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The Case For Aliens On Earth

There has been talk for years the US was receiving technology from extraterrestrials. Many different people who became whistleblowers have testified to this fact. Their testonomy has fallen on deaf ears and the fact they had worked for different contractors and government agencies and even Area 51 carried no weight with the public at all. I have to hand it to the government, they have managed to desensitize most Americans to the issue even though more than half of Americans say they believe there is a good chance other life exists in our vast universe. In case you don’t know what I am talking about, I am referring to the many disinformation programs the government has put forth to squash the idea of aliens existing along with UFOs. There are many different types of people in this country. One type will believe anything the government tells them. Another type believes nothing. Then there are the moderates who believe some of the things but not everything.

When one tries to talk to the ones who believe everything and perhaps try and change their mind they get very angry and will never deviate from the government line. They refuse to consider the possibility that anything different from what they were told could ever be true. These are the kind of people the government loves, because they can do or say anything without being challenged. Closed minds never accomplish anything. I sometimes wonder what would happen if a UFO landed and an alien got out and it was televised? I think if the government told them it was a joke or really didn’t happen, they probably would believe it.
There are those who believe aliens are here and are responsible for everything which happens and for all the inventions we have and all the advances in our technology back to the beginning of the human race. When I talk to these people I always say just because we may not understand how our ancestors did something doesn’t mean aliens had to have done it. It is far too easy to give credit to aliens just because we don’t understand what was going on and that brings me to another point. We should give the human race credit for the things it has done and not assign those advances to some unseen entities.

Another type of person is the person with the open mind who believes stories of aliens helping the government might be true because of all of the testimony from reputable people who claimed to have either worked with them or seen them. There are just too many honorable people of good character who claim this. This is like the old saying, “where there is smoke there is fire.” I am a person who thinks this is true and I admit it. Why would people with excellent reputations, who in many cases were respected military, scientists, engineers and others come forward claiming these things? They risked everything in some cases just to let the public know what was truly going on and yet what have they accomplished? The sad fact is most people don’t even know about them since the news media doesn’t publish these stories and you wouldn’t know about them unless you did some investigation and also kept up with some of the alternate news media.

There are some very reputable people who have dedicated themselves to the transmission of these facts, but without the news media they have no way of even getting the word out to the general public. Organizations have been formed to disseminate the information, books have been written and videos have been made, but since the general public really doesn’t seem to be interested when they do hear about these things, nothing changes. It is true however that more people today believe aliens are traveling through our skies in their machines. UFO sightings are happening everywhere. The problem with that is many dismiss all UFO sightings as secret aircraft development. It is true much of it probably is, but certainly not all of it. These sightings have been going one for thousands of years and we had no aircraft back then, secret or otherwise.

The Skunkworks is the division of Lockheed which develops secret aircraft and spacecraft. Don Phillips was a former employee of that company. He is one of the whistleblowers to come forward and testify. Here is the address to some of his testimony you can copy and paste it into your browser: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kAqpVweK3tk (Sorry About Facts doesn't post live links.)
He was an engineer and pilot and worked on many projects in the Skunkworks. He said he saw UFOs in the sky of Area 51. The radar operators at the base also saw them on the radar. He talks about seeing UFOs and that aliens beings have lived here a long time. He stated NATO had reports in the 1960s of aliens and their craft. He went on to say there were meetings with these aliens. He said he knew a scientist who actually worked with aliens.

There have been reports that Edward Snowden has documents proving the US is in communication with aliens and has revealed this. Snowden was a former NSA contractor who decided to tell all. There have been many others who have come forward such as Bob Lazar an engineer from Area 51 who the government tried to discredit as a liar who didn’t work there, but this was proved by an investigative reporter who found people who worked with him there and found his name in the directory. Bob Dean was a former Command Sergeant Major in the US Army and has been discussing the US cover up of alien visitations. He claims his clearance was “cosmic top secret.”

There have been many others such as the US Air Force personnel who were present when an alien craft landed in the Rendlesham forest next to their base who decided to come forward including a colonel. Dr. James Edward McDonald was a physicist at the Institute for Atmospheric Physics and professor in the Department of Meteorology at the University of Arizona, Tucson. He argued that all signs point to the possibility UFOs were alien and did exist. He uncovered many government documents referring to UFOs and interviewed many hundreds of witnesses to UFO sightings. Joe Walker flew the X-15 test plane in 1962 and later made a public statement he saw UFOs near his plane. I could go on with more people but I think you get the idea by now that we are not being told the entire story.

Is the reason we are seeing more UFOs than ever, because the aliens want all of us to know they are here? It would make things easier for them. I don’t pretend to know the reasons for what is happening, but it certainly seems as if there is far more going on than we know.

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