a beam and destroying. The second one got away, but was chased. There were also reports about ordnance being fired at UFOs which they would somehow catch and save the munitions and fire them back at us on occasion. One of our ships was hit with a missile fired from a UFO and when a piece of it was found with a serial number, it was ascertained this missile had been fired at the UFO by one of our planes a few days before.

As the war in Iraq continues, there are so many UFOs in the skies over that country that the news media in Iran has decided to carry UFO reports on television. We have been told by many different sources UFOs are peaceful and yet they have been caught attacking both us and our enemies. A Taliban base was supposedly attacked by a UFO and blown to kingdom come. One of the problems we encounter is not all the stories we hear are true. There is no way to know if this story is true or not. We know something was blown up, but that is all we know for sure. I saw the video on this and all you see is an explosion. The UFO never appears in the same frame during the explosion, there are only shots of it in the sky by itself. This is almost a sure sign of a hoaxed video. UFOs are appearing in the skies over Afghanistan on a regular basis and it doesn’t look like this will stop anytime soon or ever.

There are a lot of strange stories out there concerning war and UFOs and to me one of the strangest ones is that the Red Barron shot down a UFO in 1917. This is based on the account of a former German Air Force Ace named Peter Waitzrik. The pilot says he watched in astonishment as a UFO with undulating orange lights was shot out of the sky by the Red Barron. He says there is more to the story. When the UFO hit the ground two little bald headed beings climbed out and ran into the woods. He said both men put in a full report of the incident, but were told they were never to mention it again. He says at the time of talking to the reporter to tell him this he was 105 years old and no longer cared about being told not to talk about the event. There has been reports that some UFOs while being impervious to missiles and such can be hurt by cannon and perhaps machine gun fire. Could the UFO have left a shield down not realizing machine gun bullets could damage their craft? This story was told in the late 1990s.

A lot of UFO sightings were reported during the Korean War. A witness reports what happened when he was stationed in Korea during the war. He state the U.S. was bombarding a village with artillery. A UFO appeared in the sky. It was a glowing orange and flew down to the village where it had shells bursting all around it, yet it remained unharmed. The object then approached the Americans and it turned on a blue-green light. The Americans fired armor piercing bullets at it and hit it. He said you could hear the rounds hitting the object. The object went wild when the bullets hit it and the light began to go on and off. The object began moving erratically from side to side. Then the soldiers heard a loud sound and the UFO attacked them. A ray swept a wave of something over them. He said it felt like burning and felt like it penetrated his body and tingled. After it had sent the light over us it speed off. Three days later the entire company had to be moved by ambulances. They were too weak to walk and had dysentery and high white blood cell counts. Even though he eventually recovered the witness says he has periods of memory loss and disorientation. He also experienced a large weight loss and went from 180 pounds down to 138.

It seem UFOs are very interested in our wars and may sometimes take sides.