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UFO Events Which Can’t Be Explained Away

Anti-UFO types and skeptics do not like to admit the fact there have been some UFO cases for which no explanation seems to fit. These types of events don’t come along very often, but when they do they really make us think. It is cases like this which prove we are not alone in the universe. There have been several since 1950 and I am not talking about the Roswell case, because it has been discussed ad nauseam and we are to the point where almost all the important witnesses are deceased. I am talking about events like the Rendlesham Forest case, Shag Harbor, The Tehran UFO incident and the White House incident. It seems to me there are people who wish we would just forget about these events because the only explanation which seems to fit is there were extraterrestrial vehicles which were involved.

I would like to start with the White House Incident, which is also called the Washington flap, the Washington National Airport Sightings or the Invasion of Washington. In 1952 there were a series of UFO sightings over the White House in Washington D.C. We don’t hear much about this anymore, but at the time it was headline news. Today it wouldn’t even be mentioned by the mainstream press. It didn’t just happen once, it happened over two weekends. The first appearance of UFOs started on July 19, 1952 when seven UFOs were spotted by an air traffic controller in what was then the Washington National Airport and today is Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport. Newspapers were headlining the fact and one stated “Saucers Swarm Over Capital.” Planes were sent up, but when they arrived the UFOs left. The next weekend the UFOs came back and appeared over the White House and would stay there until jets were sent and they left. This happened a couple of times. The CIA formed special study groups to, yes you guessed it, study the problem. The event was taken very seriously and President Truman was quite disturbed. There is no way to explain this event away as being anything else except alien UFOs. The performance of these objects were far superior to anything on earth and we were truly helpless against these vehicles.

The Rendlesham Forest case is a classic case of contact. This was not just someone saying they saw a UFO, this was a case where a UFO interacted with U.S. Air Force personnel. Many believe this case is the best documented UFO case there ever was. In December 1980 there were unexplained lights being reported in the Rendlesham Forest which is located in Suffolk, England. The forest is near what was the RAF Woodbridge Air force base which was run by the U.S. Air Force at the time. Skeptics and others have tried to explain away this event but to no avail. It was about 3:00 a.m. on December 26, 1980 when a security patrol which was near one of the gates to the airbase noticed what looked like a burning fireball descending into the Rendlesham Forest. They thought it might be a downed aircraft. What they found was a metal object with glowing lights. The object could be seen moving through the trees. Lt. Colonel Charles Halt was the deputy base commander and visited the site with some airmen. He found depressions and took radiation readings. At this time they saw a flashing light in a field. Later the men saw three light in the sky, the brightest one hovered for two to three hours. When the object was first seen one of the men had touched it and said he felt a burst of energy and had the compulsion to make notes of a series of numbers which filled pages. What was this object? As it was described it seemed to be using technology which was far ahead of our own, in that it seemed to be repairing itself on the ground.

The Shag Harbor event which has been baffling us for 50 years took place at Shag Harbor in Canada in 1967. I consider this to be one of the strongest cases for alien life. Shag Harbor was just a tiny fishing village and was more or less just a sleepy village. That changed on October 4, 1967 when people saw four orange lights in the sky. The lights headed for the water, but seemed to land on it about a half mile out. The witnesses thought they had seen a plane crash. A policeman witnessed this and estimated the size of the craft to be about sixty feet long. Witnesses watched as a yellowish light seemed to be gliding across the water followed by yellow foam. The Coast Guard rushed a Cutter to the area and other boats followed. It was dark and only yellow foam could be seen. The next day another ship was sent. Someone said a Russian spacecraft had crashed. Divers were sent into the water. Navy vessels were then placed over the object which was found. The military decided to start a salvage operation, but then something happened. A second UFO joined the first. The navy decided to watch and after a week the two UFOs made their way to the Gulf of Maine and got ahead of the navy boats which were following. They shot out of the water and flew away. There are also stores which state the divers actually came across aliens outside their craft making repairs. Some of the ships were from the U.S. Navy.

In 1976 a UFO was seen both visually and on radar as it flew over the capital of Iran, Tehran. It was seen in the early morning. Two F-4 Phantom jets were sent up to intercept it. The first F-4 approached the UFO then the pilot reported his equipment was malfunctioning and then quit. The second F-4 also reported having the same problems. When the planes got to a certain distance away from the UFO their instruments were restored. One plane tried to open fire on the UFO only to have its weapons systems fail. Clearly the UFO was interfering with the equipment on the planes and clearly no power on earth at the time had the ability to accomplish this.

When you look at some of the events in UFO history there are some that just do not lend themselves to practical solutions and if you don’t have practical ones and have exhausted every other solution, you are left with the fact at least some UFOs must be alien.