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Finding Unusual Things

Sometimes some very strange things are found. They could be formed by nature, because nature has made some very strange things indeed, they could be formed by people, because over the course of our history we have made many strange objects or they could be from some unknown source. An example of a very strange object is one which was recently found in Vancouver, Canada’s Lost Lagoon. The object was a sort of blob which resembled a human brain in the way it looked. The Lost Lagoon is actually a lake. The object was actually composed of thousands of genetically identical creatures. One creature reproduces asexually through budding and this creates an entire colony. They are all actually clones of the original creature. The creature has been compared to clumps of mucus. This creature may be very interesting, but it does sound a little disgusting.

One never knows what they might find in the walls of an old apartment. If we go to Europe we will notice some buildings there are far older than anything we might find in the United States, but hey that is certainly not a secret. In 1850 a couple were renting an apartment in Paris. To their shock one of the walls in the apartment gave way and a tiny dead body rolled out. It was the mummified body of a baby and the couple were quickly charged with murder. After the body was examined by a physician they were cleared because the physician had used insects to determine the time of death and it was proved the body was far older than first thought and the residents of the apartment could not have killed the baby. This is believed to be the first-time etymology was used in a criminal case in France.

Do you like exotic cars? If the answer is yes, maybe you should start to dig in your backyard to see if you can find one. In 1978 work was being done in the backyard of a residence. Apparently, there was a lot of digging going on. To the shock of all involved a discovery was made. The discovery was of a Ferrari. In 1977 a woman was buried in her car. This had been her wish. The car was the same one which had been dug up, it was a 1964 Ferrari 330 America. Incredibly the car had been buried in a cement bunker in order to keep people away from it. Before the Ferrari had been dug up, children playing outside of a home in Los Angeles discovered something under the ground and the police were called. It was a Dino 246 GTS, another exotic car. Nobody was in this one however. The car had been stolen in 1974. The police could not figure out how the car got there and the owners of the home had just recently purchased it. The same was true for the Ferrari. How could a car covered in cement be extracted and be in such perfect condition and why would it be buried in someone’s backyard? All I can think of is it really wasn’t buried when it was supposed to be, so what happened to the body?

Sometimes things are found which we can’t figure out. Take the case of when two sisters were digging in their backyard and found a very strange stone. The stone had a very bright color on top and almost glowed. What kind of rock was this? It certainly wasn’t something one would see every day. At first it was thought it was a meteorite and an expert was called in, but he said it wasn’t, then it was thought it might be some sort of gem so a gem expert was called in and he said it was not a gem. One thing which was agreed on was the fact it seemed to have been buried purposely. I don’t know why it took so long to figure this one out, because they actually did. The rock was not a rock at all, but a chunk of glass. It turned out big lumps of glass like this are sold in mineral shops.

Russian coal miners found something very unusual in the ground. We all know the classical shape of a flying saucer and these coal miners found several of them deep under the ground. The thing is they weren’t very big, measuring only about approximately three and a half feet in diameter each. A story started to circulate that the small objects had the remains of extraterrestrials inside. Some people have stated the objects were not metal at all, but made of stone and therefore would never be able to fly. One skeptic who has examined pictures has said the objects were created by mineral cement being compressed which is a natural process. I find this solution hard to believe having seen the pictures. The reason I say this is the classical shape of these objects. Another fact is coincidence of finding more than one with the exact same shape. While they may not be UFOs, they could be of ancient origin and created by man to mimic what had been observed.

I would be remiss if I didn’t list the Antikythera Mechanism. This was found at the bottom of the ocean and sat in a museum for over a hundred years, before anyone suspected what it really was since it was encrusted. It came from a time when it should never have existed. The object was an accurate mechanical computer, but it came from the second century BC. This shocked the scientific world since they believed gears were not invented for thousand of years later and had a hard time believing a computer could exist from that time, but it had been reconstructed and eventually proved to be quite reliable. The device charted the movement of the planets and time. To this day its construction during  such a primitive time remain somewhat of a mystery.

There are probably plenty of things left to be discovered which would shock us. One of the things we keep finding are older tools. These tools prove when humans first lived in an area and we keep finding out our dates for this sort of thing are wrong so we keep moving them back. We don’t know how much further back we might have to move them. We also don’t know what we might find as far as the remains of a large meteor which may have hit the earth which we are aware of and which can change our history. There have been many unexplained finds of objects which are man-made such as jewelry, inside lumps of coal which are millions of years old, but this isn’t talked about very much. One of my favorite stories is about a search for water and a deep well being dug which brought up a doll. How could a doll be found in grasslands and be buried 140 feet deep? One never knows what we might find.