Truth Facts




What really annoys me is the fact the government just won’t admit UFOs, now known as UAPs are extraterrestrial. Let’s look at some of the facts we know they are aware of. They have a tiny fleet of crashed UAPs they have been examining for decades. Some of them at least are set up to be used by beings that have three fingers on each hand. When these vehicles crashed most of the time the occupants were dead and in the ship. It must have been very obvious they were not humans. Astronauts and cosmonauts have sworn to the fact they saw aliens. Workers at NASA testified while they were looking at a monitor showing a space shuttle in orbit, they could see an extraterrestrial talking to an astronaut in the open cargo bay, and described the being. Cosmonauts saw extraterrestrials outside their space station years ago. There is plenty of more proof and many believe the government has not only met with aliens, but some are working with us on projects. When we see UAPs performing maneuvers in the sky which would kill human pilots, isn’t this a sort of secondary proof other than humans must be piloting at least some of the UAPs?

The fact we have gone all these years since the Roswell crash and the government seems to not being any closer to admitting the truth is incredible. Their ideas about admissions destroying our social fabric is just nuts. There are American Indians who believe they come from outer space and claim to have met with extraterrestrials and they seem to be dealing with this just fine. Could there be other reasons for not telling us the truth?

I talked about this before, but I never mentioned the fact an administration might think what they do could affect the next election for their party. If for example, it turned out the particular party announces aliens had deals with the government to abduct a certain amount of people for testing and then return them and that deal was made by either a Democratic or Republican administration, that could certainly hurt their electability. About the only way out of this I see, is for both parties admitting they have been keeping this secret.

I don’t know how many people have heard about this, but the Russians are claiming they shot down a UAP on January 3, 2023. They are saying it was the shape of a ball and was flying above the region of Rostov. They claim they shot it down with missiles from an anti-aircraft battery. I would like to know a lot more about this. First of all, how big was it? Then how high was it flying and how fast? Was a propulsion system evident, and most important were their aliens aboard? Perhaps they just shot down a low orbiting satellite? The area had been the target of drone attacks. Another report from Newsweek called the object small and was about one and one half miles in altitude. This article said it flew about the village of Sultan Sala in the Myasnikovsky district. Could the object have been another drone? There is a good chance of that.

One source is saying that judging by social media the number of UAP sightings in Maine, is far more than the numbers we were given. This could be due to the fact most sightings are not reported, or the numbers could just be wrong.

A UAP was sighted over Doncaster in the United Kingdom. It seems Doncaster has been getting more than its share of UAP sightings lately. A video was taken of the object. I have to wonder about one thing, and it is does the fact most of us have smart phones with cameras stop us from getting and using a better camera if we have it? I know I have gotten lazy and use the camera on the phone which happens to be a top rated one, but many have inferior cameras, but also have better equipment available if they would get it.

Some people are asking the question, why does Arizona have so many UAP sightings? We have to realize there is something special about Arizona which might contribute to so many sightings and it is the fact Arizona has the most land owned by the government. There are 6.5 million acres. With all this land, you can bet there are a lot of experimental aircraft being tested there. This alone might account for so many sightings.

Sometimes I think the scientists are the crazy ones. Not all of them but enough. Some scientists have gotten together and come up again with that old saw, we can’t handle the truth about extraterrestrials. This time they are saying they are worried about what might happen if we detect an alien signal. They are saying we are ill-prepared for alien contact and it could drive us into chaos. I wish they would have a little more faith in the human race. One person used the fact of what happened when Covid hit us. This was a completely different situation.

It is the feeling of some that we are just about to make alien contact. I would like to know what this is based on. We have been cut off again by the pentagon from any meaningful contact information or sightings. It is almost a certainty after all these years that radio signals probably are not used by extraterrestrials since we have been scouring the spectrum for decades for alien signals. What really has changed? Yes, we saw a couple of videos from the navy before we were cut off and they had mysterious craft in them, but can we really be sure they were alien, or could they be some sort of drone we were testing? Without more info, we don’t have any admissions on anything.

There was a story which came out I am having a hard time believing and it was said President Joe Biden has ordered a probe into a UFOs from 1945 to the present piloted by aliens. Does anyone believe he was sitting around thinking about UFOs and decided to do this? It is obvious to me this was told to him to do.

New York seems to be getting a lot more UAP sightings. The Hudson Valley is infamous for all the sightings going on. One has to wonder how the people in that area feel about this. The people I know who live in or near there seem to be taking it in stride and no one seems to worry about it contrary to government thinking.

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