Truth Facts




UFOs In Our Skies

It may sound hard to believe, but it seems there are unknown people in our Navy who have control over all UFO data. An example of this happened in 2004 and the carrier Nimitz sent planes up to Chase UFOs that were in the sky above it. Veterans of the incident I brought up have wondered  what happened to bring this to light? They state unidentified people ordered naval officers to erase all the data. It seems they took copies of all the data and ordered everything else erased. The two men ordered this had arrived on the carrier about 20 minutes after the sighting by helicopter and were not part of the ship’s crew. When the video was released and showed a TicTac shaped object, one pilot stated that was not what he saw. This has not been mentioned very much and has been more or less overwhelmed by the unexpected release of the naval video.

A UFO was seen shooting across the sky in Las Vegas. It had a familiar cigar shape, but what made it appear different, was the fact it seemed to be glowing from the inside out. Another strange thing about it was it seems to be catching up to a glowing orb while it was traveling. Some have described the UFO as being TicTac shaped, which is much the same shape as what was reported by the crew of the carrier Nimitz. Why is it so many TicTac shaped UFOs have been reported lately? They don’t seem to appear in the historical record of UFO sightings before this decade. One has to ask why? There could be a few different reasons for this. The first might be this is a machine developed by us. The second reason might be a new race has come to the earth and the third reason might be this is an advancement by beings who have already been coming here.

Two Brazilian fisherman claim they were scared out of their wits when they witnessed a UFO very close to them. They claim the UFO was responsible for the engine on their boat stalling out. They drew a picture of what they saw and it seems to indicate a traditional circular UFO with landing legs. As a matter of fact, they said it did land and when they went to the area where they had seen it, while it was no longer there, there were marks on the ground which seem to indicate the legs on the ship had dug into the dirt and the vegetation was also flattened. The UFO had landed on an island near San Paulo. One fisherman said the light was right over their head and that it changed directions and went to the island. They saw a number of spinning lights on the bottom of the UFO and another fisherman said he almost died of fear and hid in the bottom of the boat. They went on to describe the UFO as having a yellowish hue which was extremely intense. It wasn’t until dawn of the next day that they went to the island to investigate. The sighting took place in 1995 and is still considered to be mysterious. When the marks were examined experts said they were not from any known aircraft.

A UFO investigator claims a recent photo taken by NASA of the moon shows a UFO hovering over one of the craters. The photo was a high resolution image which made it easier to see everything in the photo much more clearly. This is where things get a bit tricky. The investigator says the object was shaped more like a rock than a spacecraft. Recently pictures have come to the attention of the public from NASA which seem to show rocks floating above the surface of Mars. Could it be the moon also has them? If they do exist how would they be able to ignore gravity completely? Also, if they float how come they don’t float right off into space? Could it be there are bodies in space where gravity is not uniform over the entire sphere?

There are a few stories about people who saw UFOs while strolling through the woods. One famous one happened when Robert Taylor said he saw a UFO near Livingston in the Dechmont Woods, in Scotland. Mr. Taylor was a decorated war hero and he claimed the UFO attacked him. The incident happened on November 9, 1979 and when Mr. Taylor went to the police his clothing was ripped. He described what he saw as a 30 foot high dome shaped object which had been in the clearing. He said when he saw it two spiked objects came out and rolled towards him and then he passed out. He said he was aware that he had been grabbed by the legs but that was all he remembered and he woke up 20 minutes later. Mr. Taylor never changed his story to the day he died. The detective said he had seen strange markings on the ground when he investigated and described them as being 3 ½ inches in diameter and being round holes. He said there was 32 of these holes. The officer said the holes didn’t seem to go anywhere or come from anywhere it was more like something came out of the sky, landed and then took off again.

As more pilots admit to seeing UFOs in the sky, the stories get more credible. And a couple of years ago a former pilot for then Sen. Barack Obama admitted on seeing a UFO. He said he saw it in 1989 when he was flying for a regional airline. He said the object was a dimly lit disc shaped object and it was near the plane as the plane was flying. He was not the captain of the plane at the time, but the captain did admit to also seeing the object. When the plane began to descend there was a red ball above the clouds where the disk-shaped object had been. It just sat there. Eventually it vanished behind the clouds. It then appeared and hundreds of lights began flashing on and off in the clouds. The cloud where the ball had gone behind pulled itself apart.

One thing is for sure, former Sen. Harry Reid is an ardent believer in UFOs and wants the government to do more to find out what they are. Reid is battling pancreatic cancer and I am sure he would like to get answers quickly to the UFO question and has done everything in his power to do so. It probably won’t be enough though, because it seems there are interests who don’t want the UFO question answered.

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