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Witnesses At The Disclosure Project

Doctor Greer is a doctor who gave up his practice to become not only a UFO investigator, but also the head of the Disclosure Project which is composed of mainly whistleblowers. These whistleblowers are from the government, military, contractors and others. He has become famous in some circles and has even been invited to not only the congress, but also to the White House in the past. I could talk about him and the things he has accomplished for days, but that is not what this article is about. I am focusing in on the Disclosure Project and what some of the witnesses have said.

Before I get into that, I would like to say I don’t understand if the congress is so interested in UFOs, why they don’t tap some of the Disclosure witnesses and let them testify before the House? I am sure they would be glad to testify as they have already done this in public. I am not saying the witnesses who testified were not credible, just that the Disclosure Project has found hundreds of whistleblowers who are credible. I would also like to tell you that the witnesses for the Disclosure Project testified at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. and never got the coverage they deserved. I could never fit all the witness testimony into this article so I will just pick a few.

The first witness I would like to mention is a man named Eric Hecker who was at a government installation at the South Pole. His testimony had to do with a secret weapon coupled with a secret communications facility. He talked about what he found out in 2010. One of the things he mentioned was a powerful weapon we had which was dependent on devices buried below the ground which put out enormous power. He talked about when it was tested, it had to be adjusted so one the first two tries it caused earthquakes in Australia. It was an earthquake weapon. There had been rumors about this, but now we were getting witness testimony. He also talked about the fact we had faster than light capability and faster than light communications.

One former member of the military came forward and testified to the fact we have a UFO retrieval program and he was a member of it.

John Callahan the former FAA Head of Accidents and Investigations was one of the whistleblowers who spoke. He had a pretty high status at the FAA and one would not expect someone of his stature to become a whistleblower unless he felt what he had to say was very important. He got a call from an associate in Alaska who asked him what he should say about a UFO. Eventually, a recording was made of the entire event and people from various government agencies including the CIA were there . The CIA said the meeting never happened and wanted everyone sworn to secrecy. The reason for this was said to be this was the first time a UFO was ever recorded on radar.

Don Phillips was a former Lockheed Skunk Works contractor and CIA contractor. The Skunk Works is the secret projects area of Lockheed. It was responsible for the development of the Blackbird plane known as the SR-71. He testified the CIA version of the SR-71 also had the role of monitoring traffic to and from earth. In other words, it was monitoring UFOs.

Breaking away from the Disclosure Project for a minute, I would like to talk about Doctor Stephen Greer’s claim he met with an extraterrestrial. He said he was face to face with an extraterrestrial. He met the alien when he was 18 years old. He said he was never on drugs. Greer said he was on a mountain in Boone, North Carolina when they met. He said at first, he thought it was a deer standing on its hind legs, but as it approached him it touched him and he felt an electric impulse. He said before that he had a near death experience and after that he understood consciousness. He believes our consciousness if calmed with meditation can connect to the field of consciousness in the universe. He went on to say this was the basis for Remote Viewing.

Another Disclosure Project witness was retired Colonel Donald Heckert from the U.S. Air Force. He conducted flight operations and project management at Area 51. What better witness could one have? He said his last access with government agencies was in 1967. He said he has a UFO report from 1953 signed by Kelly Johnson and his engineers, the head of the Skunk Works and one of the most famous aircraft designers and engineers. After the sighting and about 4 hours later the UFO appeared over his house. Johnston then sent a letter to the National Director of Intelligence saying this was real and needs investigation. Heckert said he had two UFO encounters. One UFO dropped 55,000 feet in 2 seconds. When detected on radar it climbed to 80,000 feet in 2 seconds. The second UFO was seen when he was flying a U-2.

Michael Herrera a Marine had an experience in Indonesia in 2009. His unit was called to do humanitarian assistance in the Philippines. His ship was routed to Indonesia. They were told President Obama had family there. Their duties included supplying food and water along with medical supplies. He was flown in a small unit to an Indonesian city. They were dropped into a landing zone. They were told to go to a high ground. He was taking pictures and video when he saw a rotating object which was changing colors. They decided to investigate. They got near it and it was about 300 feet in diameter. The object was floating above the ground. A team with American gear and American dialects intercepted them. The team had no identification including no ranks or insignias. They screamed questions at the marines and wanted to know why they were there. The next thing they did was threaten to kill the marines. They said if they needed to, they could also throw the marines out of a helicopter. Each marine was searched and had their weapons taken. They also had their Identification cards photographed. Trucks were loading cases on to the object. Another whistleblower said people were in the cases. When the loading was finished the bottom of the open craft rose up and connected to the upper part. The object then blasted off at about 5,000 miles per hour. The team decided to lead the marines back to where they were, and released them. When the six marines got back, they were given leave and had to return to the ship every night. The marines found their cell phones missing and the card taken from the camera. They were also forced to sign a non-disclosure agreement.

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