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Mysteries of the Universe

We are told by some if you go against scientific theory you are stupid, but even scientists realize science can be hit and miss. One of those areas is in the theory of the universe. Scientists are realizing the universe is spreading out far too fast according to physics. Some are even saying a new field of physics may be needed to explain this. The universe is so complex we may never truly understand it. There are certain beliefs which might get challenged in the future which pertain to the universe. The first one which comes to mind is there are other universes and we are just one of many. It is hard for us to get our heads around this one. The average person would probably think there could only be one universe and it went on forever. Saying this creates a problem for us. “Forever” is a concept which we just can’t understand. When we say forever we are probably thinking of space not what is in it, because we know, or at least think, everything in space has a beginning and an end.

What if we are wrong, what if space also has an end and we just don’t know about it, because we cannot see what is really happening? Perhaps the space in the universe we are in was much bigger at one time and the older parts are just disappearing. We would never know at this point, because we are talking about distances so far there would be no way to check what is going on. If we could send a probe and it encountered nothingness, not even space, what would that be like? I have never heard of anyone talking about space disappearing have you? Does this mean it couldn’t be a possibility? I think at this time and with the limited knowledge we have about space, almost anything is possible. Maybe there is another possibility, maybe when space gets extremely old it turns into something else? Maybe it could completely change its state and become something we least expect.

We are constantly trying to figure out how the universe was formed and perhaps the answer is right in front of us. The answer could turn out to be black holes. In case you are wondering what I am talking about, I am talking about those strange singularities which have such powerful gravity, light can’t escape them or at least this is what we believed, until something was observed leaving. Perhaps these black holes just keep eating all the matter around them and growing as they do. At some point could they get so big they would join with other black holes creating an even bigger black hole? It is believed black holes can collide and this is believed to create gravitational waves with huge amounts of energy. It is even thought this could disturb time. I am not sure exactly what would happen to time and this is theoretical. As the universe ages and black holes continue to collide would they get so big their gravity would start to pull on objects in the universe or would the universe have expanded so much by then everything would be too far away from each other for this to happen?

Who is to say the reason for the expansion of the universe is not due to something like this which has already happened in the far reaches of the oldest part of the universe and some gigantic black hole or black holes are pulling the universe toward them at ever increasing speeds? It seems there are only two reasons for the fast expansion of the universe and they are either an attractive force is pulling us toward it or a repelling force is pushing the universe apart. As we study quantum physics might we find there is something at this scale which contributes to this expansion?  Maybe we are expanding ever faster because of different types of waves in space which are created by explosions or maybe it is just a combination of things such as gravity, explosions and other phenomena. This is one secret being kept by the universe which I expect us to solve and perhaps it will happen within the next 50 years or so.

The universe is like a giant puzzle, but is far more complicated. If there are other universes perhaps the laws of physics which apply to us will only partially apply to them or not apply at all.  There are some galaxies in our universe which are hard to explain. One of these is the El Gordo galaxy. What makes this galaxy so weird is its size. It has 3,000,000,000,000,000 the mass of our sun. To put this another way it has 3 million billion times the mass of our sun. One has to wonder how something gets this big.

There are carnivores in our universe and one of them is the Black Widow Pulsar. This object is small, only about the size of a small city, but it is feasting on its partner an average star. It just keeps stripping the material away from the star and devouring it make the pulsar larger. This causes the pulsar to gain energy and spin even faster and someday it will finish off the star which will no longer exist. It hard to imagine an object this tiny in astronomical terms could take on a huge star and slowly destroy it.

Astronomers think there is a chance for new star formation at a rapid pace in our galaxy. They think this because there is a cloud, Smith’s Cloud, which has so much hydrogen gas in it, it equals the amount found in one million stars. The cloud is heading our way and is predicted to hit the Milky Way in about 27 million years. The scientists believe the hydrogen could cause new star formation on a large scale. This event could account for why a galaxy was found so far away it is suspected to have been one of the oldest, yet is seems to contain young stars. It might have had a hydrogen event.

There are so many mysteries in the universe and they are just waiting for us to solve them. Perhaps they are beyond human understanding and we will have to wait until artificial intelligence is advanced enough to do the job for us, or maybe we will figure out how to increase human intelligence.