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Incredibly Strange Buildings

Sometimes some ideas just seem crazy. We haven’t seen too many of these crazy ideas yet which have anything to do with buildings, but one just came up which was a doozy. There are now plans being created for a building which will be the tallest by far, but that is not the crazy part of the idea. The plans call for putting an asteroid in orbit around the earth and hanging this building from it. There just seems to be so many things wrong with this idea. It is hard to take this idea seriously. First of all the asteroid is going to be in a very high orbit of 31,000 miles. This means the skyscraper will be in space even though it is above the earth. It seems to be pointless since if you want to put a skyscraper in space, why not just orbit it without the asteroid? The second problem is the building will actually be a stationary spaceship and need
all the support a spaceship would. I would think putting this building up would create all sorts of radiation problems for those in it. If the asteroid ever needed its orbit adjusted how would one do that without great difficulty? NASA has talked about capturing an asteroid and putting in orbit but the plans are not in NASA’s budget. The orbit is said to put the floating building over such cities as New York at times. This is one of those things I will believe only when I see it done.

Another project which I am not so sure about is the building of the longest skyscraper in the world in New York City. Everyone knows New York City has plenty of skyscrapers and was
an early pioneer of tall buildings. New York City does have zoning laws however and apparently they have limits on the height of skyscrapers. One company thinks they have
found the answer to this problem. They want to build the longest building in the world, but
they know they can’t go as high as they want, because of regulations, so they have decided
the way to do this is to build two skyscrapers connected on the top by a U-shaped piece, something like the arch in St. Louis. The difference is this piece will look like the rest of the buildings with Windows and everything. Again this is something which doesn’t seem to make sense to me. Why not just build two towers which could then be connected by bridges as
some other buildings are in New York City? It seems this is sort of a stunt to claim the two individual towers are really one building. One thing I’m interested in is how this will affect
the building, because buildings this tall need to sway.

One thing which I thought was quite unique was the fact the Chinese seem to be letting
people build houses on top of some of their high rise buildings which have flat roofs. It is a strange sight indeed to look out of the window of an airplane and see houses and streets with grassy areas all on top of buildings. The houses look like a typical Cape Cod. The only thing which seems to be missing are cars since not only are they not needed on top of the building,
but there wouldn’t be any way to get them up there. It does make one wonder how the
building rules in some Chinese cities could allow this and also how much weight can the roofs of these high-rise buildings support? I saw one building which was very large on top and had at least ten private houses and streets on its roof.

It turns out there are a lot of strange buildings in the world and when we look at some of them we have to say to ourselves, what were these people thinking? The first one I would like to
talk about is located in the United States. To be more specific it is located in Kansas City, Missouri. It’s the library there. When the library was being planned somebody had the crazy idea of building a library building which looks like a stack of books on a shelf. Somehow it got through planning and was actually built. The wall of books does look incredibly real and some of the books are copies of books I have already seen. You can see the building by copying the following address into your browser’s address area. Sorry Truthfacts doesn’t use live outside links.
It’s hard to describe the shape of habitat 67. It is a building in Montréal. Do you remember when you were a kid and you played with wood blocks and you built all sorts of weird
shaped buildings with blocks sticking out here and there? That is probably the best
description of habitat 67. It is a sprawling complex of boxlike rooms and apartments which stick out here and there and has the oddest shape imaginable. It looks like the architect who designed this had lost his mind. Not only that, there seems to be a tremendous amount of wasted space. I say this because some of these boxlike shapes stick out over nothing and
others have nothing over them. If a traditional rectangular shape would have been used the building could have gained at least double the floor space. You can see the building by
copying the following address into your browser’s address area.

Did you ever see the way a structure might look when it was melting? In other words have
you ever seen anything made from wax that started to melt? It does this sort of bending in the middle while the base seems to spread out. There is a building in Sopot, Poland which was
built this way on purpose. It is a functional building and yet it looks like something you would never want to go inside of. It looks like the architect was having a nightmare and decided to create a building he saw in it. It would be the perfect place for Freddy Krueger to live. To
view a video of it copy this address into you browser’s address area.

A new tower is proposed for Dubai and construction is due to start in 2020. This building is
very strange indeed. Picture a slim tower of about eighty stories in height which a giant hand has twisted severely. This is precisely what this new tower will look like. The tower will
contain rotating floors attached to a central column and inside there will be luxury apartments. Residents will be able to control the speed and direction of their rotating apartment through voice activation. When it is built it will become the second tallest residential building in the world right behind 432 Park Avenue in New York City. If you haven’t looked at any of the other photos or video don’t miss this one, it is the most incredible of all. To view a video of
it copy this address into you browser’s address area.

There are so many strange looking buildings in the world that I believe most people would be surprised to see the long list of them.