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Extraterrestrials And The Paranormal

The following are the ideas of others and the author does not necessarily agree or disagree with any or all of them.

Some people have been asking the question is there a connection between the paranormal, UFOs and extraterrestrials. I guess the first thing to ask is if a person believes in the paranormal? There are thousands and perhaps many more people than that who claim to have seen things which just cannot be explained using ordinary explanations. For example let’s take the claim someone has seen a ghost. This is simple enough to think about, since there are quite a few people who think they have. There have been several explanations given for this possible phenomena. I am sure we are all familiar with the first one which is someone is having a hallucination, but this is not the only explanation. Another explanation that is being given is that aliens could be completely different from us and not even corporeal and this would give the appearance of being a spirit. Then there is the ever present talk about time travelers flashing through time and creating spirit like images as they pass through. Lastly some say aliens from another dimension could possibly look like spirits to us and might even be able to pass through solid objects. None of this takes into account someone is playing a trick or hoax.

There are quite a few people who claim to have seen some of their dead relatives and friends. Besides being a figment of their imagination, what else could they be? There are those who believe there is a very good chance extraterrestrials could disguise themselves to reflect these images. The question is how would they know what a person’s deceased relatives or friends looked like? This question has been answered by some who claim they would merely have to read our minds and they point to the fact that many times abductees have claimed aliens have had control over their minds, whether it be by a device or by sheer force of brain power. They say our mind could be an open book to some alien races and could easily be read and taken advantage of.

There are some people out there who have a completely different take on UFOs and aliens. They believe if these forces do exist they come from the devil. To me this seems like very primitive thinking, but it does exist. That would mean everything we have been seeing in the skies and all the talk about extraterrestrial contact would mean we are not contacting aliens but a contacting demons. I don’t think too many people believe this to be true. It is true however that an alien race might think completely different about things than we do. Could this be construed as evil? I don’t know since I haven’t been privy to any alien contact, but I guess anything is possible.

One of the problems is some aliens could be among us masquerading as spirits. The real question is how would we know? We are a race which has long held the idea ghosts might exist. It is true we all don’t believe this, but enough do to make this statement true. It has been said by paranormal investigators there are some type of spirits which seem to show intelligence and easily slip away from investigators. This is the type of spirit which some believe could really be an alien presence and the reason they slip away so easily is they do not want to be investigated. They fear investigation, because they think it will make their presence known. If this is true this means many of the ghost stories we have been hearing since we were children were really stories about extraterrestrials studying us and putting on a masquerade so we wouldn’t know they existed. You do have to admit this seems to make a useful cover for an alien investigating the earth.

Many paranormal conferences today include talks on UFOs and extraterrestrials and many extraterrestrial conferences include the paranormal. I really don’t agree with this, but there is no denying this is what has been happening lately. It has made a lot of old-time UFO investigators angry, since they feel it demeans them to have paranormal subjects discussed while they are trying to speak about their investigations into UFOs and such.

Cosmonauts have reported seeing creatures in space which some believe fall into the subject of the paranormal since they were said to be angel like giants. Three cosmonauts reported seeing them outside of their space station. On hearing this the Russians sent up three more cosmonauts and to their chagrin those three also reported the same thing. Could all six cosmonauts be wrong? While I guess it is possible it is highly unlikely all six would see the same exact mirage. It seems something was outside of the space station and that something seems to be a type of extraterrestrial.

Is it possible some extraterrestrials came to our planet and because of their makeup they would look like spirits? I don’t think anyone could ever answer this question until we’ve had more experience meeting extraterrestrials and even then they could be a type who fit this bill which we haven’t met yet. We really have no idea of how many different types of extraterrestrials may be out there and accordingly we have no idea of what they may look like, except for the frequently depicted Greys and Nordics and we can’t even be 100% sure these depictions are even true. Could we be completely wrong about what we think about spirits and could they just be a cover-up for a sort of alien observing team? There probably is no reason why not and aliens could even be responsible for the very first time somebody thought they saw a ghost.