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The 9th Planet and Earth Collisions

There is an area in our solar system which was named the Oort Cloud, it was named after the astronomer Jan Oort. He was a Dutch astronomer and one of the most important astronomers of the last century. His studies helped us to gain more understanding of the Milky Way galaxy. One of the things Oort was famous for was determining a vast cloud existed past the last planet and contained bodies which orbited the sun. Today astronomers accept the Oort cloud exists and there are a lot of bodies in it. Comets and other objects which zoom through our area of the solar system come from the Oort Cloud.

While we know this area exists and there are thousands of small bodies in it, it is suspected there could be a much larger object there and maybe even planets. We just don’t know what is there. We could be unpleasantly surprised by the appearance of a giant planet hiding in that area. The area is far from the sun and at that distance it is extremely hard to detect planets. The exoplanets which have been detected and are much further away were detected because they caused the light of their star to dim as they passed in front of it. It would be different for a planet or planets hiding in the Oort Cloud, because there is no star there.

We have been finding out the ancients were much better at astronomy than we first suspected. Many of them said there was a planet which passed by the earth every 20,000 years or so and if this is true it must have caused a lot of damage to the earth on these passages, because of gravitational waves and such. Could the ancients have known something which has been doubted by science today which could turn out to be true? There is an astronomer from Caltech who had discovered Eris, a body larger than Pluto which caused Pluto to be classified as a dwarf planet. He has teamed up with another astronomer from Caltech and they are analyzing orbits of a lot of small objects in the Oort Cloud. These scientists have come to the conclusion there is a large planet affecting the orbits of these objects. They are so sure of this they are predicting we will be able to see it in a couple of years. It is true telescopes are becoming more powerful all the time, so if the planet exists we might indeed see it.

Two scientists claim the object is big, far bigger than the Earth. They claim it could be ten times bigger. Its existence was found because there are six distant objects beyond Neptune and they line up in a single direction. This has puzzled astronomers. Now we are being told by the Caltech astronomers that, "The only way to get these objects to line up in one direction, is to have a massive planet lined up in the other direction." This has caused a celestial search of the area as many astronomers from different nations are searching this area with the hope of finding this huge planet. Astronomers have been finding dwarf planets in that area. They released something strange was going in 2014 in in the area. Could there be more than one planet there or perhaps some sort of black hole with powerful gravity causing this to happen? I guess anything is possible, but with multiple planets causing this effect I would think they would have to be lined up. A computer simulation showed if this body did exist it would move and turn the bodies it effected in a certain way and this was found to be true.

One thing we have to admit about the media is they go with the most sensational way to announce a story and when talking about the possibility of a giant planet in the Oort Cloud the New York Post declared “The mystery planet that could destroy the Earth.” This was done in large black letters on their website. Why couldn’t just say the chances of a 9th planet being discovered just increased? There is another area in the Solar System called the Kuiper Belt which appears after the orbit of Saturn which also is said to have comets and such in it, it is not the same as the Oort Cloud and is much closer. The Oort Cloud starts 5,000 to 50,000 AUs from the sun. An Astronomical Unit or AU is the distance of the sun to the Earth. The Oort Cloud is said to extend so far it goes halfway to the next solar system, which means that is where our solar system ends. Some scientists believe if there is a large planet out there it is what is known as a rogue planet. A rogue planet is one which has been blown out of its solar system. Scientists believed our sun captured a rogue planet and this was Planet 9. This has been all but disproved by computer simulations which reduced the chance of this down to about 3 or 4 percent.

This planet has been called by different names, some of them are Planet X and Nibiru. Some conspiracy theorists had predicted Planet 9 was going to come out of hiding and destroy the earth September 23, 2017. This is at least the fifth time in modern history this planet was predicted to destroy us. Some said it would destroy us when the Mayan calendar ran out and as we know this never happened. We were told this would also happen in 2003. People just refuse to stop predicting our planet’s demise. The sad part of this is there are some people who take this stuff seriously.

An author named Zecharia Sitchin wrote about a planet named Nibiru which is believed to be the same planet as Planet X. The book is ironically entitled “The 12th Planet.” Sitchin claims he interpreted Babylonian religious texts which talked about a giant planet named Nibiru or Marduk and said it passes the Earth every 3,600 years and this allows the inhabitants of this planet to interact with the people of earth. He went on to say he believed an ancient race called the Annunaki might return to earth by spaceship sometime between 2090 and 2370.

Is there anything to worry about? Almost surely not. There will always be some people who will predict large object and planets will crash into the Earth. They like to talk about the asteroid which wiped out the dinosaurs if that is what really happened. There is more of a chance of being killed by a car accident than a planet hitting the earth.