Truth Facts



Strange Places on Earth

There are a lot of strange things about the earth and some very strange places. Somebody once said something I am not sure about, but it could be true. They said if all the space were removed from between atoms, the entire human race would fit into a space the size of a sugar cube. Wow, that would be worse than the subway at rush hour. Many people think of the earth has a perfectly round ball, but that is not true. It is bulging around the Equator. This is caused by the rotation of the earth. Did you ever wonder why we don’t feel the earth rotating? I’ll tell you anyway. We don’t feel the rotation because the rotating and the speed in orbit are the same. It cancels out what we might feel otherwise.

We might never think about this but some structures expand and some sink a little every year. Sometimes the expansion is in one season and then we get a contraction. A perfect example which is cited all the time is the Eiffel Tower. Every summer it gets about 6 inches taller. The heat in summer causes expansion. It is said the tower is not as stable as people think and there has been times it has swayed in the wind.

Humans seem to have always been fascinated by deep places and dark holes. Some ancient races felt the deeper they went into the earth, the closer they were to the afterlife and the holier the place was. There is a giant hole named Mel’s Hole. The hole is located in Washington State. One of the reasons the hole is so famous and so frightening is the story of it being bottomless. We all know holes have to end somewhere, but many do believe this hole is an exception. The owner of the property used thousands of feet of fishing line to find the bottom but was not successful. Then there is the legend. It said a hunter dropped his dead dog into the hole and later the dog came back alive. The Russians tried to bore a hole as deep as they could, but when they got down to a little over 36,000 feet they couldn’t go any further. This hole became the deepest ever drilled.

Some caves are very deep and the deepest is Veryovkina Cave in the Western Caucasus in Georgia the country. The cave is 7,257 feet deep, which is almost a mile and a half. People have died exploring this cave. There is a lake which has an island in it. On the island is a lake with an island in that lake. They are located in the Philippines.

One thing which is very hard to give a rational explanation to is the fact many of the deep lakes and rivers on this planet have sightings of large dinosaur like creatures who are said to be living in them. Could some dinosaurs have survived? If not what are all these witnesses seeing?

There are a few places in the world where cars seem to roll uphill. This has been explained as an optical illusion time and time again, but it certainly doesn’t look like one. One place is Belo Honzonte, Brazil. A street named Rua do Amendolm has what looks like a hill going up and yet cars seem to roll up it. The same is true for places in the United States like Piercy, California. The street is named Confusion Hill.

One of the biggest mysteries about the earth is where did all this water come from? Some theories are beginning to emerge and water worlds are being found in other solar systems and even on some of the moons in our solar system. Why is water so plentiful in the universe? I am sure this mystery will be solved in the near future. Another mystery is what is at the earth’s core. For many years it was thought iron and nickel where what made up the inner most layer of the earth. When measurements started to be taken, it was found these elements were too heavy to account for the earth’s density and now some scientists believe an asteroid might be in the center.

Another mystery has to do with Siberia. Craters are forming in Siberia and we don’t understand why. The ones that were there for a long time are growing bigger and there are new ones forming. Many people have a belief in what caused them, but this cannot be proven. They think methane gas is bursting to the surface.

There is a part of the ocean which we do not know much about called the twilight zone. It is the area where sunlight fades out of view. What we think we know about this zone is there could be more life there than the rest of the ocean. This zone starts at about 200 meters or 660 feet. The problem is we know less about the bottom of the ocean than the surface of the moon.

There are some places on earth where some very strange things are happening and Skinwalker Ranch is one of them. We don’t know who or what is causing these mysteries, but we do know they also happen on some of the other ranches in the west. I think this was a surprise and maybe other locations in different areas of the country should be examined.

When we think of Mars, many of us think of it just as an alien planet. We have seen the photos of Mars and it doesn’t seem to be as alien as first thought. As a matter of fact, there are places  on earth which look just like Mars. One of these places is the Wadi Rum Desert in Jordan. It has the same red sand and also some of the peaks seen on Mars. Another similar looking place is the Atacama Desert in Chile. It would be very easy to fake a photo of Mars from one of these places.

There is a place in California named the Mystery Spot. A wooden building is on the spot and for all intents and purposes it seems gravity works differently there. It is said the reason people are fooled is the building is really tilted, but this is not noticeable and makes things seem to be rolling uphill. It has fooled a lot of people since 1939. Some think there could be more to this than meets the eye.

People have been claiming to find strange places on earth in Google Earth ever since it was introduced. Anyone can try their hand on it.

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