Truth Facts




Are We Being Observed Part I?

This may sound strange to some, because if asked they would tell us everyone knows the government is listening to our phone calls and watching what we do, but this is not the type of observation I am talking about. I am talking about being watched by extraterrestrials. Recently a NASA scientist has come out and said alien life is far more likely to exist than first thought. I remember when this would have been heresy to say for anyone working at NASA. Did he just say this because we have found so many exoplanets out there, some of which seem to have conditions for life? I guess this could be part of the reason, but is the main reason we have found objects in space which seem to be devices to watch us?

Things are happening which many of us don’t know about, so I would like to tell you about some of them. There is an object which has been found orbiting the earth from a distance of about 600 kilometers. This translated to about 360 miles. This is at its lowest point. It is following a very strange orbit which sends it to a distance past the moon and then back. It is newly discovered and has been given a nickname of the “empty trash bag.” It seems to me the nickname was calculated to make us think it was inconsequential. This is far from the case. Scientists say they gave it this name because it seems very light and moves like a plastic bag and is likely a piece of foil from one of our spacecrafts. The truth is at 360 miles high at its lowest point this does not seem possible. It is too high. The object is also in a retrograde orbit which is highly unusual and seems to speed along and change course to get around objects. No natural object can do this. Scientists admit they are puzzled by the object and continue to study it. The name of the object is A10BMLZ. I have located a video of the object so you can observe it moving. Copy and paste the address to your web browser’s address area. Sorry Truth Facts does not use live outside links.

In 2017 a strange object entered our solar system. It had a cylindrical shape even though it seemed to look like stone. We were told it was just an odd shaped asteroid and there was nothing to be worried about. Scientists said they were interested in it, because it came from outside the galaxy. As time went by the opinions of some scientists changed. As they observed the object, which was named I/2017 U1 ‘Oumuamua’ it changed speed and direction a couple of times. This was supposed to be impossible for a natural object. Scientists began to ponder the object and some came to the conclusion the object could have been built in such a way to act like a solar sail. A solar sail is an artificial device which acts much like the sail on a ship which is pushed by the wind. The difference is a solar sail is pushed by the solar wind from a star. Another thing which is suspicious is the fact shortly after it left, the “empty trash bag” appeared. Was it released by Oumuamua because it found our planet interesting and wanted to continue studying it as it went along its trip to other solar systems? You can see a picture of Oumuamua by copying this address to your browser’s website:

It turns out we may have been under observation for thousands of years and have just begun to realize it as our technology gets more advanced. There is a satellite which has been seen in orbit around the earth and it was first glimpsed before we ventured into space. It has been named the Black Knight. For years certain people have tried to classify this as a conspiracy theory so we would pay no attention to it. We can’t do anything about the satellite since it has a habit of appearing then disappearing. There has long been a debate about the satellite. Some believe there was an advanced race on earth which left and put up the satellite to observe this planet. Others think an alien race put the satellite up to observe us and still others think we may have had a space program long before we admitted it. The problem with the last idea of having an early space program is the satellite is far too advanced even today for that to have been the case. It has also been said this satellite is in a retrograde orbit, sound familiar? In 1954 a navy pilot named Donald Keyhoe said the U.S. Air Force had detected two satellites in space. This was years before Sputnik 1 was launched. In 1960 Time reported a satellite was discovered in a polar orbit which no U.S. and Soviet satellites were ever in.

A Scotsman named Duncan Lunan, a science fiction writer, stated he had  “identified and deciphered a hidden radio message.” He said it came from outer space and he was able to decipher it. This is what he said it was, “Start here. Our home is Upsilon Bootes, which is a double star. We live on the sixth planet of seven, coming from the sun, which is the larger of the two. Our sixth planet has one moon. Our fourth planet has three. Our first and third planets each have one. Our probe is in the position of Arcturus, known in our maps.”

We have thousands of satellites orbiting our planet, would it be possible for an alien race to sneak in a couple to observe us without our knowing it? I believe NASA has not been truthful when it comes to alien objects being observed. One has only to check the number of times something strange was caught on the cameras of the International Space Station and then they supposedly malfunctioned. Can a camera malfunction every time a strange object appears? I want to say the odds are astronomical, but that sounds like a pun. It could turn out many different races are interested in us, because we are a developing world. Compared to them we are in the Stone Age and watching us may be like watching their own history. Some believe they are just waiting for us to reach a certain point in our development so they can invite us into their community. We really don’t know this. What ever is going on, it does seem we are being observed for reasons unknown.

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