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The Moon is and was Occupied

When we think of the moon, most of us think of a lifeless body orbiting the earth which is devoid of any presence. Lately there is a body of evidence building which seems to indicate the moon has structures on it and does have a presence, but who is on the moon? Some say there was a secret US space program which allowed us to colonize the moon and we built several bases and may even be conducting mining operations there. There is a link to this evidence which states we may have been there before in the ancient past and there are ruins there, ruins which were buildings built by humans. This has been the basis for many claims which state NASA has Photoshopped some of the moon photos to hide this fact. But first let’s get back to the current time. There are an overwhelming number of photos of the moon taken by NASA and others over the years which show buildings.

What is interesting is the fact those who should know state the secret of the bases was kept from NASA since it was a secret US Air Force program. Why would anyone even think such a thing was true? Well, besides photos, CNN ran a story about a declassified national security document which put forth the plan in the 1960s. It has become common knowledge the Apollo astronauts saw something on the moon which they thought were aliens watching them from ships, could they have mistaken ships we sent to the moon before them as alien craft? We have to remember the first unmanned craft to land on the moon was Luna2 back in 1959. It was launched by the Soviet Union. This proves humans had the ability to reach the moon before Apollo. It would have also meant the United States actually kept their capability to get to the moon secret and used the Apollo program to mask it.

Here is the address of an incredible video which contains some of those photos of buildings on the moon, along with other structures.
You can copy and paste it into your browser’s address space. Sorry Truth Facts doesn’t use live outside links. Notice what looks like a work center at 0:24 seconds. It shows many lights all blazing as if to light up the area for some type of industrial work. Admittedly some of the views are blurry, but this is because they have been magnified to the limit. China sent a probe to the moon recently and it has been said they found some incredible things. Here is the address of the site showing their photos.
You can copy and paste this into your browser’s address area. The video is two hours long and for most people the interesting photos would start at about 52:30 minutes. For the more scientifically oriented start at the beginning. Rocks were found which had shapes which made them look like ruins. A pyramid was found only 42 meters from the landing area. Glass dome remains were found along with other incredible things.

The Chinese moon landing took pictures which prove beyond a doubt there are ruins on the moon. This was the premise in the book “Dark Mission” by Hoagand and Bara. The book also showed what looked like the remains of glass domes over craters which they claimed were in the original photos taken by the astronauts. The Chinese have said nothing about the photos, they just put them up without comment. I guess they couldn’t bring themselves to say anything about the photos, because they were so bizarre. I have to hand it to the Chinese, because NASA never would have put up pictures like this.

Now we know what is being hidden from us on the moon, but what about what is on the far side of the moon. The moon keeps the same face toward earth so if an alien race wanted to observe us without being seen all they would have to do is colonize the far side of the moon and make occasional trips to earth from there. Some witnesses who either saw various photographs taken by the government of the far side or who were astronauts have said there are bases on the far side of the moon. Again, the question has to be asked, whose bases are they? In 1959 the Soviet Union set the Luna 3 spacecraft around the moon and it photographed the far side for the first time in history.

A man who claimed to have worked for the US government stated there was an alien base on the far side of the moon. There are some unusual photos made into a video and this is the address.
The man’s name was Milton William Cooper who was said to have been an US intelligence officer. He went on to say there is an alien base there known as Luna. Cooper was killed when his house was raided for non-payment of taxes. Strange coincidence was it not?

So what else has been said to have been found on the moon. There is a video which was made that claims to have found an alien ship on the moon, but that is not all. There is also a claim a female alien was well preserved and still in the pilot’s seat and had been sitting there for over a million years. It states we were still sending Apollo missions to the moon after we officially stopped and the crew of Apollo 20 had found the alien ship and recorded their experience. There is also another video which supposedly debunks it as a hoax. Was it really a hoax or not?
I don’t know the answer, but there has been a lot of talk about the man who confessed to the hoax.  Was he himself hoaxing us about it being a hoax? Here is the address of a supposed autopsy of the woman.

In conclusion the Chinese have proved we really did go to the moon as they have seen some of the very same things and photographed them as we did. However, they also proved we have been hiding some of the things we saw, just as many of us already knew.