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UFOs and Related Subjects

There have been quite a few new UFO sightings since the last time I talked about them. Some of them are quite interesting and there are even some which don’t seem to be UFOs at all, but are not anything we would readily recognize. I guess I’ll talk about these first. Observers got very excited when they noticed three nebulous objects in the sky. They didn’t look like UFOs at all, what they seemed to be were portals of some type. As far as I know nothing was observed coming out of them, but in this day and age if one could prove these were portals we might have to think about the fact it is now possible to make things invisible and we might not know if something went or came through one of these objects. I have seen what seemed to be portals opening in the sky before, granted they were in videos and I have also seen videos of objects coming out of them and one video where an object which was a UFO seemed to be entering one and disappearing. The three portal objects were photographed from the International Space Station when they were picked up on the live feed.

While I guess I’ve heard everything now. Witnesses are claiming UFOs have been seen many times hovering over a beach in Wales. This is not the strange part of the story, even though it seems so. The strangest part of the story is the fact this is a nude beach. The Mutual UFO Network has now marked the area as a place of interest for extraterrestrial activity. The organization has even posted a sign near the beach asking visitors to report any sightings or sounds and to take photographs. I have to wonder where they would keep their cameras. For years experts have been saying UFOs are fond of hanging around nuclear plants, electrical power stations and military bases, but until now I have never heard of them hanging around nude beaches.

A man who is famous in the field of Ufology has captured an interesting photo of a UFO. The researcher believed the ship may have been doing reconnaissance work and he seemed to be having a hard time getting a picture of it, because it kept moving in and out of the clouds, but eventually he was able to take a photo and he reported it was a dark spherical object and it was flying over Devon in the UK. In case you are wondering why UFOs seem to come in so many different shapes, the answer is quite forthright. Investigators will tell you they do not all come from the same planet and it is believed there are at least nine different races coming to investigate earth. Some of these objects glow, others even change size as they are flying and then there are the ones which look like fireballs. All of these make the traditional UFO shape of a saucer look rather tame.

Another UFO was spotted in the skies above the UK and this one glowed, expanded and contracted as it flew. A witness could not believe his eyes when he saw it. This witness has seen other UFOs. The object appeared above Bracknell in Berkshire. The witness said the way it glowed reminded him of burning magnesium. Magnesium puts off a very bright light as it burns and is used in military radar trailers, because of its flammability. The idea is rather than let the trailer be captured by the enemy it is set on fire and burns immediately. The witness said every time he takes a walk now he stares up at the sky, because he never knows what he is going to see. This is the same area where there was a sighting by a pilot in 2013. He had claimed to see a bright silver ruby ball shaped UFO coming towards him.

Recently Stephen Hawking, the famous physicist, had assembled a team to look for alien signals. The team has detected fifteen mysterious radio signals. The team is part of the Breakthrough Listen Project which was set up by Stephen Hawking and the Russian billionaire Yuri Milner. They wanted to see if we were truly alone in the universe. The signals are coming from a dwarf galaxy which is over three billion light years away, so what does this mean? It means if there was a society which sent out these signals they are probably long gone. We have to say this, because light travels at the same speed as a radio signal so this means the signal was sent more than three billion years ago, if it was truly sent at all. Some  researchers don’t believe the signals came from an alien society. It could have come from a rotating neutron star or possibly from some energy source which might have been used to power spaceships. There are places in our universe we know nothing about, where radio signals seem to repeat. We found this out when we used higher frequencies.

A very strange UFO sighting occurred over Los Angeles recently. A spherical object appeared in the skies above the city near a police helicopter. The police helicopter circled the object for a while making observations. A video was taken showing the object. It is said many people took videos of the interaction between the helicopter and UFO. One witness said it was a mysterious almost metallic object  and was completely static. He also went on to say the police must not know what it is since they kept circling it. Later the police came out with a statement saying it was an advertising helium balloon, but many observers don’t believe this and feel this could be one of those “swamp gas” excuses.

What is up with the United Nations? A recent UNICEF video shown in Chile urges children to accept aliens. I am not talking about people from other countries when I use the word aliens, I am talking about beings from other worlds in this case. The video shows a teacher with an alien boy who was mocked when he shows his advanced physical skills, but later he was accepted by the human children. Many believe there is a plot by the United Nations and the Vatican to get us to accept the fact aliens exist and get us also to accept them into our society when the time comes.