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Why NASA Killed the Moon Rover

Sometimes things happen which seem baffling. One of those things just happened. The director of NASA cancelled the rover we were going to send to the moon. He did this even though President Trump is pushing for a new journey to the moon by America. The rover would have been extremely useful in discovering elements and water which the astronauts could pinpoint. Knowing where these things are is important in developing bases on the moon. This begs the question of why was this done? It is said the scientists who received the directive to shut down the rover program were shocked. A letter was sent to Jim Bridenstine the NASA Administrator by the Lunar Exploration Analysis Group asking that the program be restored. There are several reasons why the moon rover program could have been cancelled. Let’s look a little deeper into these reasons.

One of the things which has been talked about for decades is the possibility we are already on the moon in a big way. Photos have appeared on the internet for years which were taken by satellites circling the moon and show structures on the moon. These structures look like buildings, the type of building we would build if we were building a base on the moon. There has also been a lot of talk about the United States having two space programs. The first is a secret military one which could have gotten to the moon years before the Apollo Program. The second is the one which is for show from NASA to keep us in the dark about the real program which is far more advanced which is the military one and is probably run by the United States Air Force although some suspect it is a U.S. Navy program. One problem with this theory is the fact the Chinese already have a rover on the moon and other countries will eventually have them there also, so we can’t hide forever if we do have bases.

Another reason is we really don’t want to go back there because aliens warned us not to. The story is old and as time goes by the astronauts who had anything to do with the Apollo moon landings are dying, but there are recording out there which claim to be authentic where we can hear famous astronauts saying there were aliens on the moon when they landed and these aliens were watching them. Not only that but it seems NASA knew they were there before the landing and that is why the best television camera of the time which was used by the Apollo astronauts broadcast such terrible television pictures, which by the way were perfect when they were received by a NASA station on earth. It seems they were purposefully degraded to hide things in the background and years later as technology improved and we would have been able to improve these videos they were “LOST” by NASA. What a coincidence!

We see no value in going to the moon again. There has been a lot of talk about going to Mars. A lot of what look like ruins have been photographed on Mars. Every once in a while, a NASA photo gets out with another recognizable object in it. There have been photos of statues, objects which look like some type of skeletons and even what clearly looks like ruins of buildings. One photo I was clearly had part of an ornamental cornice while others showed bricks, tubes, walls and other parts of buildings. One photo seemed to contain a large petrified wood log. I don’t want to forget the pyramid and the many faces which have been found. There have even be whistleblowers from NASA who have said they saw humans walking on Mars when they look up at their monitors. There is no way to truly explain the fact one photo shows the solar cells on the rover covered with dirt and a second photo taken a little later shows them completely clean. They weren’t just clean, they looked like the had been completely wiped down. Could NASA feel they would gain much more by putting their space effort in getting to Mars in hope that ancient advanced technology could be found there?

There is a war going on in space and the far side of the moon was nuked by us to destroy an alien base. This theory really sounds way out there, but there are some people who believe we are working with some friendly aliens against other aliens who want to dominate us and we took out one or more of their bases on the far side of the moon. It certain seems unlikely and something a primitive society like ours wouldn’t do to another far more advanced culture which could squash us like a bug if they wanted to unless they are being prevented from doing this. If this is true we better hope our protectors never get tired of helping us. It has been claimed a race known as the Reptilians wants to conquer us and at least one other race the Nordics is protecting us.

Clearly you can see the reasons for not going to the moon could be many and all we can do is try to make an educated guess why we cancelled the moon rover. I would like to end this article by saying there just might be a surprise involved. Did we make a deal with the Chinese to help them with advanced parts for their rover in return for access to the data they received? I am not saying we did, just that it might be a possibility.

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