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When UFOs Attack

There have been quite a few cases where UFOs have been said to be on the attack. We don’t often hear about this, but it does happen. The question we have to ask is are UFOs which come here from more than one place? The reason we have to ask this question is to know if all of them are attacking us or only certain ones from certain other places. Another question which might make this even harder to answer is are there a lot of different races which use the same type of ships which would make it very hard to distinguish between them? I don’t think we have gotten any satisfactory answers about this. I would like to start this article by talking about a rash of civil airliners which crashed years ago. It has been said we were shooting at every UFO reported at the time and may have downed one or two. The result was said to be UFOs started shooting at civilian airliners and blew several of them out of the sky. This was said to have happened the 1980s. At that time eight passenger planes met their end.  This tactic worked and we more or less stopped shooting.

There have been quite a few claims which state our weapons have gotten to the point where we can sometimes shoot down a UFO. There are also claims made the US, Russia and India along with other countries have been able to shoot down UFOs. One claim states the Russians shot a UFO down over Moscow in 2016. A video has appeared supposedly showing this, but I have to take issue with it. The video shows a UFO hovering and the Russian fighter jet coming up on it and apparently releasing a rocket which blows the UFO apart. It would seem to indicate it is a simple matter to creep up on the UFO without them knowing it, but I think we all realize this is nonsense. I am not saying the event didn’t happen, what I am saying is I believe the video has been manufactured. As far as the Indians shooting down a UFO it seems they may have shot down a weather balloon and the debris which was found seems to confirm this. It has also been said the United States was able to shoot down a UFO using something from the Star Wars program.

As I said there has been a history of UFO attacks. The first one which comes to mind was talked about in a book written by Timothy Good. He speaks about the Russians developing a high-powered radar weapon which had the potential to down a UFO. It was built in a well-guarded facility. A UFO flew down to the facility and sent a ray through a guard and into the building housing the radar. The building exploded, but somehow the guard was unharmed even though this destructive ray went through his body. Needless to say not all UFO attacks can be verified, but some of them can be. One I have mentioned before is really strange. In the Vietnam War the United States used very small fast boats to patrol rivers in Vietnam. In one incident a UFO was shadowing two of these boats. The first boat opened fire on the UFO and was blasted out of the water and the crew of the second boat rescued the survivors. A destroyer type ship which I believe was from Australia fired a missile a little later at a UFO and it too was hit. The strangest part of all of this is several days later another ship was blown out of the water by a UFO and the way the UFO did it was with one of our missiles which it had captured which was fired at it. As the ship was examined for damage pieces of the missile and its registration number were found. It was the same American missile which was fired at the UFO previously.  It was almost like saying how do you like it when we fire these things at you?

One attack was said to take place in Lucknow in India. It all started when UFOs were reported flying in the skies above the village. The year was 2002. The sightings indicated there were two different types of UFOs in the skies above the village. There were smaller craft shaped like bulls on targets and a massive slow moving insect shaped craft. The smaller ones darted back and forth in the sky. The bigger craft was said to be so big it had been spotted from 50 miles away. The sightings went on for a few days and people were getting nervous, and they should have been, because soon the UFOs began to shoot at people on the ground using some type of beam. The beam burned people on the face and on other parts of their body. A man was struck by the beam in the stomach and he died a few days later. During the attack it is said twenty people vanished without a trace and were never seen again. By the time the attack was over seven people had died and yet this story didn’t seem to make it into the mainstream news.

When SpaceX had its Falcon 9 rocket blow up on the launch pad just as a UFO appeared overhead. Many believe this explosion was caused by the UFO and at the time Elon Musk claimed scientists couldn’t find anything wrong with the rocket. There has been a persistent rumor which states the US is at war with UFOs in Antarctica and this is backed up by documents which were released several years ago. There are stories that claim the US government is in conflict with UFOs which come out from under our oceans. It is said on October 13th 2010 all air traffic was shut down over New York City, because of a massive amount of UFOs flying over it. No attacks were recorded at this time.

The world is a big place and the governments of the world like to keep things from us and at the top of this list would be attacks by UFOs. They don’t want to panic us and there is good reason for this. If there was an all-out war between humans and space faring aliens, we wouldn’t have much of a chance. What we are seeing are infrequent attacks taking place. Sometimes they were initiated by us and sometimes they weren’t. I imagine the first shot that was ever fired was by us at them. I say this, because we have a habit of shooting first and asking questions later. If aliens wanted to wipe us out they could do it from orbit and there wouldn’t be very much we could do about it. I am sure there are plenty of attacks we have never heard about. There has also been harassment by UFOs against planes both civilian and military and it doesn’t seem this is going to stop anytime soon.