Truth Facts




Unexplained Areas of the Earth

There are places on the earth where things just don’t seem to operate correctly. The earth is not this smooth ball with everything going just right, rather there are places where things don’t operate quite the  same and even go completely haywire. One of the first places people think of when I say this is the famous Bermuda Triangle. This area has been said to be one where technology doesn’t function some times. When I say technology, I am referring to compasses, electronic year and other devices. There have been many reports by people who have come out of the Bermuda Triangle and stated all their instruments when completely out of whack. One of the things that brought this to the forefront was a flight by the U.S. Navy of five Grumman TBM torpedo bombers which were flying in the Bermuda triangle in 1945. The flight was designated as Flight 19. Little did the pilots know at the time they would become famous not because of any accomplishments, but because when they flew into the Bermuda Triangle they disappeared and were never seen again. Many searches have been conducted to find these planes and they have all come up empty handed and when a rescue seaplane was first sent out to look for them it never came back. There were radio communications between the planes and the base in Florida which proved none of the instruments on the flight worked and the pilots got lost.

The Bermuda Triangle is not the only area on earth by any means where instruments cannot be fully relied on. If one gets too close to the polls, that is the North or South pole of the earth, they will notice that technology will start to fail them. This will happen to any device using radio waves, satellite connections or GPS. We don’t know why this happens as of the writing of this article, and scientists are very interested in finding out the answer to this riddle. There are some strange things going on at the poles and if we go to the South pole there is a sort of funnel above it which allows the solar winds from the sun to touch earth’s atmosphere. It is believed the atmosphere above the South pole in one spot is denser than most of the rest of our atmosphere and it is thought this might make some sort of difference.

There is another area on the other side of the planet which has the same problems as the Bermuda Triangle. It is the Dragon’s Triangle and is located off of Japan, Taiwan and the Philippines. Many of the problems there are said to be the same as those in the Bermuda Triangle. It also has another name which is the Devils Sea. It is almost exactly on the opposite side of the world from the Bermuda Triangle which in itself could be significant.

When we are talking about the Bermuda Triangle and the Dragon’s Triangle we are talking about an area of water, but not all the famous triangles are over water and some are over the land. One example is the Alaskan Triangle. The problem with the Alaskan Triangle is people are disappearing at an incredible rate when they go into it. Yes, much of it is wilderness but that doesn’t explain why far more people disappear from this wilderness than others. This has led some to think there are some sort of paranormal reasons for the disappearances. There are those who believe UFOs are plucking people out of the area because the aliens want to experiment on them. The entire area is not wilderness however and the city of Anchorage Alaska is in it and that city has a very high rate of people disappearing. For those who believe in the paranormal they claim evil spirits live in this area and they are responsible for the disappearances. This is a little hard to chew on, but there does seem to be something going on.

There is another triangle known as the Nevada Triangle. It is mostly over the land but a small portion is over the water. It covers Reno in the North down to China Lake across to Las Vegas. The Sierra Nevada mountains are in this triangle. It has been said far too many planes have gone missing in this area for it to just be from accidents. Even though the triangle doesn’t cover a lot of water, it is said ships have gone missing also. In 2007 the famous aviator Steve Fossett flew his plane into the triangle and never returned. Eventually the crash site was discovered and bones were found half a mile from the crash. In 1943 a bomber went missing in the triangle and the military sent out nine more bombers to look for it. One of those bombers also disappeared during the search. In 1957 a training jet went missing in the triangle and after the pilot was declared dead, fifty-four days later he appeared. His clothes were all tattered and ripped and he said he was heading towards a camp.

Why would things be different in one part of our planet than another? Does this mean when we go to other planets they might be even stranger and less uniform than ours? We have to prepare ourselves for what I like to call “The Strange”. What I mean by that is we have thought things would be pretty uniform throughout the universe and that physics would be the same wherever we went. There doesn’t seem to have much thought given to the fact even if a planet is similar to earth it may have areas where strange situations may affect it. Can you imagine an astronaut getting out of his spaceship and walking across the surface of a planet only to hit an area where there is no gravity at all and he just floats right off the planet helplessly? We have to be prepared for things like this.

If we have learned anything, we have learned to expect strange things in some areas. We have fluctuations in gravity, but they are small enough not to affect our body in any noticeable way. Gravity varies depending on altitude. There could be other factors which would make it vary that we don’t know about yet and the reason for this is we don’t fully understand what gravity is. We also don’t understand other things which could affect us and there is probably a lot we don’t even know about yet. We may be in for some big surprises.

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