Truth Facts



More Thoughts On The UFO Hearings

What do you think was the most important thing said during the UFO hearings? Yes, there was many different important things said by the whistleblowers such as UFOs are not of human origin, we have alien bodies, and the UFOs are superior to anything we have. To me however the most important thing to let the public know about was the fact UFO sightings are happening all the time and can not be called unusual. This vindicates many people who have been ridiculed for saying publicly they had seen UFOs.

There were letters sent to the hearing by at least two famous UFO investigators who had even more facts, but not many heard about this. Two of them were George Knapp and Jeremy Corbell. George Knapp is a renowned investigative reporter who was cooperating with Senator Harry Reid on UFO investigations. Jeremy Corbell is a documentary film maker who has been deeply involved with investigating UFOs and is very influential in the UFO field, and his name was mentioned by the UFO committee in 2022.

Knapp let the UFO committee know he was able to get much documentation from Russia about UFOs after the fall of the Soviet Union and not only was the Soviet Union chasing UFOs in their skies, they had tried to shoot them down 45 times at the time and lost two pilots who died trying to do this. Jeremy Corbell’s letter to the committee contained what he believed was proof of UFOs being alien.

It is getting very hard for the government to deny the existence of UFOs so they have made a right turn and are now denying any testimony which states they know extraterrestrials are involved or they have alien bodies on ice. We haven’t gotten to the point yet where whistleblowers have said they saw aliens working with the government on projects, but it is coming. There are many reports by whistleblowers of this and I think it is only a matter of time before someone brings this up. For now, I believe the UFO committee doesn’t want to go that far, because they may believe it could make them look foolish, but this is how they felt about UFO disclosure a few years ago and look where we are now.

As far as UFOs being dangerous, take the report by the Russians shooting at them so many times. Yes they killed two pilots at the time, but can you actually say they are dangerous when they were defending themselves? As was said, most of the time they just flew away and perhaps for some reason we don’t know about they couldn’t do this a couple of times and felt they had to take action to protect themselves.

When the U.N. held UFO hearings it was only a matter of time before the U.S. was forced to. There are so many UFO sightings they can no longer be ignored. In a recent survey it was found 52 percent of Americans felt UFOs were real and alien. This number of people will only increase as time goes by and more see UFOs in the sky. It took a lot of arm twisting to get where we are now, but this is only the beginning. What is coming next? I think someone, maybe in government will come up with the idea we should try and contact the extraterrestrials. Many of us believe there has been contact already. Some of the contact was with ordinary people and a few times it was with governments. If this is true, we have been lied to for decades. When I saw the movie Independence Day, and the scene where they are in the underground base and there were what we thought were dead alien bodies until one was shown to be alive, I couldn’t help but think that scene was put into the movie as a way of making us suspect we really have a similar place like this. I am talking about a sort of morgue for alien bodies.

There was no mention so far of the chance some of these alien races could be in a cold war with each other, but that is another thing some suspect. As I have said in the past, UFO retriever teams, who have went to crash sites also had a couple of whistleblowers. One stated when they got to one site, the crashed UFO had a small hole in it and except for that was in good condition. The hole had let out the atmosphere of the ship, which in turn killed the alien crew. These whistleblowers appeared on stage with the Disclosure Project.

I also heard nothing about the countries of the world having retriever teams, but they do. There was a case where the U.S. saw a UFO crashing onto Mexican soil. They sent out a team to retrieve it. As the helicopters were flying toward the site, it was said they came across some trucks and soldiers from the Mexican army. The helicopters landed only to find all the soldiers dead. Apparently, they had gone into the craft without the proper protection and the atmosphere in there killed them.

There are many stories about countries recovering downed UFOs. Italy and Germany were said to have recovered UFOs in the 1930s, and some thought what they found helped the Germans develop their wonder weapons in World War 2. While we don’t officially talk about recovering UFOs, Chile is very open about UFOs. Some say they are leading the world in this area. Japan has finally decided to agree UFOs are in the skies.

One of the biggest surprises is the fact NASA is setting up a unit to investigate UFOs. When I first heard this I had to laugh. Can you imagine how much they must already know about this subject. It would seem on the surface this unit would conflict with the other government units being set up. Will they all be able to just release information, or will they be compelled to get together and discuss why certain information cannot be released? That is the question.

The UFO question is one of the most important questions in history and one which affects the entire planet. It is a global question if handled correctly might just save this planet. If we can show extraterrestrials we have made progress and have decided to become more peaceful, this could change everything. After all, who would want to make friends with a dangerous warmonger race? I know if I was an extraterrestrial I would not want to, would you? I believe we have the chance for a much brighter future if this is handled correctly and if it isn’t this could finally be the end for us.

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