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Secret Mars

The case for life on Mars is a pretty strong one. Before I go into it I would like to talk about the fact evidence is building up which shows we have been there and may still be. A whistleblower who worked for NASA said she saw a worker walking on Mars Β in 1979 on her monitor and others in the room did also, but when the monitors were shut down they ran up to another room and could still see him through the glass door on a monitor. I know you are going to say she is not telling the truth and just wanted attention. This could have been the case except for other indications. One is a photograph of the shadow of a worker fixing the Curiosity Rover. It can be seen on the Daily Mail at http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2925341/Life-Mars-New-NASA-photo-shows-workman-fixing-space-Rover-Red-Planet-conspiracy-theorists-claim.html. You can copy and paste this address into the address bar of your web browser. Sorry, About Facts doesn’t use live links. I have seen several photos of Mars which show indications of human visitation. One was a perfect footprint of a man’s dress shoe and another of a cigarette butt of all things, from a filtered cigarette left on the surface of the planet and photographed by one of the rovers. These are some of the reasons I believe we are on Mars.

Now for the evidence Mars was once a civilized inhabited planet. Scientists have said since Mars is not geologically dynamic like the earth is, things on the surface of Mars will last for a lot longer than objects and structures on our planet. This is important to know, because it could indicate anything we find on Mars could be millions of years old not just a few centuries. One of the first things we have to remember is no matter what we see on Mars and no matter what is released by NASA in photos, we will be told it is not what it looks like because deniability it the name of the game. Take the example of the face on Mars which was photographed by the Viking space probe, it clearly showed an Egyptian face in an area which also had a pyramid. Do you believe in coincidences, because this would have had to be one of the biggest in history? How did NASA deny this? It was easy they just took a color photo of the face and left out over 80% of the photo’s data making the face look like a mound. Some scientists at the time were up in arms when they found out a photo which was supposed to contain 256 colors had only 16 left and the data from those other colors was lost.

Debris is scattered over many places on Mars and it was not hard to see parts of buildings laying in the sand. I remember one photo I saw had an ornate cornice and another a base for a column. These are the types of things which are hard to deny and yet what have we heard about them? I haven’t heard anymore and I don’t think anyone else has. We just calmly accept the fact we are never going to be told about these object, because in some cases silence is used instead of denying. One of the problems with evidence we find is other things are shown which are clearly nothing and yet we see comments indicating they are this and that. Again this is a way of turning off people who see objects indicating a former civilization, because they say it is just another kook thinking they see something which isn’t there. We have been told by NASA it is hard to get the correct color of the sky on Mars and yet all the probes have instruments which can do this. This is why many believe the sky on Mars is the same color as earth and that Mars does have an atmosphere.

Bricks have been found on the surface of Mars and we all know what bricks are for, building. On top of that objects used in construction have been photographed which have strange writing on them. There are a lot of objects like this and you can see some of them by copying this address to your browser’s address bar, http://rense.com/general68/nasaisnt.htm. You will probably want to read the article at this location it is very informative. A top biologist claims NASA is hiding the fact life still exists on Mars. Many different carvings of faces have been found on the red planet. They all look pretty much human. Strange objects are being found quite frequently and if you copy and paste this address into your browser’s address bar you can see one which looks like it has several flat boards attached to its overturned bottom. http://www.ufo-blogger.com/2015/01/nasa-mars-curiosity-photographed-carved-animal-statue.html. I personal do not see how this object could ever be a natural one, but I am sure if I contacted NASA about it and they decided to answer they would say it was, because they are told to never admit anything shown in a NASA photo is a sign of current or former life on the planet Mars.

Ancient rock carvings have been found which are said to resemble those of ancient civilizations here on earth. You can plainly see figures carved into the rock. The figures are fascinating and just reinforce the fact there was life on Mars which was not only intelligent, but which may have been similar to that on earth and perhaps even moved there. Here is the address for the carvings, http://www.ufo-blogger.com/2015/01/nasa-mars-curiosity-photographed-carved-animal-statue.html. While the next thing I am talking about is questionable it does seem to look like a cross. I say questionable, because it could be caused by light and shadows, but at first glance it doesn’t seem to be. Here is the address of the video, http://beforeitsnews.com/beyond-science/2014/03/there-are-amazing-alien-artifacts-being-found-on-mars-you-are-being-lied-too-proof-of-ancient-aliens-2445730.html.

Unlike a lot of other topics I talk about on this site, the evidence for a past civilization which lived on Mars seems to be overwhelming. We are only seeing a tiny piece of the pie. NASA is probably keeping 99% of the proof for themselves. There have been suggestions of complete skeletal remains being found along with many partial skeletons of creatures. As far as current life goes there has been reports of small unknown types of animals and even rats. Is the true nature of Mars being hidden from us and could Mars even be the place where the human race was born? The answer is yes and they may have come to earth thousands of years ago and beat out the Neanderthals for dominance. Perhaps they were the ones who preserved some of the secrets on ancient building techniques and this is how the ancients learned how to perform what seems like miracles to us today?


