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The Alien Question

The question of finding alien life is a burning one for a lot of people. It certainly doesn’t seem probably we would be the only intelligent beings in a universe so incredible large as the one we live in. We really don’t even know if what we think is the universe is the entire universe, for all we know it could be just a minute part of an even greater universe we are too insignificant to see. The bigger universe could be made up of what we already know, or could be built on things like dark matter or other dimensions or something we haven’t even thought of. I remember hearing someone say there could be beings out there we can’t see, because our senses are not capable of picking them up. There could be aliens who can’t see us and we can’t see them or aliens we can’t see who can see us. To think we are the only intelligent beings in the universe is very presumptive of us.

Since we are talking about life in the universe, we have to wonder where we would fit in. Would we turn out to be some of the first, average or some of the last? There could have been alien life which was here billions of years ago and has already disappeared. Some say the government is hiding proof of this in the form of ruins on Mars, the moon and even on asteroids which may have been used as bases. An interesting point made by some is the fact we have two hands, two feet and a head with eyes, ears, nose and mouth and it might be because nature found this to be the most efficient for us and because of this alien life might have evolved with the same features even if it doesn’t look like us. It has been suggested the time period of evolution an alien race might exist in would determine its makeup. This would suggest we might look different in the future and have looked a lot different in the distant past. This assumes this idea is correct.

The environment is also going to determine what an alien might look like. Take the idea aliens exist on a low oxygen planet. They might have developed lungs which are far more powerful than ours and probably much bigger. If they came from a much hotter planet they might have incredible tough skin which is heat resistant and be able to withstand incredible temperatures much like the animals which live near thermal heat vents in the ocean. If they come from a planet with much stronger gravity, they might be far stronger than a human if they came to earth. There are so many incredible species of life just on our planet which exhibit extreme abilities there is almost no limit to how life might have developed elsewhere. For all we know some intelligent life might have developed more along insect life and aliens might be more like  hive life.

Some scientists have said it might be possible for what they call machine life to exist. They are talking about artificial intelligent life. They base this on the fact they believe in a few decades artificial intelligence or AI will become self-aware and thus be a new life form. Some subscribe to the Terminator type of artificial life and think somewhere along the line artificial life will believe it is smarter than us and have no use for us. This will lead it to make war against us and try and destroy us. If there are civilizations like this out there, I would think we would never want to meet them, since they have already have demonstrated their hate for intelligent biological life.

For all we know we may have already been contacted by aliens, but are not advanced enough to realize it. Recently people on the internet have been making a big fuss over what they claim is an alien message. To take their qualms seriously you would have to take the fact the message, if it exists, was sent by an alien race. Let me tell you what they are worried about. Some people believe if the message is opened and deciphered it will somehow destroy the human race. What are they thinking, we will be written to death? I would like to know where that idea came from.

We use our telescopes to peer into the vast spaces between solar systems and galaxies while we are at this certain stage of development. Could it be there are far more advanced races who have far more powerful instruments and are looking at us? Some say we have been under observation for 10,000 years and I am not talking about UFOs watching us. I am talking about a satellite which is said to have been circling the earth for all that time known as the Dark Knight and the satellite disappears and reappears at different time. Some have posted photos of what they thought was this satellite, but who knows?

It is fascinating to think there may be other races out there, but I think we have to realize they may mirror what we have on earth. What I mean by that is some may be a lot friendlier than others and there may even be races of aliens who will hate us just because we are humans. We shouldn’t think dealing with aliens will be a bed or roses. We may find we have the Canadian aliens, the Russian aliens and the North Korean aliens as far as their intensions go and depending on their stage of advancement we could be in a lot of trouble.