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Are We Keeping Secrets About Space?

One has to wonder how much we really know when it comes to traveling through space. This may seem like a strange thing to say since we can find a lot of information on the Internet from many different sources which deal in either astronomy or space travel. The reason I bring this up is some of us think a lot is being kept from us and we base this on the fact the United States probably has more secrets locked up in black projects than any other country in the world. One has to remember we are very paranoid about our secrets and don’t want them to get out. There have been a lot of commercial products which could have come out, but were stopped from being patented because the military was afraid they had other uses. I have to wonder how many wonderful things we have missed out on. Unfortunately for us many inventions which could be even be life-saving might be able to be turned around and used as some sort of weapon, because of this they don’t make it to market. I don’t know how true what I am about to say is, but I heard some incredible medical machines was stopped from being produced because we were too afraid they might have been turned into a weapon. This raises the question is it more important to save lives or is it more important to stop people from being killed? Even the most skeptical of us must realize how hard a choice this could be.

When it comes to space I wonder what we really do know versus what we are told we know. I guess the first area I would have to talk about would be alien intelligence. Sometimes when ideas are stated they have a basis in fact. There have been quite a few times when people suspected scientists knew more than they were telling us when they discussed theories they had. This comes up quite a bit when scientists talk about extraterrestrial life. Take the Hubble telescope for example, it was launched in 1990. The telescope had to be repaired three years later, because something was wrong with the mirror. The question some people have since the first exoplanet was discovered in 1992 by radio astronomers, have we ever found any exoplanets which might indicate intelligent life? We have been told we have found planets in other systems which are in the Goldilocks area where they were just at the right distance from their star to foster life. With all the years the Hubble telescope has been space has it ever discovered anything we are not being told about? I guess the real question is if an alien race was discovered on an exoplanet due to certain discharges into that planet’s atmosphere which were industrial, would we be told about it? We have to remember a study was done many years ago by a think tank which recommended we were not ready to learn about the existence of intelligent alien life. This study was paid for him by the US government. The study said this discovery would destroy society and religion. Knowing this, many people believe we will never be told if alien life is discovered unless there is absolutely no way to avoid it.

Over the years there has been a lot of talk about traveling in space and we have gotten to the point where private companies are starting to develop ways to travel in space. So far if one was to examine our methods of space travel and look at our primary method which is traveling by rocket, they would have to come to the conclusion we have not advanced very far in technology in the last seventy-five years or so. Sure we have made our rockets bigger and more complicated, but the principal is still the same. It reminds me of the time when we started making steam engines. We kept making them bigger and more complicated until finally we found a better way, which was the diesel engine. There has been a parade of witnesses who have talked at different conferences who claim we have propulsion systems far beyond rocket power. We know a couple have been made common knowledge, such as the ion engine. We have heard scientists talk about nuclear rockets and sails that capture the solar wind among other things, but those of us who have studied these things know we have been working for many years on other types of propulsion and this has more or less been kept secret. One of these types is antigravity and whistleblowers have stated we have at least three different types of antigravity engines. It is hard to believe this isn’t true, because we know the big companies such as Boeing have been working on this concept for at least twenty-five years. We also know there was an announcement which stated a big aerospace company had developed a fusion reactor so small it could fit in a fighter plane. Over the years there has been a lot of talk about the secret development of an engine which was the equivalent of the warp engine on Star Trek. It is hard to separate the wheat from the chaff, but it does seem we probably do have advanced engines.

This brings up other questions. Some of these questions involve physics. We have found out much of the quantum world is completely different than the world of Newtonian physics. The quantum world is the microscopic world. Things just don’t react the same there. One of the questions that has haunted scientists for a while is, are there many different levels in the universe? I am referring to the fact some believe we are living in a quantum type world, because they think there could be a much larger universe out there, or many larger ones and we are living among the atoms and molecules of that universe and we don’t realize it. If this is true and we could get to the bigger universe would that also be a quantum universe compared to the next bigger one it might be inside of? This is all theoretical of course, but it just illustrates how little we know about our surroundings.

Lastly there are some people who wonder if we know more about such things as wormholes and black holes than we are letting on? Have we discovered shortcuts throughout the universe and are we keeping it a secret? The nearest black hole to us, is a stellar black hole and is 3,000 light years away. It has between nine and thirteen times the mass of our sun. There is another black hole which is 6,000 light years away. It is also a stellar black hole and is fifteen times the mass of our sun. The black hole at the center of the universe is known as a supermassive black hole and is 27,000 light-years away in the center of our galaxy. Have scientists told us everything they know about black holes? It is certainly hard to answer this question as we have no way of really knowing, but black holes seem to have been eliminated as transit points since it is felt they would crush anything we could create to get through them. This leaves wormholes. Wormholes are thought to be tunnels which connect to points in space. We claim they are theoretical, but some believe there is a chance we might know more about wormholes than we are letting on and could have possibly found at least one in space.

I think we can safely say there is probably more known about space than we are told, but it would be a big secret, one which is guarded as well as our nuclear secrets, because we wouldn’t want to lose an advantage in a space war. We tend to think about advantages and war more than anything else.