Truth Facts



UFOs and Airports

UFOs are being seen all over the world, I know this is not news, but the scope of UFO sightings is increasing so much it seems to me this is being done on purpose to let the world know they are here. It’s like a plan is being carried out prior to showing the world who they are. Do they have a criteria they follow before full exposure and contact is allowed? If this is the extraterrestrial plan, this is probably not the first time they did this. It reminds me of Star Trek when they would not let the alien race know they exist unless they were warp drive capable. If this is true you have to wonder what their criteria is. Is it possible when we split the atom, they took more interest in us? Perhaps it was when we finally launched people off the earth or went to the moon. Are they waiting for the next shoe to fall and when it does, will they announce themselves?

One of the places which seems to attract a lot of UFOs is airports. Who could forget the UFO at O’Hare airport? It stayed in the sky above a gate for quite a long time and then blasted through the clouds leaving a circular hole that also lasted for quite some time. Hundreds of people saw it which included passengers, pilots and employees of the airport and airline employees. There is no doubt this was done on purpose and it was probably done for attention. One plane was approaching Jacksonville airport attempting to land. Three UFOs were near the airport flying in formation.  A huge mothership type UFO was seen near the Los Vegas airport. It was near the landing area and was glowing. Multiple UFOs were recorded flying over the airport in Albany, New York. Medford Airport, Oregon had a UFO flying over it. The UFO looked circular. It was flying along, stopped, hovered and went back in the other direction.

A UFO appeared over Edinburgh Airport in Scotland. A boy was videoing airplanes landing and taking off at the airport. No one saw anything out of the ordinary at the time the photos were being taken. When they got home and looked at the photos and video, they couldn’t believe what they saw.  There was a circular craft with a bubble top under one of the planes. The craft had suddenly appeared and then vanished. After seeing this the family was shocked.

A UFO appeared over a Chinese airport and the Chinese felt it was so dangerous they shut down the airport. A flight crew saw it and when the airport personnel and the Chinese government got involved that was the end of the outbound flights for a while. This was not the only time the Chinese had UFOs over their airports. In another incident a plane was going to land at a different Chinese airport but the plane was denied landing rights. It seems a UFO was flying low back and forth over the airport. China has a history of UFOs over its airports.

Two  large and rather low flying UFOs were seen flying over the airport in Lima, Peru. What was rather unusual was the fact they remained in the sky over the airport for over one hour. Needless to say, the flights became delayed. How would you like to fly somewhere and your flight is delayed due to UFO action? Would you want to fly from that airport when they give the all clear?

Something unusual was seen in the skies above Manchester Airport in the UK. While it wasn’t said it was a UFO, it was nothing recognizable. It moved in strange ways and the odds are it was a UFO. A UFO appeared over Gatwick London Airport and caused the airport to have to close down. The object was saucer shaped but the airport authorities made an excuse, they said they were closing due to drone activity. I guess they didn’t want to scare the public. It seems London’s Heathrow airport is not immune to UFO sightings. A plane took off and reached a few hundred feet and immediately a UFO appeared over the airport and shot past the plane and seemed to slow down for a few seconds to examine the plane before accelerating.

A UFO was videoed over the airport in Hong Kong. It was a white circular object which hovered for quite a while. One has to wonder what it would find so interesting it would just hover for such a long time.

Another UFO was photographed flying over the airport in Dusseldorf, Germany. This object had a rectangular shape. A video was also created of the event and the UFO can be seen flying over the runway. Some say it was more cylindrical shaped or cigar shape. A UFO was spotted over Frankfurt International Airport. It had no markings or flashing lights. It moved very strangely and then disappeared.

A group of UFOs were seen flying over the airport at Christchurch Airport in New Zealand. Some think the sighting might have been drones but there is no way to know for sure. There were plenty of witnesses however to the strange objects.
A UFO appeared over the airport in Prague in the Czech Republic. The name of the airport is Vaclav Havel. A UFO was hovering over the airport and watched a plane take off. After the plane was gone, the object seemed to land somewhere. This was not the first time this strange UFO behavior had been seen.

What I am going to tell you may be hard to believe, but there is an airport in India which has reported more than sixty UFO sightings over it. Sixty two to be exact in about five months from October 2015 to March 12, 2016. The airport is Indira Gandhi International Airport in New Delhi. What could possibly be so special about this airport? The head of the security forces said not all the sightings were proven to be UFOs but many are still being investigated and the answers to what they are if not UFOs has proved elusive.

The airport in Osaka, Japan was the site of a UFO sighting. While a person was videoing planes, a UFO clearly appeared. It looked like a ball with the middle spinning. It was said to be a fiery object and seemed to be on a collision course with a plane. It came very close to the wing of the plane, then began to change color and what looked like a new heat source appeared. After that, the object began to fade out and disappeared.

Yes, it seems UFOs and extraterrestrials are very interested in our airports among other things.

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