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UFO Photos From The International Space Station
(Click On Photos To Enlarge)

The International Space Station (ISS) has had more than its share of UFOs approaching it and the earth. NASA has taken several photos we know of showing these strange objects. Usually when this happens the feed from the ISS is turned off for a time and it is claimed there was a technical problem. People who monitor the ISS feeds know what is really going on. NASA doesn’t want us to see things they can’t explain away as ordinary events. How can NASA explain the appearance of a large unknown craft? They would either have to say it is a secret spacecraft being revealed or an extraterrestrial spaceship. Neither of these options are ones they care to have to use. I am sure they are prevented from telling us the truth by agencies and people higher up on the food chain than they are. Never the less we can see the craft with our own eyes which were captured by their cameras before the feed was shut off and some of them are very bizarre.

NASA has denied it ever shuts down its feeds, because of the appearance of UFOs. What else would one expect them to say? They have had some so called experts attribute the UFOs as being nothing more than sun flares. At least they decided not to use the old saw of swamp gas. I guess that doesn’t work in space. The following photo was captured along with a video of this UFO on 4/5/16 on an ISS camera by NASA:


You can watch the video by copying and pasting the following address into your web browser.
Sorry Truthfacts doesn’t use live outside links.

You will be told many of the photos are hoaxes which to some extent is true, but there are dedicated people out there who monitor the ISS feeds like hawks and when a UFO appears on the feedd it is immediately brought to the attention of the public. I applaud them for their diligence. Many of the photos show images of distant objects which are sometime blurry. I have avoided posting any of these, because it would be too easy for NASA to state they are just light play even though many have been proven to have been solid objects. The object shown is quite unusual as it morphs into something. Again the object was photographed and videoed at the ISS by NASA. The photo was taken in 2016 and while not as clear as I would like, it is worth looking at and is pictured below:


The following photo was from the Earth Stream Camera on the ISS. The live streams on the ISS are on a delay to make it easier for a person to cut the stream before we can see a UFO, so it is fortunate when we do see one. When one sees a gray or blank screen this usually means the feed has been cut, but fortunately many times it is not fast enough to hide the UFO. The following photo taken by NASA of a UFO was enhanced by me to make the object stand out for easy viewing and it was also enlarged, but nothing else was done to it. The photo was taken on 6/8/14:


One object which has stirred up a lot of controversy in 2016 was the following odd shaped thing. One has to wonder if objects like this are part of our secret space program or are truly alien objects. We know NASA didn’t want us to see it, since they interrupted the live feed on the ISS when this came into view, but that is all we know. The split second it was discovered before the feed was cut was enough to get an image of the object. Here is the image below in both positive and negative views for better viewing:


Has a UFO docked with the ISS? The following photo which was taken by NASA cameras before the feed was lost on the ISS, clearly shows a ship on the right which has a completely unknown configuration. When the photo was revealed many on the internet jumped to the conclusion aliens were visiting the space station. While we have no proof of this, whistleblowers from NASA have said it the past they saw aliens visiting with astronauts in the cargo bay of the space shuttle when it was orbiting the earth. The following photo was taken on 1/29/14 by NASA using an ISS camera:


I am willing to bet if we were able to see some of the photos which have been kept secret which show UFOs, they would blow our minds. There is no doubt something is happening in and around the earth and it may be we are attracting a lot of attention from other races.