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Unexplained Space Failures

Recently a SpaceX rocket exploded. SpaceX is run by Elon Musk, the same person who runs Tesla Motors. When the rocket was destroyed there was something very strange nearby in the sky and it appears in some videos. The reason it is not in all videos is it is out of the frame on top on some of them, depending on the camera angle and when the photo was taken. Many people who have watched this video believe the UFO may have been responsible for the explosion. In some of the photos which were taken a little later, the UFO can be seen moving much closer to the rocket and now something unprecedented has been said by the head of a large corporation. Elon Musk has said he is not ruling out the fact the UFO may have destroyed his rocket.

A theory has been around for quite a while which states we don’t want private companies or other countries knowing what we are doing in space. If we believe this, maybe the UFO was not a UFO in the strict sense of the word and was one of our secret spacecraft and we decided Musk was too much of a risk to let him see what is really going on. On the other hand perhaps it was an extraterrestrial UFO and they were demonstrating their power over us. There is a long history of very strange things happening in space and some of them are just too hard to explain. Let me give you an example of what I am talking about. The Soviet Union had a tremendous amount of failed Mars probes. They started sending probes to Mars in 1960 and the first one never even got into orbit. The second failed on the way to Mars. The next was destroyed on launch. The first eight probes were total failures. The ninth probe made it into orbit around the red planet and was a mapping probe, but couldn’t map anything due to the constant dust storms on Mars. In 1971 the Soviet Union attempted to land on Mars and that failed. Then another orbiter entered orbit to map Mars and again could not do it due to dust storms. Another Lander was deployed, but contact was lost. After that approximately another five probes failed in one way or another. Fobos 1 was launched in 1988, but its communications were lost before it reached Mars and it never went into orbit. Fobos 2 was launched on the same day and contained a lander. The orbiter went into orbit, but the lander failed after communications were lost. In 1996 Russia tried again with Mars 96, but it had a launch failure. In 2011 Russia tried again with Fobos-Grunt, but there was a failure and it didn’t launch. When this failed it also prevented its payload from China from being deployed. The ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter is a joint project launched in 2016 by Europe and Russia. It is an orbiter which is presently in route to the red planet. Somehow India managed to launch an orbiter in 2013 which entered Mars orbit on their first try.

Has something been interfering with most of the space shots, if so how come the United States has been so successful and yet the Soviet Union and later Russia have been so unsuccessful? One of the strangest things was data sent back by the Soviet Phobos space probe. It shows the moon Phobos, one of the moons of Mars and what seems to be a UFO about 15 miles long. The data seems to indicate the probe was shot down by this enormous spacecraft. One has to ask the question was this an alien spacecraft or was it part of the secret space fleet. I guess it all depends on what stories you believe. Do you believe there is a secret space fleet? There are two schools of thought about that. One school of thought says yes there is and that is why the United States has such a big deficit and the space fleet is entirely ours. Another school of thought says yes it exists, but it is a joint effort with some of the other nations of the earth. Then there are those who say it doesn’t exist at all, because we don’t have the advanced technology which would be needed. There are those people who say if we knew about all the secret technology we have, we would realize we are at least hundreds of years more ahead in space technology than we think. Of course there is that other group, the group that says there is no secret space program and what is happening is being caused by extraterrestrials. The last group thinks nobody is causing anything and what is happening is just coincidence. I have to say when I look at the Soviet and Russian space programs I can’t help but wonder how a country who was so advanced in space technology could have had so many failures trying to get to Mars? Why was it so many of their failures were due to failures in communication? Were their signals being blocked?

In 2012 the chief of Roscosmos in Russia blamed many of his nation’s failures in space on sabotage by foreign forces. He didn’t name the United States, but his statement was clearly aimed at us. He went on to say some Russian craft had suffered unexplained malfunctions and these malfunctions happened while they were flying over another side of the globe, beyond the reach of the nation’s tracking facilities. He was being questioned by reporters about the failure of the Phobos-Grunt probe. Some will say he was only saying this to cover his own failures and perhaps they could be right, but the record seems to indicate there is far too many of these failures, which doesn’t mean the United States was responsible, but who really knows what’s going on in space? We have no way to know anything about space except what we are allowed to know and what we are allowed to know may not even be 100% correct.

I would like to end this article by talking about what some people fervently believe. There are plenty of videos around showing UFOs hovering around nuclear facilities. Some even shine lights on them and we don’t even know what these lights do. There are those who believe aliens think we are a very dangerous race, because of this. They believe aliens don’t want us to gain superior abilities in space travel, because they don’t want us to spread our warlike ways. I could almost buy this if I knew aliens truly existed and if the United States wasn’t so successful with its probes. To counter this there are those who say we are not successful and everything we are seeing which shows probes, landings, rovers and even the Apollo space program has been staged. They say we never really went to Mars or even the moon and if we would have, we would have suffered the same fate as the Russians who were really trying to do it.

This is a very complex issue with many different possibilities and I don’t believe we will be seeing any answers very soon.