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A New Take On Mars And Moon Photos

There are some people who believe NASA has been pulling our collective legs. This is nothing new as NASA has been the target of many individuals and groups, because of certain practices they employ. I remember when I first became very disappointed in NASA, it had nothing to do with their policies, it was because of a tragic decision they made and how when things went terribly wrong they tried to pass the blame on to someone else. I am talking about when the space shuttle Challenger exploded. The weather was too cold for a launch, but NASA insisted on it. They had been warned by Thiokol, the makers of the boosters that it was too dangerous to launch the shuttle in such cold weather, but NASA disregarded this warning. The shuttle exploded 73 seconds into the launch and NASA quickly blamed Thiokol engineers. Any respect I had for the agency was gone at that point. It seemed to me human lives were not as important as launching a shuttle on time.

Over the years NASA has been accused of altering all sorts of evidence so we wouldn’t know what was really taking place or what the cameras really took photos of. Recently some people have been claiming some or all of the photos coming from Mars, which are said to be taken by rovers we have stationed there, are really coming from the earth. When I first heard this I couldn’t help but think of the people who said we didn’t really land on the moon. Then a thought came into my head, one I had never thought of before and it was that even though I am sure we did land on the moon, how do I know all the lunar photos came from the moon? Perhaps there are things on the moon NASA doesn’t want us to see, so rather than alter some photos it might be easier to use the lunar set which was built for practice landings. Some would say this sounds crazy, but let’s look at some of the things which have happened on Mars.

Remember the lady who worked for NASA and stated she and five other people saw a human walking on Mars who was being photographed by the Curiosity Rover? She had said the cameras were hurriedly shut off in her area and the six people ran up one floor and could still see the man on their monitors. While I initially thought we had secretly sent humans to Mars, I could have been very wrong. It just might be we have a rover in a desolate desert area on earth taking photos. Could this be why there was a photo taken of something which look just like a squirrel or rat? Have we been taken for a ride and are some of those very interesting photos such as the statue of what looks like a woman, and other photos which seem to show parts of ruins to us, being shown on purpose so we won’t realize these photos are not really of Mars.

Why would the government want to keep from us what is really happening on Mars? There are a lot of theories about this. One is we never went to Mars, similar to the theory we never went to the moon. I think the most popular theory about this is there are things happening on Mars and parts of the moon the government doesn’t want us to know about. An example of this might be bases on Mars and the moon. There has been some testimony by people who claim to have served in military units and were stationed on Mars. Some have said Mars even has an atmosphere and it is possible to breathe. There are those who claim there are ruins covering the planet and this is also being kept from us. If we tie in the fact many believe we have a space fleet and there has been some leaks about this, it would seem we must have some bases somewhere other than earth. In the same vein it has been said the dark side of the moon has a lot of activity. We hear a lot of stories that aliens are there, but is it really us hiding behind an alien story?

We have known for decades NASA has been altering photos, many times it is obvious and other times it requires closer examination, but the evidence is there. Some of the photos supposedly taken on the moon have the same hills in the background even though they were taken at different sites where you should not have been able to see these hills. Some of our astronauts have said there were aliens on the moon, but could they have really been seeing vehicles made on earth? If we really have advanced technology locked up in black projects and it seems we do, who knows how long we might have been in space and since NASA astronauts would not have access to this information it would be natural for them to think it was aliens.

This would mean all the talk about aliens is just a cover up for our space program and meant to keep it secret. Having said this, I am only saying it is a possibility not a certainty. The problem is there is so much secrecy it has become a disease. A disease which has spread throughout the government and has become the usual way of conducting business. We are no longer a democracy in a lot of ways. You can’t have a democracy when the people are kept out of every important decision, because they are not told what is really happening. This doesn’t only apply to the space program and NASA.

The next time you see a photo of a strange thing on Mars or on the moon, give a thought to the fact the photo may not have been taken where you are told it was. If you have an agency which is willing to alter photos to keep certain things secret, why wouldn’t they substitute photos taken from somewhere else? There is no reason I can think of. The more I think about things, the more I feel NASA’s true purpose is not perfecting space travel, it is perfecting the art of hiding the truth about the space program from us and the government is willing to spend billions of dollars to accomplish this and we are the ones paying for it.



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