Truth Facts




A man in Spain has an unusual experience. He had seen a large orb floating about his house. He lived in the town of Azpeitia. A video was made in infrared and the object can be seen flying over the rooftops. The object is an orb. The orb was not visible by the naked eye. As he watch using his night vision device, the object suddenly plummeted to earth. The sighting took place on October 8, 2021.

A woman who lived in Chicago, happened to look up at the sky and saw something which did not make her happy. She saw a black object which had a very unusual shape. She described it as looking like a wishbone with wings ending in a sphere. She was standing on her terrace at the time. She indicated she had never seen anything which looked like it in the sky before. Her son also saw the object. It seemed to float without signs of propulsion. At times it would just hang in the air, seemingly disregarding any wind. Those who looked at the video she took were perplexed.

Did you ever wonder which city had the most UFO sightings per percentage of population? Bet you can’t guess. I will give you a hint, it isn’t in California. The city happens to be Sedona, Arizona with 1,608 sightings per 100,000 people. It far outpaces the next city which is Myrtle Beach, South Carolina which has 1,223 sightings per 100,000 people. I have to wonder how this is figured out since Sedona has a population of less than 10,000 people and Myrtle Beach less than 35,000.

No matter how long I follow UFOs, every once in a while, some new type seems to appear. Flying cubes seem to be the latest. On October 4th 2021 a flying cube was witnessed flying in the sky near Area 51. One was also seen flying over Las Vegas, Nevada. One witness said however they thought it was just a plane. That is the problem when several witnesses see something, they may not all agree on what it is. Cubes have started to be seen flying over other areas. It is interesting to note Nellis Air Force Base is near Las Vegas and is said to be the home of many different secret projects.

We don’t know why, but there has been much speculation on why UFOs like to go near and even sometimes into volcanoes. Recently one was seen flying near the Cumbre Vieja volcano during an eruption. The volcano is located on the island of La Palma. The object can be seen moving back and forth by the volcano. There are plenty of ideas on why they go near volcanoes and some investigators believe they draw some sort of energy from them.

Reports have come out about sightings in Wales. The three places with the most sightings are Flintshire, Anglesey and Gwynedd. We don’t often hear about sightings in Wales, I think they might be overshadowed by more populous places.

A glowing white sphere has been spotted floating over Maryland, United States for over two days. One would think the military would be up there looking at it. A witness first saw it on his way home from work and the next day he saw it again as he came home. The witness said it made no sound. He is not sure, but thinks it might have been revolving.

Two young  men in Glasgow were startled when on a very clear night they saw a UFO in the sky. They said it was very clear. They were standing outside when they looked up and couldn’t believe their eyes. The glowing object seemed to have a black inner ring. One man said at first, he thought it was a star, but when he zoomed in on it with his camera, he could see it wasn’t. It hung around the same spot for a time making slight movements. The object seemed to be spiraling.

A woman was driving her car when she decided to stop and take a photo of the full moon. She was a resident of East London. She put her camera in night mode and took a picture. When her and her friend looked at the photo, they were surprised to see a blue UFO in the frame. They hadn’t seen it in the sky. As I have often said in the past this happens quite often. She posted the picture and got quite a lot of comments on what it could be.

A man on TicTok claims he saw an alien being captured and taken to an underwater base. He also claims he found where the base is located. He is claiming he shot video from a distance where he saw aliens lying on the beach surrounded by government officials. So how did he supposedly locate the base? He claims he somehow used satellite photos to identify where it was located.  Maybe I am missing something here, because I don’t get it.

The question about whether UFOs are extraterrestrial has existed for quite some time. According to the Ancient Alien theory it seems our ancient ancestors knew there were extraterrestrials on earth. Somehow, we lost this knowledge and many are just starting to believe they are here again. The difference is the theory states the aliens were worshiped as gods, and this time around if they reveal themselves, that will not happen again in most countries if not all.

There was a UFO incident in 1973 which was said to have been one of the most credible. In Ohio a captain and his crew witnessed a UFO in the sky flying over Charles Mill Lake. The next day they found out others had also seen it. The incident became known as the Coyne Incident. Coyne was flying an Army Reserve helicopter and his crew were onboard. They had left Port Columbus heading to Cleveland’s Hopkins Airport. Three others were on the plane besides Coyne. As he flew, Coyne saw a red light head for his helicopter. It sped up and Coyne did a quick descent. His transmission to  the tower was lost and he was cut off. A cigar-shaped object came near them, but stopped right in front of them. The object had a slight dome with windows. The red light was on the nose of the craft. The craft shown a green light all over the helicopter. The helicopter began to climb toward the source of the light, but stopped after about 10 seconds when the cigar-shaped craft left. Coyne said he was a skeptic when it came to UFOs but had no explanation for what had happened. The airport tower had no recordings of Coyne trying to contact them even though he had initially made contact for a second.

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