Truth Facts



Pilots and Police Who Reported Seeing UFOs

Many UFO sightings are from police, pilots and the militaries from all over the world. In the past it didn’t make any difference to those in the government who believed their main function was to stop people from talking about what they saw. We have all heard about the mysterious men in black and for years people have tried to figure out if they were government agents or extraterrestrials but no one ever came to a decision based on proof. They could have been either or both. My point being it didn’t matter how credible a witness was, it was felt he or she had to be scared into silence.

Things seem to have changed. Either no one is bothering to silence witnesses anymore, or there are so few being silenced we don’t hear about it. I remember when the Soviet military gave orders to all of its people to watch the heavens and report anything out of the ordinary they saw. This was perhaps the biggest official witness pool there ever was and that was where many of the recorded sightings came from which were released after the fall of the Soviets.

There is no doubt some witnesses are better than others. This is not because some witnesses are not smart enough, it is because some witnesses are better suited to explain what they saw due to experience in identifying things. Take the police for example. They are trained to notice things we may not. Pilots know more about what is a plane and what is not, altitude and other things. The military also has more experience than a civilian in knowing the different planes and such. This is why the most credence is put into what these people saw and reported.

The Ministry of Defence in Great Britain has released many UFO sightings which contain sightings by very credible people. It was also said to have held back others which were also made by different officials and there is a call to have them also release those. An example was a sighting listed by an official who claimed to see a tear drop UFO which was a green color. He said it made no noise and then disappeared. It seems his report was only available for a few minutes then it to disappeared from view. The same thing happened to a member of the RAF who put in a UFO report. Nick Pope was the head of the civilian UFO reporting Unit but said it was closed by the government who claimed there was no threat. It has been claimed however there was a second department run by the military which was not closed.

There was a UFO sighting seen by dozens of witnesses in both Stephenville Texas and Dublin, Texas. Some of the witnesses were police. It was reported the UFO was being chased by fighter jets. There have been many reports of fighter jets chasing UFOs. It makes me wonder what they think they would do if they ever caught up to one? The UFO was seen in 2004 and was said to be about 600 feet long, was saucer shaped and had a dome. Lights were visible, but some witnesses had said some were shining through windows. One of the most amazing things reported was the UFO was only about 500 feet above the ground.

Another UFO sighting in which police were involved took place in Vancouver, Canada in 2002. There were said to be a total of 25 witnesses. The sighting took place on a very clear day. Of the 25 witnesses, 2 were policemen. The object was said to look like a ball. It was hovering for quite some time. It was described as being about the size of a Boeing 747. The altitude of the object was said to be about 2,000 feet. People were pulling off the highway to look at it. Eventually it left.

Two police officers were flying in a helicopter on February 27, 1993 over Jefferson County, Kentucky. They were on a routine patrol. The encounter took place at night. As they were flying an object shaped like a pear which was only the size of a basketball, started flying circles around their vehicle. This lasted for about two minutes before the object left. Many believe these small vehicles are remotely controlled by extraterrestrials. These types of dangerous games have been reported for years. One commercial airliner had the same thing happen to it, and was actually bumped on the nose of the plane leaving a dent. It was a lucky thing the plane didn’t crash.

One pilot said if all the pilots reported the UFOs they saw, the number would be so large, it would scare the pants off the public. I believe that because even though pilots now report UFOs from time to time, they are still sensitive to the fact if they report too many, people will think they are crazy.

A pilot was flying over the Pacific Ocean. He spotted and reported something hard to believe. He said he saw not one UFO, but an entire fleet of them flying. The numbers of UFOs varied from between 9 and 12. The objects were reported as being very bright with their lights dimming and increasing as they flew. The pilot was flying at 39,000 feet at the time.

There has been an accusation about UFO sightings and the Canadian government. It is the government is disposing of many UFO reports made by commercial pilots instead of investigating them. I hope this isn’t true because we could be losing the best reports.

On July 24, 1948 two Eastern Airlines pilots said they saw a cigar shaped UFO and reported it. It must have taken guts to do that back then, it was before the UFO craze however so no one tried to silence them as far as I know. They drew a picture of the object which looked like a large rocket with an orange flame coming out of the back and a set of six windows on the side. As the pilots were flying their plane, they noticed a red glow ahead of them. The object headed toward them and flew past them. The pilots were told they probably saw a meteor. That would be a new one, a meteor with windows.

A pilot was flying his plane in 2021 over Saskatchewan, Canada. He saw an object he said he couldn’t explain. It was a UFO. The pilot said the object was well above his plane. The pilot had radioed the tower but was told nothing was showing up on radar. A second pilot also saw a UFO in the area.

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