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UFO Secrets

When it comes to ufos there are plenty of secrets. Some say the biggest secret is the fact there are really no ufos because the term UFO means unidentified flying object and we have misusing it for decades. What they mean by this is all ufos are secret government projects. Why would people think that? This stems from the fact many people believe the Nazis developed the flying saucer and when the war was over we got all their plans and began to use these plans to build saucers ourselves. This could be partially true, but I don’t believe it is entirely true. I say this because of the fact there are many ancient examples of UFOs or flying saucers painted on cave walls and shown later in paintings and even on ancient coins and such. The reason I used the word partially was the fact I think the Nazis did build at least one or two experimental saucer shaped craft and when the war ended we might have gotten the plans and began to build these saucers ourselves.

Others say ufos are extraterrestrial vehicles. I am sure most of us have heard this at one time or another. They base this on several things. One is the fact of their performance. When a pilot flies his plane and if it is powerful enough he has to be careful not to put too much gravitational pressure on himself by flying it in such a way that gravity is increased on his body over a certain amount. To avoid this, he may make large turns. Many ufos have been sighted turning on a dime at high speeds which would kill a human being. UFO investigators have guessed the ufos must have some sort of system that nullifies gravity. Another factor is speed. Some ufos have been seen traveling at incredible speeds which are far faster than anything we have on earth. There have also been ufos seen by witnesses who claimed to have spotted non-humans in them while looking through transparent material in the ships such as a cockpit glass type material. Then there is the kicker, it is those witnesses who claim to have seen aliens exiting a landed ufo.

What may be some of the other secrets the government is trying to keep to avoid us from finding out about ufos? It has been said by people who claimed to be part of elite military teams, these special teams were formed to recover ufos which had crashed along with alien bodies, if there were any. This is said to have been going on for many years and the routine of doing this has been refined to the point where these teams can get in and out very quickly and use special equipment to haul anything of value away including the ufo itself. These people are said to be sworn to secrecy, but as with anything else we sometimes get lucky and one will come forward with their story.

One of the biggest government secrets is the program to discredit scientists and engineers who come out with the facts of what they are working on such as reverse engineering saucers and other craft. These facts are learned from the crashed ships which are brought back to secret government labs. The government plan to discredit these people is not always perfect, but unfortunately the discreditors learn from its mistakes. Take the case of Bob Lazar. He was a friend of John Lear of Lear Jet fame and a scientist who worked at Area 51 on reverse engineering ufos. One day he showed John Lear a ufo in the sky above Area 51. He decided to come clean and talk about his work and that is when the government called him a con man and erased all his records including his educational records, job related records and any other records which would even prove he was a scientist at all. They constantly called him a fraud, but the government forgot to erase his name from the local phone book and it appeared there. An investigative reporter discovered this and met with some of the other scientists from Area 51 and they remembered working with Lazar at Area 51. So much for the government case against him.

There are said to be other secrets, some of which could make our blood run cold. It has been claimed aliens were working with us and giving us some technology, but in turn for this we were allowing them to abduct humans and perform experiments on them. One story states we had gotten into a battle with them, because they were taking more people than they were allowed. There are said to have also been murders of humans by aliens. In one case a soldier was pulled aboard a ufo in front of another soldier and the ufo took off. Later the body of the abducted solder was found torn apart laying in the desert. There is also a case where an underground battle was said to have taken place between humans and greys and almost all the humans were killed.

The military doesn’t like to talk about it, but ufos have turned off our missiles a couple of times. They have been spotted flying over our bases and silos when the missiles went offline. Does this sound like anything we would do to ourselves? This alone should show at least some of the ufos are certainly not ours. They have also been seen shining beams down over storage areas which housed nuclear weapons. Could they have been deactivating them? Is it possible some of our nuclear weapons no longer work, because of this and were aliens sending us a message? If this is the case this secret has been kept very close to the vest. Perhaps much of the nuclear stockpiles in different countries are no longer viable and we just don’t know it.

Secrets have gotten out of hand and when the people operating Area 51 refused to allow then president Eisenhower access, he told them he would send in the army and take the base. They quickly changed their minds and gave him a tour. You have to wonder how many presidents today would have the guts to do the same thing. I heard something the other day about the shadow government which seems to be in charge of ufo matters and it was said by someone who should know. He said they evaluate people and before they let them know anything about ufos they decide if they will keep it secret and they don’t care how high a position someone has in the government, even if he is the president. If they feel he or she will talk, they tell them nothing.