Truth Facts



 UFOs and Secret Societies

I read two headlines which came one after the other and I couldn’t help but see the irony. The first one indicated we were alone in the universe and the second talked about extraterrestrials walking among us. I can’t help but feel there is much more to the questions about alien beings than we are being told. This kind of thing happens in almost every industry and especially in politics. People take sides, it is expected. Sometimes they have a personal reason for it, other times they may be wanting to experience some kind of gain from their stand on the subject.

Things are misrepresented all the time. I have personally experienced this when I bought a couple of things on Facebook and when they arrived, they were nothing like described and truthfully were just junk you could get from a dollar store. Wouldn’t it be nice if there was none of this stuff going on, and every dealing we had was an honest one? It makes me wonder if there are any alien races we might come across who will not lie under any circumstances? This might not be so good either. It could start with our ambassador saying to the alien it is a pleasure to meet you, and the alien replying not so much meeting you.

I guess there is a place for what are known as white lies which are told not to hurt someone’s feelings. Take for example that meeting with the alien again. It might smell really bad and because of this it really was not a pleasure to meet it. As a matter of fact, there has been talk about training our representatives who are picked to make contact so they won’t be revolted by the sight or smell of someone from an alien race. We wouldn’t want that meeting to go wrong and have our ambassador throw up on the alien. Of course this would be a very extreme event, and for all we know it might happen the other way around.I maintain there is just too much evidence from witnesses which proves to me we already made contact and are even working with extraterrestrials. The witnesses who have stated seeing aliens and humans working together were for the most part honorable people who felt they had to let the public know what was going on. They were military or former military, contractors, government workers, and others and would have gained nothing by lying. Not only that, but many  of their accounts are very similar. I think it took a lot of guts for them to tell us what they saw.

Several different witnesses stated they saw aliens, mostly Greys, working with humans on technology projects. Regular folks, like you and me, who have been abducted by extraterrestrials, have sometimes reported seeing humans dressed in white lab coats working with the aliens. This might mean two different things. First, the humans and aliens might be working together in some project. Second, the UFO might be an earthly made copy of a UFO and there were really no aliens aboard, only actors made up to look like aliens.

There have been reports out there stating there is one faction that wants to stage a fake alien invasion to try and form one world government. I don’t know if this is true or not, and I wouldn’t know who these people are. All I know was many years ago Majestic 12 was formed to monitor and keep UFO activity secret.

Could powerful secret organizations be at work here? We often hear about the Masons and such, but I can not help but think that is bunk. The real powerful secret organization, if it exists, will be so secret we won’t know anything about it, including its name. I have heard over the  years many different named so called organizations were behind creating our own UFOs. I guess the one which is mentioned the most, after the Masons, is the Illuminati. The name refers to a secret organization believed to have been formed in the 15th century. The people who were part of it were said to be very intelligent. The word which was used was enlightened hence the name of the group. They spread to many different countries. It is said the Illuminati disappeared. Their legacy is still there in stories and such, because the people who joined them were very powerful in many cases and did exert influence over others. Since they also joined the Masons in the day, that is one of the reasons the Masons are suspected of plotting.

The idea of humans building UFOs was thought of a long time ago. It has been talked about for decades and probably goes back to the 1930s when a UFO crashed in Italy and Mussolini ordered it brought back. Bob Lazar, who worked back engineering UFOs went public and the government did everything possible to make him look like a liar, but in the end, it was proved he did the work. As far as I know he blew the whistle on reengineering UFOs in 1989 and suffered greatly for it. Being a whistleblower against the government, even today with what are said to be protections, is very stressful and full of angst and as one congressman said, the protections are not respected, or words to that effect.

I can truly understand wanting to reengineer a UFO. Think about the incredible opportunity to travel to other planets, it would be a technological leap which might save us a thousand years or more. I also think it would be a crime against humanity to stage an attack on us for any reason. I remember the memo about Operation Northwoods. A memo  was sent to the president who was John F. Kennedy at the time. It was said it was backed by the Joint Chiefs who recommended it. It called for an attack on the United States by our military dressed as Cuban soldiers so we could use this as an excuse to attack Cuba. The president thankfully was said to have rejected the idea. This would have been known as a false flag operation and knowing about this, makes me think about another false flag operation being a possibility and maybe a president wouldn’t dismiss it.

The idea of secret organizations existing with members who are so powerful they could change the world is a scary thought. The Bilderberg Group is said to be one of these and they conduct a meeting once a year where many important people are said to hash out what will happen in the year to come.

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