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UFOs And Investigators

One of the things which has UFO enthusiasts very excited is the fact that John Podesta, Hillary Clinton’s campaign chief is extremely interested in UFOs. When Edgar Mitchell requested a conversation with President Obama regarding the next steps in extraterrestrial disclosure Podesta said he would take this meeting alone before involving the president and his staff and told Mitchell he would be available on a certain date to speak with him about this topic, but supposedly Mitchell was not available on that date. It was also said that on April 30, 2015 Mitchell made a request to talk with Podesta and the topic was to be the difference between celestial beings in our own solar system and the restraint by those from the nonviolent contiguous universe. Mitchell wanted to talk to the president right after he spoke with Podesta. There is no evidence available at this time as to whether a meeting was held before Mitchell died. While Podesta may be interested in the UFO phenomenon, does this mean he would let us in on whatever he found out? Knowing the history of government, I don’t believe so do you? This is why I can’t get too excited even if Podesta gets a position of power in the government. One has to remember Podesta was already the White House Chief of Staff and we gained no UFO information from him at that time.

There are two basic opinions about what effect contact with aliens would have on the human race and two famous investigators have diverse opinions. One thinks making contact with an extraterrestrial race will give the human race all sorts of benefits including advanced technology. He also thinks some technology we already possess came from extraterrestrials. The other expert thinks one of the most dangerous things we can do is make contact with extraterrestrials. He believes it will be the worst thing for the human race and have the same ramifications on us the American Indians had when the white man came to this country. When I look at these two diverse opinions I can’t help but feel it is too late to change the course which has already been started. We have sent all sorts of signals out into space and probes which show our exact location and the type of race we are. We have no way to take these things back and if indeed it was the wrong thing to do we can only hope there would be more than one alien race out there and at least some of them would be friendly. Once Pandora opened that box it was impossible to put everything back in it.

There are those who believe the pictures coming from the Rover on Mars are frauds and NASA is actually taking photos of deserts on the earth. I don’t happen to believe this for several reasons, one of which has to do with what has already been found in some of the Mars photos. I have personally seen things like cornices, parts of statues and even what looked to be some dead animals. If NASA is taking pictures of the desert on earth why would you why would they bother to airbrush some of the photos to hide things from us? Would there be anything to hide? Now investigators believe they have found a fossilized grizzly bear on the surface of Mars. The following is the address of The Sun which posted one of these photos. I am sorry but Truth Facts does not use live outside links. There have also been photos showing small animals such as what seems to be a squirrel which have been seen. I guess this debate will continue for some time.

I think by now we have all heard about black holes. Scientists have told us when something goes into a black hole it can never come out. They should have told this to nature since NASA scientists have just spotted something coming out of a black hole about a year ago. The name of the black hole is Markarian 335. They think what they saw was a flare, but the reason I am mentioning it in this article is if something can escape a black hole maybe it is possible some black holes are being used as passageways. We don’t know what the interior of a black hole is like, there could actually be a wormhole inside connecting parts of the universe. What seems to be a flare might have been some type of ship. When we are looking at things this far away a couple of different things have to be remembered. The first thing is everything we see happened in the distant past and we have no way to know exactly what we are looking at.

There is a video making its way around the Internet and it is said it was filmed by NASA using their space cameras. In the video there seems to be some type of object with a strange design shown leaving Earth’s atmosphere. Some are saying it might be an optical illusion, others are saying it could be just debris and still others say it is an alien ship. I am surprised to hear that no one seems to have said it could be part of the secret space fleet. Investigators say there is no doubt this is NASA footage since they had interrupted this space feed after this vehicle was spotted. NASA has a habit of doing this when strange objects appear. Their excuse is they are just performing maintenance on the cameras or there was a technical problem. The following is the YouTube address for this video. You can copy and paste this into your browsers address bar.

It has been said another tiny six-inch alien corpse has been found in Chile. I say another, because this could be the third one. There is at least one other for sure which Doctor Steven Greer claims to know about and had examined. Is there a tiny race of aliens on our planet or are what we are finding merely aborted fetuses? To combat the question of the alien actually being a human fetus doctors have said the teeth were fully formed and aged. Several years ago a tiny creature was found in a rat trap in Mexico. It seems we have been finding unexplained bodies of what seem to be alien creatures for years. Are there others which have been found which we do not know about? It is quite possible. It just might turn out there are all sorts of creatures living on our planet which we know nothing about.