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Gravity Waves Proven To Exist

Something very exciting happened today in the scientific community. It was proven that gravitational waves do exist and that Einstein was correct. This may not mean much to the average person, but it could have an overwhelming effect in the future. The reason I say this is space itself has now been proven to be bending. When we detect light in space it doesn’t matter where it comes from it is still being sent out to us in the form of waves that have radiation. Gravity waves are also waves as implied by the name, but they do not have radiation. The reason scientists are so excited is they believe they are going to be able to use these waves to find out much more about the history of the universe than we know today.

It is rather exciting think about it, we are talking about not only bending space which seems incredible, but also about bending time. One has to wonder if we will ever be able to take advantage of these things. There has long been talk about bending space as a way of moving around faster without violating what most scientists believe is the limit set by the speed of light. Science has long held a theory that states the faster we go the more energy we need to do it and to go faster than the speed of light would be impossible, because there is not enough energy in the universe to propel us that fast. I have always wondered about this, but who am I to argue what Einstein? It is just that I remember how science used to say we couldn’t break the speed of sound in an aircraft and look where we are today. There are even some who say we have secret aircraft which can fly 15 times the speed of sound. While I can’t verify this fact I can certainly verify the fact that there are military aircraft which can fly at least three times the speed of sound.

The idea of bending time is also extremely exciting. Could there be a way of traveling through time which exists in space? If one were to study this phenomena would they eventually be able to create a time machine? The fact that time is not what we thought it was, something which travels in a straight line which can never be interrupted, has changed the way we think about time. For hundreds of years people have been writing stories about time travelers, so the possibility for time travel has existed in the minds of humanity for quite a while. We really don’t know what time travel would be like. Everything we read tells us that it would merely be us appearing in a different time in a world existing with the people and the things that are there at the time we enter it. I’ve never seen much about time travel which suggested that even though we might be able to go into the past there would only be shadows of people who once lived there and no living things, but we really don’t know the answer. Going back in time may not be the experience that everybody thinks it is and the same may be true for going forward. For example it could turn out to be a one-way trip and the future could just be an empty shell since no one has lived it yet.

When we talk about bending space I have to wonder how safe that would be. It may be that this would only be allowed to be done in large areas of space which are not populated. If you are wondering why I say that think of things this way, what would happen to a planet full of people if a spaceship was bending space and these waves washed over it? Is there a possibility that the people on the planet would be taken out of the normal time stream and somehow transported to a new one since time is also being affected? Talk about disrupting society, something like this could have devastating effects. This also makes me wonder how many populated planets this may have happened to from natural sources? Perhaps our planet was hit by one of these waves at one time? We know Mars is now a pretty desolate planet, but we suspect that many years ago it could have even harbored life and that something terrible happened to it. There are many different theories which try to explain what happened, but we really don’t know. We also suspected a planet may have existed where the asteroid belt is now between Mars and Jupiter and that something destroyed it. Could gravitational waves have played any part in any of this destruction? We know the universe is a very dangerous place, there are many different types of events which could snuff out our planet even if they happen a good distance away, such as a gamma ray explosion. What we don’t know is what would happen with a gravity wave explosion.

Can you imagine a planet full of people who are very advanced getting hit with a gravity wave explosion and the planet being sent back in time and all of their advances lost? Some might say there is no danger of this happening and that maybe I am going too far, but to these critics I have to say who made you an expert in gravity waves and how do you know what would happen? The point being we just don’t know what would happen, but we do know even though objects warp time and space it is only by a very minuscule amount. It is believed that it takes a couple of colliding black holes to produce gravity waves strong enough to examine. The thing is every galaxy seems to have black holes, therefore there must have been many times when these gravity waves were released. One of the things we are going to have to do is check the center of our galaxy, where a large black hole is known to exist and check for these waves. Perhaps in the distant past that black hole was much smaller and collided with another black hole releasing gravity waves.

I think the possibility of bending space and what would happen if we continue to do it was dealt with in one of the Star Trek episodes. I don’t remember which Star Trek series it was, but I seem to remember there was an area in space when no warp drive ships were allowed, because it was destroying the very fabric of space. If we think about ships constantly bending space using some sort of drive created by observing gravitational waves, this could come true someday. Somehow I think the future of traveling through space fast enough to reach the distant edges depend upon not bending space, but quantum entanglement where atoms can instantly change the information in one atom no matter how far it is. If we could adopt this somehow we could travel anywhere instantly.


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