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Alien Visitation

There has been a lot of speculation about why aliens might visit a planet like ours. Some say we are not being visited and it is all baloney and the government says it knows nothing about extraterrestrial existence. The problem is one of denial and there are many different reasons why this might take place. There has been much talk over the years about why our government might deny the existence of extraterrestrials. One of the most prominent reasons is we can do nothing about them since they are far too powerful, so instead the government has made deals with them for advanced technology. This advanced technology is advanced technology to us, but many not be advanced to them. I doubt aliens would give us anything which might threaten their existence. When hundreds of UFO reports come in everyday and when pilots are constantly seeing UFOs, one had to concede there is probably alien UFOs plying our skies. We are being told not to pay any attention to what we see and if we get too vocal about it we are either ridiculed, threatened or worse.

It seems we are not being visited by just one race of aliens, but many different ones. There has to be something attracting them to here. It might be we are out of balance. What I mean by that is we discovered things like nuclear weapons and power, before we were mature enough and this might cause our downfall. It does seem it is only a matter of time before every country in the world will obtain nukes. I just read a new article stating it is believed Saudi Arabia is going to buy nukes from Pakistan and they feel they need them to protect themselves from Iran. This is a sad state of affairs indeed. One can see how unstable North Korea is and I am sure if there are aliens watching us this must be of particular interest to them. It is only a matter of time before some country believes if they don’t use their nukes on another country, they will be nuked and that is how wars start.

Some think there is something on this planet of ours which might be very rare in the universe and the aliens are here to get it. To those I have to say how many years would that take, since we know the aliens have been sighted for thousands of years? I don’t think this idea holds water, but I do think there is a good chance aliens are on the moon and according to photos I have seen and articles I have read many others also believe this and it seems they may have mining operations going on there. We think there is Helium-3 on the moon and a lot of it. It would be the perfect fuel for fusion reactors and we would love to have it, but this doesn’t mean aliens want it. They may have found something else on the moon which is more precious to them, something we don’t even realize has any use. If they are digging for Helium-3 it would have to be far more rare than we suspect.

One of the most chilling theories of why aliens might be so interested in the planet earth has to do with a theory which states we are a dying civilization and the aliens are here to observe all the things we are doing wrong and when we finally are gone they will use the information to stop this from happening again to other races. There is some credibility in this theory, because it has become obvious we are destroying ourselves. First of all we are allowing global warming due to the lack of cooperation between countries and the greed which exists. We have probably passed the point where we can stop it, but we keep giving it lip service and will until there is nothing left. The second reason is we are allowing nuclear weapons to exist on this planet. They should all be destroyed and any country developing them dealt with. The development and deployment of such weapons can only end badly for all of the human race. Thirdly instead of being one race which helps each other we allow others to starve and die of disease and thirst. How can civilized people do this?

Some have put forth a theory that alien races are after our genetics and some of them are dying and need fresh DNA. They have come to this planet to mate with humans to increase the variety of DNA in their gene pool. Could aliens have been doing this for millions of years, mating with other races when they realized they were a dying race? This might not be such a crazy idea. It may be hard for them to find a compatible match and we might be special in that area. It could turn out we are a lot more compatible with alien physiology than we suspect making us valuable to them. In this regard there has been a lot of rumors about abductions and people being forced to breed with aliens and also talk about people disappearing and being dissected and such. Not a very pleasant thought.

We can’t blame all the different races of aliens for this behavior, but that doesn’t make it any better. There are stories about our leaders meeting with aliens and even aliens who have offered to help us. There is a story of President Eisenhower secretly meeting with a race we call the Nordics who are said to look just like us and are tall and blond. Supposedly they told Eisenhower they would help us, but we had to give up our nuclear weapons and he refused and made a deal instead with the Greys who were then allowed to abduct a certain amount of people every year if they returned them. When I interviewed Eisenhower’s great granddaughter she told me Eisenhower knew about aliens.

If we were ever privy to what the government knows about UFOs we would be astounded. Even if the government releases all their UFO reports, they would not let us see the important ones, the ones which actually prove we have been in contact with aliens. It is a secret which has the highest priority. We might even find out we are being controlled by extraterrestrials, but I don’t see why they would be doing such a bad job. Perhaps there is an extraterrestrial race which would have us destroy ourselves so they can take over the planet without having to invade. This would certainly make it much easier for them to take us over and they would not be risking anything.


