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Secret Space Fleet Anyone?

There have been quite a few people who have stated the fact a secret US space program exists. This has been pooh-poohed many times and yet there is enough circumstantial evidence to believe at least some of the people who claim this is true. Every once in a while someone pops up claiming to have knowledge of this program or even to have been in it. Yes some of the claims have been outrageous, but many feel this is done on purpose to discredit the program so that we won’t believe it exists. One of the more outlandish claims took place several years ago when a young man claimed he had been inducted to the secret space program and served for twenty years. Right off the bat this seemed very strange since the young man couldn’t have been more than about twenty-five years old so I couldn’t wait for him to explain how this was possible. He went on to say the United States had developed time travel and even though he served twenty years the military was able to bring him back to the exact spot they picked him up from in time. This still didn’t explain his age, because if time travel was really discovered and people got younger as they travel backwards, time travel wouldn’t be very useful and I would assume getting younger going backwards meant getting older going forward. This is one of the cases I believe which was put out on the Internet to make the idea of a secret space fleet sound ridiculous.

When we talk about a secret space fleet there seems to be two different versions. The first states we have developed our own spaceships, because we needed them to defend ourselves. The second version states we were given technology by friendly aliens who wanted us to be able to protect ourselves from other warlike aliens who had their eyes on the earth and wanted the planet for some nefarious reasons. Lately there has been a lot of talk by scientists in all different disciplines pertaining to the fact life probably exists on other planets. These are some of the same scientists who would’ve been afraid to make this statement just a few years ago, because of the ridicule factor. Even the Pope admits life probably exists on other planets. We live in a galaxy where there are probably billions of planets. To think we are the only life form in this entire part of space seems foolish.

First I’d like to look into the fact we may have built our own space fleet without any help from aliens. In the early 1990s it was said we developed a miniature space shuttle. It is also said it was part of the Aurora Project. The story goes on to say the military used a Valkyrie type bomber to fly this small space shuttle to the edge of space, where it was released. Some say this was the beginning of our secret space fleet. Several people saw sightings of this plane and one time the special bomber had to land in a much more public landing area, because of a severe storm over its Groom Lake landing site. It seems the bomber was fitted with special engines which allowed it to nearly leave the earth’s atmosphere. This allowed the small space shuttle to use much less fuel when it took off and therefore needed no boosters of any kind. The shuttle may have been spotted by the crew of a 747 in 1992. They had described seeing  a UFO with a lift body which was flying at supersonic speeds. Many think this was our new space plane. There was talk we had already flown a plane capable of six times the speed of sound in 1977 and it is thought some of this technology went into the space plane. You can see how as time passed and technology accelerated a secret space fleet could have improved to the point of being a capable weapon against any earth force.

Now for the second theory, aliens have helped us build a space fleet. There have been several incidents where people have testified to this fact and these people have spotless records. Some have been former NASA employees and others have worked for subcontractors, but the stories we hear seems to be the same. They have seen either aliens actually helping us build our fleet or they have seen advanced spacecraft which we have built and maybe even took part in the building of these craft. Sometimes people have such good reputations it is hard not to believe what they tell you they have seen. I remember one subcontractor who was at area 51 and claims he went into a room and was shocked to see an alien in there assisting humans in constructing vehicles. Others say we have come too far to have done it on our own and we can reach almost any planet in the galaxy with our ships.

A man named Cory Goode claimed he had been in the secret space program for twenty years and decided to become a whistleblower. He has become quite popular and has over 80,000 followings on his  Facebook page. He has written two books. A lot of people think the man is just a publicity hound looking to make a quick buck and even some UFO believers are not happy with all this guy’s popularity. Many people believe there is a secret space program which is run by the U.S. Navy. One of the reasons we have to believe there is a secret space program was the former head of the Lockheed Skunkworks, Ben Rich made a deathbed confession and stated we now had the means to take ET home wherever he came from. Why would such a respected man say something like this unless it was true and especially a man who knew exactly what was going on? He did it because he wanted us to know the truth. It is interesting to note he not only said we can go anywhere in space, but he also mentioned ET. Did he do this to let us know extraterrestrials exist before he died?

There are so many black budget programs in the US budget we can never know what is really going on. These types of programs have the permission to draw funds from other programs without their permission. This means we don’t even know how much is being spent which really makes them ripe for corruption. As far as I’m concerned the last thing we need are government programs without oversight, but be this as it may, there is an unlimited amount of funds available for a space fleet and I’m sure this has not escaped the purview of the military. I think we have to believe there is some sort of a space fleet, we don’t necessarily have to believe aliens helped us build it, but I guess anything is possible. One thing is true about this country and it has been demonstrated many times over the years, it is the fact no matter how expensive something is, if it is a weapon we will probably buy it to the delight of those weapons makers.