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Why The Big Bang Theory?

I have said a few times the Big Bang theory of how the universe started is flawed. Every theory ever proposed for how our universe started has been defective and until we can explain in one theory every aspect of how the universe was created, we essentially have nothing. Let me explain some of the flaws in the current theory and why it can’t work. One of the most glaring ones is the fact the universe exists on a plain. Have you ever seen an explosion of any force? If you have, you know it blasts things in every direction not along a plain. Since matter did not go in every direction if indeed this was an explosion, does this bar all explosions as the source of the universe? This creates a question for us and it is why has this theory been pushed on the public when most scientists know it isn’t true, do they know something they don’t want us to find out? Is there any way an explosion could have created a sort of flat universe? Yes there is and it is if a shaped explosion did it. This is an explosion which is forced into a certain pattern by artificial means.

There are many other things wrong with the Big Bang theory of universal creation. Scientists claim there is not enough uniformity in the universe for there to have been a Big Bang. When we look out at the universe we see how uneven it is. There are clumps of galaxies here and there, but they are not uniformly spread out through the cosmos. Let me say this however, here is where I disagree. Sure scientists will tell you galaxies should be uniformly spread out, but how do we know there not things in space which slow down some of them such as increased gravity from black holes or other phenomena we currently know nothing about. Yes if everything was perfectly the same throughout the universe maybe galaxy distribution would be uniform, but I think we don’t know enough about space to assume this at this time.

Okay let me ask you this question, if you picked up a piece of material off the ground you didn’t recognize would you automatically say aliens must have created it? If you did you would be basing that assumption on something which has yet to be proven and that is the fact aliens exist. Until it is proven aliens exist, your assumption has to be wrong. The same can be said for the Big Bang theory. Much of it is based on Dark Matter and Dark Energy. Scientists dreamed these concepts up to account for what they claimed was missing matter in the universe. They have gone as far as to say dark matter accounts for more than 90% of all matter. Since we have never seen dark matter or proved dark energy exists we are basing the foundation of our theory on sand. It is like solving a math problem and coming up short so you add the difference to get a correct answer. In what other fields would people invent the existence of things which have never been proved? If it turns out there is no dark matter and the calculations of missing matter are correct, we have to find a theory that accounts for this.

Maybe we shouldn’t assume Einstein’s and Newton’s theories are correct under all circumstances. According to some scientists and engineers the new EMDrive engine which has no exhaust and is in a sealed unit cannot function and yet it does and in so doing it violates the laws of physics. This proves my point, we should not be so confident about our scientific laws. Sir Isaac Newton published the 3 laws of motion and this engine violates the 3rd law which states for every action there is an equal and opposing reaction. When we look at how the universe was formed, perhaps we should be looking at it with a more open mind, one which is not bound by these laws.

One of things that irks scientists when studying the creation of the universe is a statement in the Big Bang theory which says the universe was created out of nothing. Supposedly the universe was said to have formed from quantum fluctuations which caused the Big Bang. If this is true it violated Newton’s first law of Thermodynamics. Poor Newton it seems his laws are falling apart. The first law of thermodynamics states matter cannot be created or destroyed. If this is true how could the universe have been created from nothing? Maybe that part of the Big Bang theory can be wrong and yet we could still figure out how to save the rest of the theory. The Big Bang might have been created by matter leaking into our universe from another dimension and yet this would mean basing a theory on yet another unproved assumption.

Scientists have predicted the age of the universe at about 14 billion years old. They may be wrong, or something else may be at play here. Some scientists believe the universe is far too big to have formed in this time. I for one have never believed anyone who has never been able to see the entire universe should try and tell us the size or age of the universe. We don’t know what lies past the part of the universe we can see. The universe may extend on forever. If it does end what would be there at the boundary? I really don’t see any relevancy to this and the Big Bang theory. Maybe scientists are getting caught up in too many complexities. There is so much which doesn’t fit into the Big Bang theory it is because many aspects of the theory have to be adjusted and yet it still doesn’t fit. If we find out some day the universe is 28 billion years old will that change the Big Bang theory?

There are certain theories in science which are not allowed to be criticized. One is evolution and another is the Big Bang theory. People have lost jobs, because they criticized the theory of evolution and even today many scientists are too scared to go against it even though many secretly think it is either partially or entirely wrong. I don’t know about anyone losing a job over the Big Bang theory, but going against it makes other scientists look at you like you are crazy. In a profession where respect means everything, you don’t want to buck the tide. Maybe if this wasn’t the case, a lot more scientists would look at this theory with an eye to finding something better. Social pressure can make it very hard for scientists and even for the rest of us and it is even worse today with social media.