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Outing the UFO Conspiracy

For a while now there has been a buzz on the Internet concerning UFO information. The buzz is we are going to be given information about UFOs from experts who should know and it is information which has never been given before. This is the latest buzz and it includes descriptions of a panel of people all connected with either high government positions or high positions in companies the government uses to build secret projects. The Huffington Post ran an article on October 10th 2017 describing positions these people held. They seem to think Tom DeLonge, a famous music artist is behind doing this. Years ago, Mr. DeLonge gave up his career to fund investigative projects into the UFO mystery and used his own income to fund these projects. It is thought he has convinced these people to join his panel of investigators and to tell the public what is really going on. I haven’t seen the names of these people, but the Huffington Post claims, “The team includes a 25-year veteran of the CIA’s Directorate of Operations; a Lockheed Martin Program Director for Advanced Systems at “Skunk Works”; a former deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Intelligence; a DoD Senior Intelligence officer who, among other sensitive responsibilities, ran a Pentagon aerospace “threat identification” program focusing on unidentified aerial technologies. And well placed and experienced professionals, from Intelligence and high academic positions, are also on board……”

One of the things which jumped out at me right away was the fact a Lockheed Martin, “Skunk Works” director is one of the people who is involved with this. I say this, because a former director of the skunk works named Ben Rich made an incredible statement on his deathbed years ago saying we now had the ability to take ET home wherever he came from. Mr. Rich was an engineer and worked in the Skunk Works from 1975 two 1991. We are talking about a statement which indicated the fact we were far more advanced than suspected and it was made 26 years ago. Why would a man like Mr. Rich lie about this on his deathbed? As far as I am concerned he wouldn’t. Mr. Rich said there was a lot of things going on that he was not able to talk about. I guess this would only be common sense considering where he worked. When Mr. Rich was asked by an engineer if he thought it was theoretically possible to travel to the stars, he turned and said “We found an error in the equations and we now know how to travel to the stars, and it won’t take us a lifetime to do it.” Another engineer asked Mr. Rich if he could tell how the propulsion system would work to get us to the stars and this time he replied with a question. He asked the person did he know how ESP works? The engineer who asked the question stated “I don’t know, all points in space and time are connected?” Mr. Rich replied, “That’s how it works.”

Some people seem to think some world leader is about spill the beans about UFOs. They believe China, India and Russia are getting tired of the UFO cover-up. Articles have been appearing stating these three countries have had contact with extraterrestrials and I guess if they have had it so have we. It has long been suspected the major countries of the world have had some sort of agreement which states they were not to discuss the fact they had alien contact or UFOs are piloted by aliens. The thinking is these countries are tired of being told to cover this stuff up by the United States. While this can’t be affirmed as true, many countries are losing their patients with us on many different matters. Some people say it is not countries on their own which have decided to keep this information secret, it is powerful people controlling these countries who are doing it. The people who believe this think the world is run by only a few and no doubt this could be true as there are people out there who control such huge amounts of money that individually they have more money than many countries and as a group they might have more money than all the countries in the world. The Chinese have been very interested in UFOs and there have been some stories stating they have found a UFO base which lies between China and India. If we look at Indian history we see many stories with accounts of God’s flying through the sky using terrible weapons which seem to have the same effect as the nuclear weapons we possess today. Some of these stories talk about these weapons being used on people and their hair and teeth falling out. Stories go on to further to explain these people died within weeks from what seemed like radiation poisoning and there are even cities on this planet which show what seems to be nuclear attacks in ancient times. Just a few months ago articles were coming out saying Putin was about to release a statement about UFOs being alien devices. So far as of the writing of this article no statement has come forth

I have mentioned this before, but in the context of this article I probably should mention it again. I had interviewed President Eisenhower’s great granddaughter who's father had been present at the White House many times and heard many things. The interview is located in the archives of this site at
She stated to me unequivocally her father heard the president talking about meeting with extraterrestrials. President Eisenhower did disappear a couple of times and it is believed he was meeting with extraterrestrials at a military base. I believe he said he had only gone to the dentist, but most UFO investigators don’t believe this. They think the president met with two different races of extraterrestrials. The first being what are known as Nordics. They are said to be tall blonde people who look just like us and it is said they offered to give us advanced technology and help us if we would get rid of our nuclear weapons and Eisenhower declined. The second race which he supposedly met with were the Greys. The Greys are said to be small beings with large heads and eyes and skinny arms and legs and gray skin. It is thought he may have accepted their offer, allowing them to abduct people to examine and return them back after giving the government a list of who they were going to abduct.

Many people have been wishing for disclosure on UFOs for a very long time. Time and time again they have been disappointed. Presidents have come and gone and some have tried to get UFO information and have it released, only to be turned down by those in power who would really know what was going on, such as the director of the CIA. When Bill Clinton was president it is said he sent John Podesta to find out about UFOs, but he couldn’t find out anything, or at least that’s what we were told. If UFOs are not alien, you would think by now we would have more information on them, but this hasn’t happened. They have been appearing since ancient times so they certainly couldn’t be ours creating a big mystery for us  and it seems only the privileged few have the complete facts.