Truth Facts



More UFO Sightings

The UFO reports are really starting to pile up. I can’t believe how much material is out there now. Sightings have increased dramatically, but to tell the truth, there could be other reasons for this besides alien vehicles. The number of drones have increased exponentially and I am sure some of them must have been mistaken for UFOs. Then there are the experimental aircraft and all the satellites being launched by the hundreds to bring internet around the world and this is only the beginning. Other companies besides SpaceX want to get into that business. The truth is there is far too much stuff orbiting the earth already. In this wave of sightings, we are also finding more vehicles which COULD be alien craft are also increasing and some are interfering with aircraft on a more frequent basis.

A camera on the International Space Station, known as the ISS, has captured the image of an object passing a Russian spacecraft and what makes this even more believable that it was under intelligent control was the fact it came back for another look. The object was in space so it wasn’t a drone or a plane. It could only have been a spacecraft of some kind, so the only question left is, was it ours or theirs? The Russian spacecraft was a cargo ship delivering food and supplies to the space station. The UFO seemed to be curious about the docking procedure because this was what it was observing.

While the footage of the pyramid UFOs over navy ships has excited the UFO community, not everyone believes it is genuine even though the navy says it is. A UFO investigator says there is every reason to believe these objects are planes. He said he came to this conclusion while examining the video and the way the objects moved. He said they looked like planes, moved like planes and acted in other ways like a plane. I have to confess when I looked at the video it seemed to me it could be a triangular shaped plane, but that is only my opinion from a cursory examination. If you looked at a triangular shaped plane flying straight up it would look like a pyramid. I believe we can’t be sure these objects were UFOs in the sense of alien ships.

Canada is also facing a flood of UFOs. Airline pilots are reporting sightings in  record numbers. One sighting involved a plane and a very shiny object. When the pilot saw the object if flew at the plane and the plane had to dive to avoid being hit. Reporting UFOs has become a lot more liberal. Pilots used to keep sightings to themselves because they were afraid of being grounded or even losing their jobs. Things have changed a lot and this also might have something to do with the increased sighting reports by pilots.

UFO sightings are taking place all over the world. A video taken by a witness near the city of Fujin, in China took a curious video of a string of lights descending in a straight line. The front light was very bright, the second light bright but not as much and the trailing lights faint. Was this a UFO or could it have been a meteor with pieces breading off of it and burning up and disappearing? The witness believed he was looking at an alien UFO.

Now for a sighting which was a little more certain. The video was taken by the ISS and captured the image of a UFO blasting past a SpaceX Dragon near the space station. The object was a large black triangle estimated by one person as being about 400 feet long. Black triangles have been seen in a lot of places lately.

The highest number of reported UFO sightings in the United States for a year, took place in 2020. In New York over 300 sightings were reported, the highest number for that state. Is this a response from people being stuck at home with nothing to do because of Covid? That could be one reason but there could also be more to look at. The total number of reported UFO sightings for 2020 in the United States was 7,273, up from 6,277 the year before.

Last month, *April 2021, a UFO sighting was witnessed over Tableview and Milneton, Cape Town. A strange object was seen in the sky over the city. The UFO consisted of lights in the sky as do many other sightings at night. The most famous incident of this type was the Phoenix Lights, which the government tried to explain away, but never did so successfully.

Just recently a new shaped UFO is being reported which is the TicTac shape. Suddenly they are being reported in many different places. One pilot who was there when the original TicTac video was shot from a gun camera on a fighter plane had said he saw the UFO but it was not TicTac shaped at all. This, if true,  would mean the navy altered the video to hide the true shape of the UFO. If they did and there are no TicTac shaped UFOs the navy brass must be laughing when people report seeing them.

One thing I have noticed about UFOs over the years is it seems there are all different levels of technology involved, meaning there are different UFOs from different planets. An example of this is the UFO which can become invisible compared to the UFO which tries to blend into the clouds to hide. There are also UFOs which can split into various parts and those which seem solid like the Black Triangles. There are even some UFOs which seem to be made of plasma. If I were a betting man, I would say we are being visited by many different races from different worlds.

Some UFOs have been reported coming out of portholes which are probably wormholes. Wormholes are theoretical shortcuts in space. A retired man in East Lancashire, England said he was watching the night sky when he saw a UFO appear over his home. He said it came out of a portal in the sky. He didn’t have time to photograph it or do anything else since it disappeared too fast. He did say he had his binoculars and got a good look at the object before it vanished. It had hovered for a few seconds and then took off. He said it was not a plane, or a light in the sky. He said it was like watching a science fiction movie.

*Articles are written about a month ahead of publishing.

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