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Crowds Who Saw UFOs

What many people don’t realize is the fact UFOs have appeared before crowds. This counters the claim some guy sitting next to a still in the Ozarks, who was half loaded is your typical UFO witness. I heard things like this so many times and they are just so not true. UFOs have appeared everywhere, sometimes they are even seen in very busy cities like New York or Los Angeles and other large cities all over the world. To try and say nobody sees them, but drunk delusional people is so unfair and just plays into the disinformation machine. I think many of us are a little more sophisticated today and realize there is definitely something to the UFO phenomenon. Things are being seen, but the question is are they ours or not? To try and say everything that is seen is delusional just doesn’t cut the mustard anymore. What I want to talk about today are the sightings that have had a large amount of witnesses.

Many of us haven’t heard about the protests which are going on in Hong Kong. The people in Hong Kong were upset, because they believed China was going to choose the candidates for their election in 2017. This brought tens of thousands of people out into the street. During one of these vigorous protests which included thousands of people, an object appeared above the crowd and moved slowly, slow enough to be filmed by a camera from BBC. Suddenly the UFO shot straight up in the air and disappeared. Now mind you this was in front of a huge crowd so no one can say somebody who drank too much was making a false report. Some of the explanations were it was a drone, but others said no drone could have accelerated that fast. One person said it is not unreasonable for a drone to accelerate that fast, but I say give me a break and at least say it might be a military vehicle or a UFO.

Many people love to go to Disneyland in California. There probably isn’t the time when the park is open it is isn’t filled with people. This means anything that happens in the sky above Disneyland during operating hours will be seen by large crowds. Such was the case in 2016 when a strange object appeared in the sky over the park. What made this object even stranger than usual was the fact it was an outline of an object with a transparent center. Some described it as a sort of ring, but it wasn’t exactly round. I guess if I had to describe the shape I would say it looked more like an egg. It first appeared above the Magic Castle. A video was taken of the object. One witness said he was just walking up Main Street following the parade and noticed everybody started looking up in the sky and pointing and there was this object floating above their heads. One witness said he expected it to open up like a portal and to see something come through it. The object started to appear all over the Internet as people took pictures of it. If you would like to see it, copy then paste this address into your browser’s address area:
Sorry Truth Facts doesn’t use active outside links.

In 2014 numerous UFO sightings were reported on the same day in the skies above New York City. I don’t know how many people have ever walked through the city during the daytime on a weekday, but believe me when I tell you it is crowded. In some places, you’re walking shoulder to shoulder with many other people who are just crossing the street. It was on one of these days UFOs were reported in the sky so they had to be seen by hundreds if not thousands of people. The objects are said to be surrounded by yellow and blue lights. The FAA had told this to a newspaper reporter. It was also said one could see large groups of people looking up into the sky at the object. Of course, the detractors said they were only balloons, but there were some witnesses who were infuriated by this description and who claimed they were anything but balloons and the objects were flying in formation. There will always be excuses for things we see so this in itself does not surprise me. It is very frustrating when somebody sees something which cannot possibly be what the detractors say it is. I’m sure if one was to interview each one of these witnesses most of them will tell you the same thing and that is the balloon theory is just a bunch of hot air, excuse the pun.

In 2010 a UFO was seen flying over the Xiaoshan Airport in China. The airport is a busy place and hundreds of people were able to see the UFO. I would like to see someone explain their way out of this sighting as it was so serious the airport had to close down. When the object was first sighted all planes were then grounded. The airport stayed closed for over an hour. A photo was released of the object and it seemed to be bathed in a golden colored light and had a tail like a comet, or a rocket. A little before this happened people in the area were reporting they saw a UFO which was sending out rays of red and white light.

The UFO which appeared over the Chinese airport was certainly not the first one to appear over a busy airport. In 2006 a UFO appeared over O’Hare International Airport in Chicago in the United States. It was seen by hundreds of people, but many of them worked for Airlines and were told not to talk about it. Not only did people walking around the airport and employees see the object, but so did the crews of several planes. Some witnesses described the object as a disc-shaped craft which was hovering over the airport. When the object finally left it shot straight up through the clouds leaving a round hole in the clouds above which lasted for quite a while. In the beginning the FAA stated they had no information, but when the Chicago Tribune investigated the report and filed a freedom of information act disclosure they found a document which showed an FAA official had called the tower at the airport, because he was concerned about the object.

All this just goes to show one there had to have been times when it was not just a solitary witness who said they saw something and there have also been times when the things which were seen in the sky were considered serious enough for action by governments. It is easy enough to just keeps supplying excuses for what people see such as Project Blue Book, an Air Force operation that lasted for years did. It didn’t work then and it certainly won’t work today, because nobody is going to buy the excuse swamp gas caused a sighting.