Truth Facts



Extraterrestrial Abduction and Murder

Today I am going to discuss different topics I have been meaning to talk about and they have nothing to do with politics or the presidential debate. Sometimes UAP and alien sightings can be very scary and even brutal. There are cases when people who were asleep and woke up in the middle of the night and saw aliens coming through their walls. They got up to the bed where the person was laying, but their paralyzing procedure did not work and that person started to fight for their life. No wonder, some people who were abducted never return. Why is this? We know most do so could it be they have heart attacks or strokes brought on by the fear of the examination? On the other hand, some people who have been abducted have said they saw vats with human body parts in them. If that doesn’t scare the pants off you, nothing will.

One military officer was said to be a witness to aliens murdering a sergeant in the desert. The murder took place when the officer and the sergeant were sent to a desert area to look for something. They split up and the sergeant walked over to the other side of a dune. At some point the officer heard screams and drove to that area only to see the sergeant entangled in metal tentacles and being dragged into a UAP. The UAP took off, and was flying only a few feet off the ground and the officer began to chase it. Before long, the sergeant’s body was thrown  out of the craft after it had been ripped in half. The officer was investigated by the military and it was determined he had nothing to do with the murder.

While many people think shadow people are linked to ghosts and such, some believe they are beings who are probably from another dimension. There is a belief which if true, would be very sad. A book was written about this topic and the author claimed shadow people could not only kill you, but if they do, they can erase your existence from the memory of all humans. The author goes even further and claims history gets rewritten and any part that person played in history is also erased. There is another belief by some, a shadow person can influence you to commit suicide. Reports state there are different types of shadow people and shadow animals. As far as shadow people go, supposedly two types exist. One type has the shape of a human without any features, the second type is a dark blob. Various types of shadow animals have been reported.

The people who are abducted by aliens and don’t come back have to be presumed to have died. It could be some alien races have no regard for human life at all, while others want to examine us for reasons unknown but do not want to destroy us. There might even be extraterrestrials who don’t want to examine us and think this is wrong. Before I forget we may have killed extraterrestrials which started this mess. There are various reports stating we did shoot down some. One also has to wonder if we really captured aliens and if so, were any dissected by over anxious scientists? Knowing some of the things humans are capable of, this would not surprise me.

There is a story about something I have wondered about for years and it is, could we have killed alien life and not realized it. It could have happened unintentionally, because we forgot to sterilize part of a space craft, and germs we live with our entire life could have killed tiny life on Mars which we are yet to detect. We know there is a small atmosphere there which is only a couple of inches off the ground. The story I heard speaks about microbes on Mars being killed when the first probe landed on the planet.  The truth is if there is larger life living in caves or underground, we could also be responsible for some of their deaths or even all of them.

I also have to wonder if extraterrestrials are coming to earth, could there be alien criminals coming here, do they even have such a thing? Every year there are unsolved murders. Figures suggest about one-third of all homicide cases in the U.S. are not solved. In 2022 there were 21,156 murder and non-negligent manslaughter cases in the U.S. These numbers are expected to rise dramatically due to the millions of criminals coming over our borders. Could some of them have been done by extraterrestrials?

Phil Schneider was an engineer who was murdered, even though it was claimed to be suicide. We know this because when he was hung on barbed wire a doctor said he was choked to death with medical tubing. Phil and claimed for years he had his thumb and part of his hand blown off when he got into a shooting match with extraterrestrials while examining a drill bit which was  stuck. He hit an alien base with the drill and the extraterrestrials shot at him and he shot back.

There is said to be a race of extraterrestrials which some say are not extraterrestrials but live under the earth. Either way, they are not only said to hate us, but happen to like eating our flesh. Could some disappearances be due to these aliens using us for food? There are so many people who disappear on this planet would we even notice? According to the National Missing and Unidentified Persons known as NamUS records, 600,000 disappear each year in the United States. Also, there are about 4,400 bodies that are unidentified each year. I have to wonder if any of these bodies show any signs of peculiar examinations?

Alaska has a population of only about 740,000 people and yet it seems over 20,000 people have disappeared since the 1970s. I remember a famous case where a police car dash cam caught a UAP leaving from atop of a woman’s home there as she was screaming about her baby being taken by extraterrestrials. Her husband had recently been abducted. The story prompted a movie about the events. Despite the police evidence, many people did not believe this woman.

Now that the government has all but admitted UAPs are alien devices, will we be getting more information about them in the near future? If the current congress has anything to do with this we should be, but remember we have been disappointed for about 75 years so far.

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