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The Building Blocks Of Life

Recently an incredible discovery was made and it was at least some of the building blocks for life have been found in space. It is hard to imagine this happening. We used to think of life as being very rare in the universe, now we are starting to believe the universe might be teeming with it. We have done quite a reversal in our thinking. This is one of the things we had to come to terms with before we got into space in a serious way. If there was no chance of life anywhere there wouldn’t be much of a reason to go any further than our solar system, since it probably contained everything we would ever need, but the chance of finding intelligent life here seems to be slim, but of course I certainly could be wrong in my assessment. It could turn out some of the best prospects in our solar system for finding life on, are moons. When we look at some of the moons orbiting Jupiter and Saturn, some of them are indeed more like planets than some of the planets themselves.

If the building blocks for life are just floating around in space what does this mean? First of all let me say the building blocks we are finding are building blocks which seem to be for our type of life. If there are other building blocks out there which might lead to a different type of life, say one which is not carbon based, would we even know them if we found them? I think probably not, so is it a really big coincidence building blocks of human and animal life which appears on this planet have been found? Maybe not. Since we know nothing of what alien life might be composed of, there could be several reasons for these types of building blocks to exist. One reason I can think of is many or all life in the universe is composed of the same building blocks. This doesn’t mean it would all look like life found on earth. There might be creatures similar to elephants for example which don’t have a trunk or have long toes. I believe the environment they are in would ultimately dictate their body style.

The same building blocks might be the same for all creatures. It may not matter if they are carbon based, silicone based or have some other base. They might use all the same building blocks or just some. If the building blocks for life are floating in space than objects which fly through this area might get coated with these building blocks, expanding their coverage as they fly off to distant areas. I am talking about meteors, asteroids, comets and yes even rogue planets and moons. So where did these building blocks come from. Some say they were created when the universe first came into existence in the microseconds of the Big Bang. I personally don’t like to cite the Big Bang, because the theories of how the universe first came into being are always changing, but the Big Bang seems to have some longevity to it. It is as if a higher force made sure life would evolve in the cosmos and it seems we are going to be finding a lot more of it than we first suspected.

There are other theories that the building blocks of life are being constantly created on other primitive worlds. I remember a headline a while ago which stated the Mars Rover Curiosity found the building blocks for life on the surface of Mars. This could be an indication there was past life on that world or that there is still life on the planet and NASA either doesn’t know about it yet or they have kept it a secret. I would hate to think that would be the case. There could be things alive on our world which we don’t recognize as life forms or at least life forms with any intelligence. Certain plants have been found to be able to communicate with each other. No they don’t shout hello or anything like that. It is more of a chemical communication. There have been those who have been studying what others think is a strange area and that is whether water is alive. It’s been a while since I read about this study and don’t remember who the people were conducting it, but they were investigating whether water could perform some intelligent tasks and make intelligent decisions. They were under the impression there was something strange in the way water reacts under certain circumstances. If we ever found out water was alive, might we have to rethink some of the tragic “accidents” which have happened in the oceans of the world. Could it be water decided to sink some ships?

When we think about the building blocks of life we have to wonder how nature would have gotten the formula right to create us, after all it seems to be about chemistry. When you are creating with chemistry the amounts of each ingredient have to be precise or the result will not be the same every time. Therefore it does seem the environment of a world has to do with the chemical formula, doesn’t it? If we find a large difference in life across the universe it might mean it happened because the worlds were substantially different from earth. Less oxygen might call for bigger lungs and more gravitational pull for stronger muscles. These two things alone might alter the physical appearance of a being. On the other hand a world like ours with less gravity might produce something similar to a type of alien which has been reported, known as the Greys. They are said to have big heads and skinny arms.

Could there be parts of our own galaxy which the building blocks for life haven’t reached yet or were destroyed in their travels? It does seem most possible. There are a tremendous amount of dangers in space, all sorts of X-ray bursts, radiation, heat, black holes and things we probably haven’t discovered yet, which pose great danger to everything. When scientists say the universe is probably teeming with life they are not talking about it being distributed evenly everywhere. There certainly could be dead zones, places where life can’t exist for various reasons. It could be because of the dangers I mention above or the fact the area is too young for life to have developed yet. We really don’t know at what point life evolved on our planet. It took a long time on this one, but it might not be the same for some other planet. The oldest life found on earth are microbes said to be 3.5 billion years old. The earth is said to be about 4.5 billion years old which means it was a billion years old before even microbes appeared. This is all based of course on the age of the earth being correct. There are those who don’t agree with that date.

I think it is safe to say finding the building blocks of life in so many places has more or less guaranteed life exists throughout the universe.