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Were There Aliens on Earth in Ancient Times?

There has been a lot of talk about people seeing aliens lately. This seems to be a relatively new phenomenon, but the question is, is it really? People have been talking about monsters and gods ever since they could talk. If one were to look up all the historical monsters which was said to have existed there probably would be thousands of them or more. It seems when civilizations learn how to write they all recorded what we would call monsters today. Take the Babylonian goddess Tiamat for example. She was said to be the goddess of the salt sea. She is also said to be the embodiment of primordial chaos and sometimes she is pictured as a Dragon. Could she have been alien and her advanced technology gave her powers which made her seem like a God to the ancients who lived a thousand years before Christ, or was she just a monster? The real question is, do monsters even exist, or are they just fairytales created to frighten children?

It would be so easy for aliens to have fooled our ancestors. It could even be true we are being fooled today. Let me give you a classic example of a modern-day idea some ufologists are putting forth. We know Bigfoot sightings have been claimed by some people. It is unfortunate that many hoaxers have jumped on this and created all sorts of false evidence which makes those who claim to have seen real Bigfoots look very foolish. Making casts of phony bigfoot foot prints has become a cottage industry. Some ufologists have linked Bigfoots with UFOs and there are those witnesses who claim they have seen a Bigfoot coming out of a beam which was being shined down from a UFO. Interestingly enough there is a sighting of a Bigfoot which was recorded in the nineteenth century and it is quite detailed. A cowboy claimed to have been abducted by a Bigfoot who brought him to his family. He claimed he was not harmed was even fed, but not allowed to leave. When he was abducted he was holding onto his Winchester rifle, but claimed he didn’t want to hurt the animals or whatever they were. He said after a while they didn’t watch him too closely and one night he was able to get away. This account comes from a time before all of this Bigfoot nonsense. Is a Bigfoot an alien?

The Chinese culture is very ancient, but we all know that. It is riddled with many tales of demons, ghosts and even monsters. Some of the ancient Chinese beliefs had to do with monsters who would torture humans who would be reborn and go through the cycle again until their soul makes amends for its sins. There have been many abduction stories by people who claim to have been grabbed by aliens and put through very painful examinations, some of which have even damaged them. The Chinese also believed in Huli jing, Fox spirits. They claimed the spirits came as good or evil and existed in both forms and were able to look like humans. There have been many reports of people who were able to see aliens who had apparently been able to fool others into thinking they were human. Apparently if we are to believe the people who said they saw aliens in their true form, whatever they were using didn’t work for everyone. Could the ancient Chinese spirits have actually been aliens?

There are plenty of ufologists who believe some of the gods of ancient times are aliens. If one was to pick a country where it’s ancient culture would have been dealing with aliens, India would be one of the main suspects for several reasons. One of these reasons is the fact there are so many tales of flying machines and futuristic weapons which seem to be nuclear. The effects of these weapons was described and matched the effects of a nuclear attack. They were said to produce blinding white light and people who were not killed immediately suffered by their teeth and hair falling out and eventually dying in a couple of weeks. Could it just be a coincidence the effects of a nuclear attack were described so perfectly? Ufologists don’t believe a coincidence of this magnitude could be possible with an ancient tale. It does seem a big stretch as these things match up so perfectly and there are plenty of flying machine which were being talked about also. It certainly does make one wonder what was going on in ancient India.

One of the things that’s very strange about the ancient world was there method of advanced construction for some of the incredible structures they built. If we look at the great pyramid in Gaza we see construction which is so advanced we couldn’t equal it today. It isn’t just the pyramid which is so incredible, it is temples, walls and many other structures which we can’t equal. How is it possible modern man cannot do what ancient man was able to do in some cases? I am talking about moving stones which weighed 100 tons or more and sometimes a lot more. There are cases of stones which weighed in excess of 10 tons being brought to the top mountain tops where cities were built. If you ask ufologists how this is possible they will tell you aliens helped build these things. Usually this is the type of thing I don’t pay any attention to, but there is just no way to explain some of the ancient construction. If we look at Nasca we see mountaintops which were sheared off to make what looks like a landing strip and yet there is no rubble.

It has been said there was a pharaoh of Egypt who could have been an alien. Where did this idea come from? One of the reasons it came about was the fact it is believed the pharaoh Akhenaten had an elongated skull. When we see photos of his face which were taken from statues, we noticed his face was very elongated. Critics claim he suffered from a genetic mutation that produces elongated skulls, but with all the elongated skulls which have been found this seems as some sort of weak excuse. There hasn’t been enough medical evidence ever found to prove this is true. It is said he also had a long neck, long fingers thick thighs and some very strange feminine attributes. In other words, he was not your typical human man. No mummy of Akhenaten has ever been found.

Have there been aliens on our planet for many thousands of years who some thought were gods? Could there have been others who went under the radar and maybe gave tips to our ancestors on how to build ancient structures? I guess it could always be a possibility.